Western barrenness has always led Zhunzi to the pain in his heart, and it will almost become their heart demon.

That’s how you have the right to mention it, and scrape everything frantically. The sky is three feet high, bully the weak.

Although the trajectory is better now than the original, there is Heavenly Way and Hongjun instructed to repair the western ancestral veins, the two have fate merits, and the cultivation base has taken a big step, but it is not much better. go with.

After all, to repair the ancestral veins, not only requires a cultivation base, but also requires resources.

Although it is the ancient Great Desolate, the resources are good in other places, but in the West there is a big shortage.

In order to repair the ancestral veins, the West, where family property is not thick, has become even more impoverished. The fiscal deficit is horrible to see.

Therefore, Zhunti can’t help but feel envy and hatred when he sees the top Heavenly Paradise like Penglai Island.

If it weren’t for the fact that this island had another cause and effect, it’s not entirely Monster Race, and it’s very relevant. I’m afraid he’s already started plotting against, after Great Battle of Witch and Demon, how to do this The island is taken over.

For a while, Zhunti also understood the formation of Penglai Island.

This array is indeed exquisite. It is worthy of being the great array of Penglai Island’s guardian. It has been repaired by the Eastern Prince and changed to a formation cultivation base that is similar to Zhunti, and wants a short time without disturbing others. Breaking through the formation is obviously impossible.

Fortunately, it’s not possible to mention the formation realm, but the cultivation base is okay. Although it is the bottom of all Saints, it is also Saint?

In order not to beat the grass to scare the snake in advance, Zhun mention first took out Ten Grade 2 Merit Golden Lotus and completely covered Penglai Island, so that no matter how big the movement here, it won’t disturb others. Coupled with the chaos of the secrets, even if Di Jun is on a whim, he will not feel here in a short time.

Actually, what Zhunti doesn’t know is that since he came to the East China Sea, he has already disturbed the raised eyebrows and Heavenly Way Hongjun on Luliu Island.

Hongjun is very easy to say, he has known that Ten Golden Crow will be the fuse of the Great Battle of Witch and Demon, so he has been paying attention.

Although Yang Mei did not regard the East China Sea as his base camp, how could he not allow others to sleep on the side of the couch, and other people would be that’s all. If such a Hunyuan Saint came to the East China Sea, he was immediately alarmed. Up him.

As for the fact that he has beat the grass to scare the snake, Zhunti doesn’t know at all, or he knows, but he is sure that people will ignore him.

So each minding their own business arranges everything on Penglai Island.

Sure enough, he did not expect, until he broke the great array of Penglai Island and suppressed the Fusomu, Hongjun and Yangmei ignored him.

Actually, it’s normal. Hongjun is eager for someone to provoke the Great Battle of Witch and Demon. After all, this kind of thing also has karma strength. As Heavenly Way, he still sits and watches the situation and waits for the last moment, and then as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves, it is good to clean up the mess.

As for raising eyebrows, naturally it is a matter of no concern to oneself. As long as Hongjun doesn’t come to trouble him, or just like the last time Fang Qingshan visited the alliance, he simply ignores others. As for the matter, he is now all thinking about repairing his injuries and feeling above Eternal Aura.

Furthermore, on Penglai Island, since the birth of Ten Golden Crow, in a blink of an eye, more than a hundred years have passed.

Although one hundred years or so may be a nap time for the cultivator.

But it has been a long time for Ten Golden Crow.

Although they are born extraordinary, they are still new, and their minds are still children, and short-term cultivation is good, but they have been cultivating, and their mood is a bit unable to restrain their yearning for the outside world.

Especially Penglai Island is the highest Heavenly Paradise with the blessing of hibiscus wood. The cultivation of Ten Golden Crow can be said to be like a tiger that has grown wings.

In just over a hundred years, they have gone through many people for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, after continuous hard cultivation, their cultivation base has been, all breakthroughs have reached the Supreme Unity Golden Immortal!

But precisely because of this, Ten Golden Crow is becoming more and more unbearable to be trapped in a small heaven and earth, always thinking about how to run out.

Unfortunately, Penglai Island not only has hibiscus tree, but also protects the great array. With their strength, even if the hibiscus tree lets them leave, they can’t get out of Penglai Island.

On this day, after the ten Golden Crow cultivation as usual, the restless heart began again, but before they were entangled with the hibiscus, Penglai Island suddenly shook.

“Who, dare to be impudent in Penglai Island!”


With a loud noise, the hibiscus tree reveals itself, covering the sky, sweeping away in a majestic imposing manner, the sun’s True Fire is permeating, and there are countless domineering ones. Leave the Sacred Jewel, even if it is the Supreme Unity. Also just this.

Unfortunately, what he encountered was Hunyuan Saint’s quasi mention. Even if quasi mention is the bottom of Saint, it is also Saint, which is the same as Quasi-Saint. Yu Haoyue and Yinghuo.

Don’t talk about hibiscus, it is called Number One Person under Saint and Supreme Unity holding Primal Chaos Bell is also impossible to contend with.

Therefore, after a short while, Fusomu was suppressed.

Fortunately, since they belong to the Great Desolate top ten first Heavenly Spiritual Root, they did not at all hurt the hibiscus, but sealed its suppression. For a short time, at least in Golden Crow makes Great Desolate, or Great Battle of Witch and Demon, don’t think of hibiscus.

“What’s the matter?”

“What happened?”

“Did someone attack Penglai Island?”

“Third Uncle, Third Uncle, are you there? What’s the matter?”


The fight between Zhunti and Fusomu was too fast, and the rabbits rose and fell. In a flash, the dust settled. With the current cultivation base of Golden Crow, naturally, there is no clue.

They just felt that Penglai Island shook, the hibiscus tree erupted, and then they knew nothing about the following things. After they came back to his senses, they found everything calmed down.

Although I don’t know what happened, Ten Golden Crow couldn’t help being alarmed for a while, so he hurriedly asked Fuso.

“It’s okay, it’s just that someone from the Witch race just attacked Penglai Island, and I have already repelled it.”

The voice of Fusomu rang out, of course, this voice is definitely not The voice of the hibiscus wood was exactly imitated.

“What? Witch tribe?”

“Impossible, the little Witch tribe dared to attack Penglai Island. It’s simply tired of living.”

“Third Uncle , Is he dead? I’m going to thwart him!”

“If the witches are so arrogant and don’t retaliate, wouldn’t it look like Monster Race can be deceived? Let’s go and teach them. How?”

Speaking of this, ten Golden Crow’s angry voices paused, as if remembering what ten pairs of eyes looked at each other, and then said in unison,

“Yes, Must teach them a lesson, Third Uncle let us go out of the island, and to converge the True Fire, it is better to vent, so that it can also speed up the strength control.”

“That’s all, in that case, So let’s do it!”

The hibiscus tree seems to have been harassed by Ten Golden Crow, so I have to compromise,

“Go ahead, I will follow you.”


“many thanks Third Uncle!”

Hearing that Fusomu finally agreed with them, Ten Golden Crow almost jumped up with joy.

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