For the West, it is really poor and white, lacking everything.

Lack of Sacred Jewel, lack of blessed land, lack of spirit root, lack of Spiritual Qi, lack of talents…

Now that Sacred Jewel can’t be counted on, look at the entire battlefield. The only thing that can make them attractive is probably only human beings.

Therefore, I would like to raise my eyeballs and turn my mind, devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence said to Nuwa,

“Nuwa Junior Sister, although this amount of calamity has been It was over, but it caused the Tianzhu to break, the sky broke, and the lives of all races died. It caused boundless karma strength. Monster Race was the first to bear the brunt. It was the culprit. Although Emperor Jun and the others were dead, Monster Race remained. But they need to repay the cause and effect. In this way, let me take them back to the Western Bliss world and use the Dharma to save them every day, so that they can put down their butcher swords and become Buddhas as soon as possible.”

At the time of the reaction, Zhun Ti swept away the Seven Treasure Tree in his hand, and part of the remaining Monster Race was swept away.

“Zhunti Piff, you dare!”

Seeing Zhunti’s movements, Nuwa was blown up.

After the Great Battle of Witch and Demon, although Monster Race has not been saved, it has fallen, but there is still her Saint, in front of her, Zhunti dare to ignore her face and take it away Monster Race, it didn’t put her in the eye, it was a face slap.

Immediately took out the red hydrangea with one hand and smashed it towards the Qibao Miaoshu in Zhunti, and shook out the Mountains and Rivers State Chart with the other hand, moving towards the rest of the Monster Race roll, and all were taken away.

“Quick mention, hand over my Monster Race son Lang, otherwise, I am irreconcilable with you!”

Nuwa harsh words and stern looks said.

A Mountains and Rivers State Chart with one hand, a red hydrangea with one hand, and a golden wheel of merit on the top of the head, it seems that if you don’t agree, you have to do it.

“hmph, irreconcilable? Do you think I am afraid of you in the West?”

Coldly snorted, not for the sake of face, or for the West, he will not recognize Counsel, immediately showed the Bodhi golden body, holding the Seven Treasure Tree in one hand, and holding the blessing pestle in the other, and confronted Nuwa.

Although he is not Nuwa’s opponent, he has to fight before he knows. Besides, it is not because his Senior Brother is taking the lead, so Zhun said he doesn’t care about Nuwa’s threat.

Just like Fang Qingshan swept Primal Chaos Bell away, since

is a duck that has reached its mouth, how can he let him fly out?

It seemed that Three Purities and Nuwa were about to fight, but Three Purities didn’t say anything. Standing aside, sitting atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight. As if lest they don’t fight.

Originally, at the last Great Battle of Witch and Demon, Zhunti and Receiving formed an ally with Nuwa, and their threat to the Three Purities Xuanmen skyrocketed. At this moment, they had infighted, and Three Purities was naturally celebrating. .

“Well, Zhunti Fellow Daoist is really courageous, and you want me to agree.”

Nuwa didn’t expect Zhunti to actually take advantage of her. For a while, if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off, the complexion turns blue and purple.

Don’t fight, face is not good, fight, you will definitely fail in the end.

Because she also knows that Zhunti is not her opponent, but she still has a lead. Not to mention that the two of them work together. It is not she can deal with just drawing one person.

Therefore, after a long while, Nuwa gave up hard resistance after all. After all, if he fails in the end, he will not only lose Monster Race, but also lose face, so he retreats. I said a condition,

Just listen, Empress Nuwa coldly snorted said: “Since you want to save people and become good, okay, Great Battle of Witch and Demon, you can’t slap a slap, except for me Monster Race, and the witch race, if you are really so bold and compassionate, go and save the witch race together. If you can do this, then I have nothing to say about Monster Race, resolute Support your decision and never regret it!”

Listening to Nuwa’s words, Zhunti’s face suddenly went dark by three points, and let them save the Wu Clan. I’m asking for hardship, and after all, the Wu Clan still has Hou Tu. It is an authentic ruler. It stands to reason that it is a person who is on the same level as Hongjun Heavenly Way. The most important thing is that the strength of Hou Tu is not something they can deal with. They don’t want the egg to touch the stone. Therefore, how could they do such a thing.


Just when Nuwa couldn’t get off the stage, it seemed that he was going to run wild. When Three Purities looked like a good show, he took the lead.

“Well, since Empress insists on reclaiming these Monster Races, I don’t think so, let these Monster Races choose by themselves.”

Neither too fast nor too said slow.


After listening to the introduction, Nuwa agreed in one fell swoop. For one thing, she did not want to cast aside all considerations for face with the introduction. After all, in the future Maybe we have to deal with Three Purities together, and then she is very confident in herself.

When she wanted to come, after the death of Emperor Supreme Unity, she was the god of Monster Race, plus she was a Monster Race Saint, how the rest of Monster Race would choose her.

Unfortunately, the truth slapped her deeply.

“Now, Great Battle of Witch and Demon, both sides suffer, Monster Emperor, Monster Sovereign have fallen one after another, what are your plans in the future, is to follow me to the Imperial Palace……”

When all the rest of Monster Race were released by Nuwa and Zhun, Nuwa asked confidently.

However, before she has finished speaking, Zhunti continued,

“If you are willing, you can come to the West, join me in Buddhism, eternal bliss, let go Slaughter the sword and become a Buddha right away.”

Before Nuwa expresses his anger, Heavenspan on the side actually spoke at this time.

“The West is just a poor place. If there is a Monster Race who is willing to join my Section Cult, I will serve as an education for everyone, irrespective of background.”

Heavenspan Cult Lord Out, except for Lao Tzu, everyone changes color, especially Primordial Tianzun, because in his eyes, Monster Race, except for a limited number of people such as Di Jun, is just a little, horned, wet and egg-shaped. And they are dignified Pangu authentic, the roots are red.

He was very dissatisfied with the disciples received by Heavenspan, and now Heavenspan wants to take these Monster Races in as a disciple again, is this really good?

Fortunately, the ugliness at home is not ugly, in front of Nuwa and the others, primordial is not ugly to Heavenspan, so I don’t say something at all.

The rest of the Monster Race people heard the words of Heavenspan Cult Lord, and they were even more moved. After all, Heavenspan is one of the Three Purities, and it is the Immortal Beheading Sword Formation that is not broken by the Four Saints. It must have a heel, a cultivation base, and a Supreme Treasure with a Supreme Treasure, a personal network, and one Excellent choice.

“I am willing to worship Sect Lord, and I also ask Sect Lord to take it in.”

So many demon saints on the spot turned their attention to Heavenspan Cult Lord, Obviously, they chose Section Cult and were unwilling to stay in Monster Race and suffered. The previous Great Battle of Witch and Demon had already disappointed them to the Monster Race executives. Even Sovereigns such as the demon Emperor Jun and Donghuang Supreme Unity have fallen, so what is the future of Monster Race?

Although there is still Nuwa, but it is a female generation, even more how, in the past, Nuwa did not often deal with Monster Race affairs. is it possible that Kun Peng who wants to take refuge in Fu Zhiyaoyao is not possible!

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