
Looking at Kuafu’s complacent look, the big Golden Crow spit out two words coldly, then turned to Lu Ya and the others and said,

“Follow the plan!”

As soon as the voice fell, the body turned the rainbow, and the method of turning the rainbow was performed again.

Lu Ya and the others naturally used Divine Ability unanimously, and instantly opened the distance between Kuafu and Kuafu.

“Want to run? I want to see where you can go!”

Kuafu is very helpless, his attack and defense are not bad, only this speed, No, what is the picture?

However, although his speed is not as fast as Ten Golden Crow, he does not at all give up tracking.

He doesn’t believe that the spiritual power of Ten Golden Crow can maintain such a Divine Ability for a long time.

As long as their spiritual power is not good, they are lambs to be slaughtered.

Unfortunately, he didn’t know that this was the Life Source Divine Ability of Ten Golden Crow, plus the blessing of Supreme Sun Star, so the consumption is small, plus the big day everywhere, anytime, anywhere Supplement, so, if you want to bring them down, unless it is to overload the Golden Crow, otherwise, don’t think about it.

It was this step that was calculated wrong, so that Kuafu dignified the great witch, unexpectedly fell into the hands of a few fledgling juniors in the ten Golden Crow. When it is true, it is also fate.

In this way, ten Golden Crows flew forward and Kuafu tracked behind him. one after the other, one up and down, one chase and one escape.

The rhythm of the battle was unconsciously controlled by Ten Golden Crow.

For fear of Kuafu being lost, Ten Golden Crow also deliberately controls the speed, so that Kuafu sees hope and seems to be able to catch up at any time, but it is always a little bit close.

Of course, if this is the case, Kuafu will understand after a period of time and will not follow. The Witchs do not have Primordial Spirit and do not like to use their brains, but they are not stupid.

Therefore, the 2nd Step plan of Ten Golden Crow is to take Kuafu to the Witch tribe.

As long as the Wu tribe tribe, it will be burned directly.

With the True Fire of ten Golden Crow, ordinary witches die when touched, and die when touched.

“Damn, damn!”

Seeing this scene, Kuafu was utterly distraught.

Even if they knew that it might be the strategy of Ten Golden Crow, they had to rush to catch up. There was no time to stay to fight the fire.

Unfortunately, I still can only follow the ten Golden Crow all the time.


Kuafu roar towards the sky, wishing to eat flesh and skin.

And ten Golden Crow? Seeing that his plan was actually feasible, he was overjoyed and immediately continued his efforts.

In fact, in the face of this situation, the best way is naturally to notify other great witches to take action together.

Unfortunately, Kuafu can’t save face.

I think he dignified a great witch, but his coat didn’t grow even. The cultivation base, but the ten Golden Crows of Supreme Unity Golden Immortal, played around in circles. He lost the other, and he was so embarrassed to ask other great witches with his pride. ?

But if you don’t ask for help from other great witches, you will have to be led by the nose by ten Golden Crows, and his subordinate Erlang suffered heavy casualties.

Therefore, in order to redeem his son’s son, and to save his own face, Kuafu directly began to burn blood essence.

In a short time, Kuafu’s speed soared. If it used to be the speed of an ordinary car, it is now a supercar.

Ten Golden Crow was originally a playful play, Kuafu’s sudden eruption hit them completely unprepared, and almost even seven Golden Crows were lost in the hands of Kuafu.

“Go, go!”

Clay figures have three-point fire, even more how is Kuafu.

Seeing that Kuafu was irritated, they all fought their lives. Ten Golden Crow, who had not experienced the battle of life and death, were immediately deterred.

Don’t talk about them, once the Wu Clan fights hard, even the top ten monsters, even Kunpeng, Xihe, and Emperor Supreme Unity will not be able to escape.

Fortunately, they still know themselves, so they immediately chose to escape.

If it was before, Kuafu wouldn’t catch up and that’s all.

But now, it is irreconcilable, but Kuafu has the belief that he will never give up until he reaches his goal.

Now, the double convenience has become a tug of war.

It depends on who can’t hold on first.

Is the Kuafu blood essence burned out first, or the ten Golden Crows were caught up by Kuafu first.

Yu Yuan, when the sun reaches Yu Yuan, it means dusk; as for Menggu, it means tranquility. The sun enters at the river of Yuyuan, and the dawn is at the Pu of Menggu. That is where the sunset is.

Here, both Ten Golden Crow and Kuafu have reached their limits.

Although the technique of transforming rainbow is the instinct of Ten Golden Crow, they have also shown their milk-feeding energy under the pursuit of Kuafu. At this moment, the spiritual power is almost exhausted, and the wings are almost exhausted. It seems to be suppressed by the Five Mountains.

Of course, Kuafu is not much better. Although the Wus have body refinement and blood essence, they are only relatively speaking. After such a long time, Kuafu’s spiritual power is also consumed. With bits and pieces, the body’s breath is unstable, and it seems that it is about to fall into grade, complexion pale.

“big brother, I can’t hold on anymore.”

“big brother, I can’t hold on anymore.”

“big brother, I can fly I’m not moving anymore.”

“Big brother, how come Third Uncle hasn’t come out yet!”

“Yes, we are all about to be killed by Kuafu.”


Lu Ya and the others said weakly.

“Don’t worry everyone, even if Third Uncle doesn’t come out, I still have a way to save my life.”

When the big Golden Crow saw this, he knew that everyone had reached the limit. Although he wondered why Fusang It didn’t appear, but just thought it was going to intercept other witches, but didn’t suspect others.

As for the way to save life, it is not just casual talk.

Although they are on Penglai Island, although there are hibiscus trees by their side, out of love and insurance, Dijun still left a life-saving Divine Ability for them.

Because the Golden Crow is a big brother and his character is relatively stable, Di Jun gave this thing to him for safekeeping.

If it is not as a last resort, it cannot be used.

But now this situation won’t work.

“Run, keep running, and see if I don’t throw your hairy and horned beasts into ashes.”

Quafu said with a hideous complexion, gnashing teeth.

“hmph, Kuafu, do you really think it will kill us?”

Big Golden Crow coldly snorted,

“A barbarian is a barbarian, and he will die When I was approaching, I was still dreaming of Spring and Autumn.”

Said this, the Big Golden Crow didn’t give Kuafu time to react, and directly pulled out a golden light feather from his tail and sacrificed it.


This thing is of course not the feathers of the big Golden Crow, but the life-saving means left by Emperor Jun to the ten Golden Crow, which he shed in the past Feathers are the foundation, and a method similar to talisman is practiced. There is a True Fire of Emperor Jun inside.

With Dijun’s cultivation base, the life-saving method he left for Ten Golden Crow is naturally extraordinary. This Sun True Fire, don’t say Kuafu, don’t say Kuafu in this case, it is full of prosperity The Kuafu of the time was Hou Yi, and Xingtian met nine deaths and still alive.


After the Golden Crow feathers were taken out by the Golden Crow, the golden light of hiding the sky and covering the earth suddenly burst out, and the golden light exudes An extremely terrifying breath, that kind of breath, above heaven and earth, as if to dominate, Paragon is the most expensive and unparalleled.

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