“Celestial Court is waiting to be thrived. Please also senior Brothers for help.”

After the initial excitement, looking at the broken Celestial Court, Haotian couldn’t help but feel dumbfounded. Laozi and the others ask for help.

Although Haotian looks down on Haotian, after all, it was Way Ancestor Hongjun who ordered it, and they couldn’t ignore it completely.

Also, Celestial Court is the center of Great Desolate. If it is in tatters, it is indeed a bit shameful.

So several Saints shot together, borrowing the power of Heavenly Way, to repair Celestial Court and restore its former grandeur.

Of course, the grand occasion of the past cannot be compared with Celestial Court in the Emperor Jun era.

After all, Lich retreats, just like Dragon Phoenix retreats back then. Basically, their treasure house was taken away. Celestial Court is no exception. The whole Celestial Court appears dilapidated. In addition to the fact that the Great Battle of Witch and Demon fought so many times, there are also reasons why the man in the dark is three feet high.

“Okay, I will leave another Avatar to help the Jade Emperor.”

This is Lao Tzu. He is the Xuanmen First Senior Brother. Naturally, he must take the lead in expressing his position, but he is under his sect. Only now there is only one Great Master of Xuandu. The Eastern Prince’s Primordial Spirit has just been reincarnated, and Human Race has not yet taken off. Therefore, he has not at all the extra manpower. After thinking about it, he sent his Avatar Supreme Taoist over, and he was in Dusit. Pill medicine is practiced by the palace team, which is a kind of appearance, and also a supervision.

“My Direct Disciple Antarctic Immortal can be one of the Eternal Life Great Emperors.”

Lao Tzu expressed his opinion, primordial naturally follow closely from behind, symbolically sent one The disciple comes over. It’s not like the twelve Golden Immortal. And what you want is one of the six royals that is as famous as the Celestial Emperor.

With the arrogance of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, naturally he would not be willing to let his disciples be inferior to others, especially the boy below Haotian.

So he set up the six imperial decentralization, the six imperial emperors are the Jade Emperor Great Emperor, Gouchen Shanggong Emperor Great Emperor, Zhongtian Arctic Ziwei Great Emperor [1] ;, East Pole Qinghua Great Emperor, Antarctica Eternal Life Great Emperor, Chengtian imitated the Houtu Emperor.

Although the Jade Emperor is respected as the Great Emperor, the others are not weak, especially those who inherited the sky and imitated the Houtu Emperor. That is the location of Houtu, no one dared to covet it.

“Under my door…”

Zhun Tizheng wanted to speak, and dispatched Maitreya and the others to the Jizo, Maitreya and the others, not to mention the role of Liu Yu. Important positions, but you can also get in. This can lay the foundation for the West to settle in the East in the future and the Dharma to spread to the east.

Besides, Celestial Court also has fates, which can help the cultivator. For the poor West, this is not to be missed.

As for the causal entanglement of Celestial Court, it is not a major event for the West. After all, this is what Buddhism is best at.

They can even be a cultivator for incense aspirations, and even the Ksitigarbha will make a big aspiration. If hell is not empty, he will not become a Buddha. Can hell be empty? So, since you are not afraid of this, naturally you are not afraid of these causes and effects.

Unfortunately, the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Celestial Court has long been regarded by Three Purities as the Celestial Court of the Xuanmen. Naturally, the two westerners can’t tolerate the interference. After all, the cake is so big. If one more person shares the food, they will lose one point. Interests, therefore, Lao Tzu and the others have long guarded against them.

“This is the Xuanmen, the Celestial Court in the East, the Fellow Daoist is in the West, it is better to take care of your own affairs.”

Speaking, Three Purities exploded at the same time. In an imposing manner, each took out their own Supreme Treasure in their hands, and locked the guides. It seemed that once they disagreed, they had to do one.

The anger in Zhunti’s heart is hard to describe. Unfortunately, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

After all, in terms of backing, footing, fate, merit, cultivation base, Divine Ability, Supreme Treasure, they are inferior to each other in all aspects.

“Skills are not as good as people, how can I do it!”

Sighed secretly in the heart.

“That’s all, we have a lot of things to deal with in the West, so let’s go first.”

Speaking, pick up an indignant Zhun mention, turn around and leave. No muddle-headed.

In fact, he did not lie. After all, they just received a batch of Monster Race members, and they haven’t had time to digest them.

Of course, the real situation is that the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom, but there is still a fig leaf in the end.

“Your Majesty is the Celestial Emperor selected by Dao Zu. Naturally, there is no ability to say. We trust you very much. The next thing is left to you. I hope you will not let Dao Zu down.”

After Zhunti left, Three Purities showed Haotian Jade Pool an expression that I am optimistic about you, and then turned and left without the slightest hesitation.

As for Nuwa, naturally he didn’t want to see other people carve up the Celestial Court of Monster Race in front of him. Therefore, he left this sad place immediately.

Looking at the empty Celestial Court in front of them, Haotian and Yaochi simply wanted to cry without tears.

At the beginning of Celestial Court, Haotian wanted to discuss with you Saints, and wanted them to help Hongjun’s face or two, and send some sect members and disciples to assist him. After all, now Celestial Court has long been broken because of the Great Battle of Witch and Demon. What’s more important is that except for their two generals without an army, there is no one under them. Either the Monster Race was taken away by the Western Section Cult, or Nuwa was taken into the Imperial Imperial. In the Palace, all the rest were sent to the place where the ghost god of the northern club Reed Continent was tired.

Besides that they have been with Hongjun all the year round, they are not so familiar with Great Desolate. They just don’t know where to start if they want to recruit people for a while.

The most important thing is that they now have a Celestial Emperor’s name, and they don’t even have Saint to help. Others either want to wait and see.

So, they pin their hopes on Saint, hoping that they will look at Hongjun and help them by listening to the sermons together at Purple Heaven Palace.

Unfortunately, they think too much.

The result is quite different from what I imagined.

At this moment, Haotian’s intestines are all regretful. If they knew this was the case, they would never open this mouth at first.

Now it is self-sufficient.

There was no help, but there was a Retired Emperor Supreme Taoist on top of their heads, and a decentralized Antarctic Eternal Life Great Emperor.

As for Zhun Ti, who really wanted to help, he was blocked by Three Purities.

Really occupy the pit and not shit.

I don’t want to help Celestial Court, and I don’t allow the West to join. It’s really overbearing.

Unfortunately, there is no Regret Medicine in life. Although time and space can be reversed, it is clear that they also have no such ability. Not to mention them, I am afraid that Dijiang and Zhujiuyin can’t even raise their eyebrows.

When Haotian saw this, he was very indignant, but Lao Tzu and the others completely ignored him. If he didn’t look at Hongjun’s face, he dared to show everyone a good look. .

“hmph, ride a donkey to read the script, let’s walk and see.”

Haotian thought of gnashing teeth secretly in his heart.

At this moment, I am afraid it will plant the bane of the Investiture of Gods battle in the future.

Good guy, that’s all if you don’t help, you still dare to find crimes for him everywhere, let alone Haotian, it is that clay figurines still have three points of fire.

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