The biggest difference between the defensive counterattack that Dijun uses Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array and the Divine Ability with raised eyebrows is that one is Divine Ability, the other is technique, just like the same way, the foundation, the other technique, At the end, no mention on equal terms.

However, Dijun was able to turn the Splitting Heaven Ax magic battle around the world, and all his attacks, all followed the path of the arrival, returned, and turned around to aim at Pangu’s real body.

After all, Pangu’s true body, Splitting Heaven Ax method, itself/main body is no trivial matter. It represents a strong combat power, unmatched Divine Ability, and infinite divine might.

“hmph! One axe heaven and earth!”

Seeing that the attack did not work, not only did it fail to break the Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array, it did not even bring them a trace of damage, Instead, he was counterattacked by others using his own power, and Pan Gu couldn’t help being furious, and backhanded out Nine Heaven Opening Styles 2nd move.

For a time, but the chaos is broken, Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire are scattered, there is a clear and turbid air interpretation, there is a short period of time, the clear air is floating, floating into the sky, and under the turbid air Shen, condensed into the ground, the world is looming.

“Heavenly Cycle Star Chen, Samsung gathers together.”

Pangu is really good, and Emperor Jun is not someone who is easy to deal with.

I have to say that Emperor Jun is indeed a protagonist of this calamity.

Although the Witchs do not have Primordial Spirit, they have Pangu Kaitian inheritance. Although Emperor Supreme Unity listened to the aisle at Purple Heaven Palace, he was simply not a disciple of Hongjun, and could cultivation to this day, if not God’s will. Once the Sanctification is definitely still above Nuwa, Zhunti and the others, even Heavenspan primordial, even comparing to Lao Tzu is not a problem.

But there are three hundred and sixty-five remote antiquity stars bursting out of the brightest divine splendor at the same time, surrounding the three jewels, the lunar, the sun, and Crape Myrtle.

Slowly rotate, slowly move closer.

The power of Samsung and Force of Heavenly Cycle will become a peerless power, turning into an arrow, other Power of Stars turning into arrow stalks, and power of Samsung turning into arrows, Heavenly Cycle Star Chen great array turned into a big bow, swish, and shot towards Splitting Heaven Ax.

hong long long!

Axe light and arrow gas collided, madly clashing, making heaven and earth distorted, presenting a weird scene. Don’t talk about approaching, you can’t observe it. It was Da Luo, Quasi-Saint, who saw this scene and couldn’t help feeling a burst of unspeakable pain and nausea, and he spouted a mouthful of blood when he opened his mouth.

Two extreme forces are colliding, almost like a deadly opponent, and the impact is very terrifying, and a terrifying area of ​​destruction is formed between the two. Very scary. The entire heaven and earth seemed to be twisted together. Aftermath scattered, heaven and earth returned to the ruins.

Pangu Zhenshen and Heavenly Cycle Star Chen are naturally unparalleled in defense. Although the devouring of the center point and Destruction Strength are powerful, they cannot be shaken.

But the other Lichs all around are in bad luck, they are swallowed in without any resistance, and fall into it, not at the level of the witch, ten deaths without life.

Being evenly matched, you will meet Liangcai!

Pangu’s real body’s attack is open and close, straight forward, but invincible, with a sharp edge like a bamboo, everything that stands in front of you can be cut, and it is also the law of strength. One strength breaking myriad laws, single force subduing ten will, crush everything.

In the face of absolute power, any powerful enemy must be completely destroyed and turned into ashes before the absolute defense is broken.

Although the attack of Monster Race’s Heavenly Cycle Star Chen great array is not weak, it is obviously inferior to Pangu’s real body, so he focuses on skills and quantity.

The power of attack, the stars converge, like a tide, densely packed, like one after another chaotic storm. Defensive skills, layers of weakening, traction and movement, and even defeat and elimination.

You come and go, both equally excellent.

The scene couldn’t help but stalemate for a while, Pangu’s body couldn’t break Heavenly Cycle Star Chen, and Heavenly Cycle Star Chen couldn’t beat Pangu’s body.

If things have not changed, Witch and Demon Races will be able to distinguish the winner and loser, it depends on who has the energy consumption.

It’s Monster Race’s 36015 remote antiquity Monster God who can’t support it first, or Hou Yi is dragging it down.

Once one party has a fault, it will obviously immediately attract the other’s thunderbolt blow.

But this kind of thing doesn’t appear at all, because he can see no one can do nothing, Di Jun finally took out a killing move specially prepared for the Wu Clan and for Pangu’s true body.

“Shake down the stars, destroying heaven extinguishing earth, go to death!”

In order to deal with Pangu’s true body, in order to paralyze Emperor Jiang and the others as much as possible, Emperor Jun is also cruel Then, he actually let his subordinate Monster God directly explode all of the star banners that rank among the top Sacred Jewel, turning them into countless ruining meteors, hitting the axe light and the Pangu body.

“hmph! If you directly explode the entire great array, I might also have a strategic withdrawal, but it is a self-explosive star banner, what can you do with me?”

Means, although Dijiang’s face became solemn, he didn’t panic, instead he let out a sneer.

“One Axe Demon God is gone!”

As soon as the voice fell, he saw Pangu The real backhand chopped down with an axe.

This axe, fast as lightning, is unstoppable. Under the light of the axe, there are hundreds of chaotic Demon Gods, either decapitated, dismembered, or directly turned into fragments. , The dead mountain and the sea of ​​blood, it is horrible.


Not surprisingly, the formidable power bursting out of the stars once again collided with the axe light, and no one could do anything about it, both of them disappeared.


At this moment, beside Panguzhen, the aftermath hit, Dijiang and the others naturally thought that they were the same as before, and didn’t care at all. After all, they were very confident in the defense of Panguzhen.

But I didn’t notice that there was a weird silhouette that appeared silently, and at the moment it appeared, the blade fiercely pierced directly into the heart of Pangu’s true body.

Tu Wujian!

The plank road was built in the Ming Dynasty, and the warehouse was dark.

The self-detonation of the star banners, although the attack is powerful, it is just a blindfold of Emperor Jun. The real killing move is exactly the acquired Supreme Treasure of Emperor Jun who slaughtered hundreds of millions of Human Race sacrifices, and The Slaughter Witch Sword, which had been hidden and not used until now, was hidden in the aftermath of the explosion. This was the peerless feast prepared by Emperor Jun for Pangu’s true body.

Sure enough, Dijiang and the others were totally unguarded, or even if they knew it, they wouldn’t care too much about it. After all, the defensive power of Pangu’s true body is so strong. The three books of heaven and earth, the five-square lotus platform, and the five-square flag of Innate can’t be compared. Even the Five Elements flag of Fang Qingshan, the defensive power of Heaven and Earth Cauldron is slightly inferior, comparable to Lao Tzu’s Yin-Yang Symbol Twenty Grade 4 Karma Red Lotus in the hands of Mosquito Man. Even the ancient banner can only tear at most.

How do they know that the witch-slaughtering sword is the nemesis of the witch clan.

Although it is not necessarily sharper than the ancient banner and the divine spear, it is blessed by heaven when it comes to dealing with the witches, and it is not advantageous.

But when the Tu Wujian collided with Pangu’s body, although the fire star could be seen popping out, Pangu’s true body also exerted his terrifying defensive power comparable to the Three Treasures of the Open Heaven, which seemed to be resisting to death. The attack of the Slaughter Witch Sword wanted to break it apart.

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