
One wave has not settled, another wave has risen.

Just when everyone was still shocked that Monster Race had actually refined into an acquired Supreme Treasure, and it felt like a glow on the back, the Wu clan also heard something strange.


But when I heard a roar, an evil spirit that was not weaker than Tu Wujian rose to the sky.

Following, I saw a silhouette towering in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, silhouette calm as water and high as a moutain, imposing manner. Around it, there was a vast force, especially the feet. When stepping on the earth, there is boundless blessing.

The whole body exudes the boundless ancient Great Desolate aura, qi and blood stirs the wind and clouds, the fighting intent is turbulent in all directions, boundless evil clouds, condensing the sky.

For a time, heaven and earth changed color, and the sun and the moon became dark.

It’s just that with the other ancestral witches, the whole body’s evil spirits gathered, and the destructive violence that radiated from them was that the corpse mountain and blood sea were shiver coldly different in front of them.

Although this person is equally stunned, it not only has an extra magnanimity of virtue, but also an awe-inspiring righteousness, because in his cultivation is the lineage of the earth, the law of the earth, There are boundless merit blessings on the body. Although not comparable to Nuwa and Saint, it is also a minority among Great Desolate.

This person is not someone else, he is the thirteenth ancestral witch of the witch clan, the newly released Hou Yi.

When Monster Race became a sword of killing witches, Hou Yi was cultivated in Dijiang, Houtu and the others, and he also entered Quasi-Saint Early-Stage, a cultivation base company. Jumped Level 3 and reached the late stage of Quasi-Saint. It was the same as Zhu Rong, Gonggong and the others. Although it was a little vain, it did not affect the combat effectiveness.

“What a Lich, he really deserves to be the protagonist of this calamity.”

“Before, Monster Race was trained to become Supreme Treasure, and then Hou Yi, the sorcerer, was advancing bravely.”

“It seems that the Great Battle of Witch and Demon is about to begin.”

“The strengths of the two clans have their own strengths, so I don’t know who is better.”

“Fortunately, otherwise, if the gap is too big, Great Battle of Witch and Demon, if one race wins by an overwhelming advantage, it is not a good thing for other races and individuals, even Saint.”


Seeing this scene, everyone knows that the Great Battle of Witch and Demon is imminent.

Sure enough, by this time, Witch and Demon Races didn’t want to delay any longer. They wanted to give it a go, or Heavenly Way. Saint didn’t want them to delay any longer. If they were to delay any longer, If the strength of the two clans grows again, it will be a bit of a big tail, even more how Lich does not retreat, but it blocks the way of too many people.

Heavenly Way, Saint, Human Race……

The arrow is on the string and I have to send it.

It has been prepared for many years. Once the two tribes start a war, although they will do their best, they will go in an orderly manner.



The Witch tribe, headed by the Twelve Ancestral Witches, led Chi You, Xing Tian, ​​Xiangliu, Jiufeng and other great Witches, as well as the Witch Clan’s Twelve Vein Tribes, and billions of Witch Clan warriors. Body, fighting intent soaring.

Monster Race is led by Emperor Jun, Supreme Unity, Fuxi, Kunpeng, Xihe and assistants, leading the top ten monsters, three hundred and sixty-six 15 Heavenly Cycle Star Chen Monster God, hundreds of millions of Demon Soldier Monster General, display Heaven and Earth’s Law Manifestation, holding Sacred Jewel, also keeps the wind down.

The two tribes fought a long-running battle with Buzhou Mountain as the center, which was even more fierce than Dragon Phoenix.

Although it is centered on Buzhou Mountain, the entire middle part is the silhouette of Witch and Demon Races.

Especially because you want to avoid the Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array of the Twelve Ancestor Witch and Emperor Jun and the others, lest Divine Immortal fights, Mortals Suffers. So the battlefield is opened even more.

Seeing that Witch and Demon Races finally broke out in a full-scale war, whether it is Three Purities, Zhun mentioning and enrolling the Second Saint, or Luohu in Heavenly Demon, Hongjun in Purple Heaven Palace There was a smile on their faces, the decisive battle they were looking forward to finally came, and this calamity was finally coming to an end. In Witch and Demon Races, whoever wins is a miserable victory, unable to dominating the world anymore. All of them will be eliminated next, because they will never allow such a big family to exist. The next will be the age of Saint, their age.

Compared with Three Purities and the Second Sage of the West, Empress Nuwa and the Houtu ancestor witch are very heavy, because it is related to the life and death of the two races, so they have to pay attention to this upcoming war. , Because this is a decisive battle of life and death!

Of course, what Houtu values ​​is the love of brother sisters, it is the love of clansman, but Nuwa values ​​it because of fate.

Unfortunately, although they value it, they can only pay attention to it. They can only prepare for their respective races before the war. For example, Nuwa helped refine the witch-killing sword, and Hou Tu helped cultivate Hou Yi. The two could no longer do anything, not only because of Hongjun’s ban, but also because of someone blocking the door.

Although Houtu felt that Nuwa did not dare to disobey Hongjun’s orders, just in case, after the start of the war, Zhunti and Three Purities both acted in succession.

Zhunti was introduced to Wohuang Tianzhong to recount the old days with Nuwa, while Three Purities came to discuss the Dao with Hou Tu in the underworld.

As for Hongjun, he is staring at the Sea of ​​Blood and the East China Sea, for fear that they will have some moths at this critical moment.

As for Luo Hu, no one looked at him.

Because there is no need, after all, he is a demon, and he is more willing to see the demons dancing around than others. The more chaotic and the greater the calamity, the more benefits he can get, and Lich whether he is Whoever is strong is not good for the development of Demon Sect, so don’t worry, he will make trouble.

Although Hongjun has banned the Saint Ginseng battle, Houtu, Nuwa has also been blocked.

There is no Hunyuan Saint to intervene, but the tragic force of Great Battle of Witch and Demon is definitely not comparable to Dragon Phoenix.

After all, Saint can’t participate in the battle, but Witch and Demon Races still have the fighting power of Hunyuan Saint.

And both clansman know that ordinary battles and temptations are completely useless for Witch and Demon Races.

After all, they already know yourself and know your enemy.

Therefore, the battle at first has entered a fever pitch.

“Set up the array, the twelve capitals, Heavenly God, are great arrays, and the true body of God Father Summon!”

With the cry of Dijiang.

Zhu Jiu Yin, Gong Gong, Zhu Rong, Profound Nether, Hou Yi and the others moved and quickly stood up at the same time, and opened up the great array of Heavenly God in the twelve capitals. It was just a moment of effort. The great array is formed.

In a moment, a burly Great Han that is comparable to Buzhou Mountain turns true from illusory, standing in the void, holding an azure battle axe in his hand, exuding a simple and substantive coercive and powerful breath, deter all directions. Suppress the ages.

“Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array, get up!”

Almost at the same time to speak with Dijiang, centered on Dijun, Supreme Unity, Xihe, Fuxi, Kunpeng and the others , Arranged a great array of Luoshuhe map, and then used the Monster God as the formation eye, and the Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array was also unfolded at a speed visible to naked eye.

For three days, please be respectful.

Compared with the previous Great Battle of Witch and Demon, the two races this time have their own differences in terms of speed of formation, perfection of formation, coordination, and even the burst of formidable power of the great array. Raised a level more than just.

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