“Under Heavenly Way, the small trend is reversible, the general trend does not change, Hongjun does not show up, but now, the two of them have passed a little bit.”

The depth of Fang Qingshan was not explored, but Hongjun Jun can feel that it’s still the same as before. If he doesn’t bless Heavenly Way, I’m afraid he really won’t be able to take Fang Qingshan. Although he feels depressed, but it is not obvious on the surface, just lightly saying

” Hehe!”

Fang Qingshan chuckled lightly,

“The general trend, what is the general trend? Is it true that the reincarnation of the earth is the general trend? I am afraid this is your Heavenly Way , Hongjun’s general trend, not the Great Way general trend, the world general trend!”

Fang Qingshan sneered,

“The three talents stand together, without distinction, Houtu is an authentic one. Lord, you are on the same level as Heavenly Way, do you want to control her too? Hehe, saying a thousand things and ten thousand things is just stealing good fortune.”

“Although the three talents stand together, Heavenly Way is respected. Fellow Daoist really wants to embarrass me?”

Hongjun’s face grew gloomy.

Heavenly Way governs the three talents. This is a matter of authority, and Hongjun will not let it go anyway.

The tunnel is out of control today, the humanity is out of control tomorrow, and Lich is out of control the day after, what use is his Heavenly Way?

If he couldn’t control the entire Great Desolate, what value would he fit into Heavenly Way that day?

If he can’t control Great Desolate perfectly, it will be more difficult for him to detach himself in the future.

This is not only a matter of authority, but also a matter of the Great Way in the future.

Hongjun doesn’t know anything about this, nor can he compromise.

“It is not that we are going to be an enemy of Fellow Daoist, but that Fellow Daoist is not good to us.”

Fang Qingshan lightly saying.

“Fellow Daoist has always troubled us first, but we have never had a problem with the husband?”

This is not wrong, but it is a matter of position.

For Fang Qingshan themselves, there is really no problem.

But from Hongjun’s point of view, Fang Qingshan’s unusual numbers often break out of his control and disrupt his plans.

Regardless of whether they are active or passive, intentionally or unintentionally, they are the enemy if they run counter to their plans.

For a while, the scene became a bit deadlocked.

Three Purities, Nuwa, took Zhunti, and came to Samsara at this moment, standing beside Hongjun, seeming to cheer and shout.

Luo Hui hides in the dark and stays out of the situation, but there are thousands of plots flashing in his eyes, seeming to want fish in troubled waters.

Although raising his eyebrows did not come, he also cast a line of sight. At his speed, he wanted to do it, and the thought came.

“Saint is too powerful. In order to ensure the safety of the Great Desolate sentient beings, Saint must not intervene in this amount of calamity, and heavenly punishment will come.”

Hongjun was silent for a while, chop said nails and sever Iron. There was a determination in his eyes.

“Heavenly Way in Great Desolate is respected, and the tunnels cannot be separated from control. Nowadays, the tunnels are newly opened, the darkness is unstable, and the back earth is sitting in town, so it is not easy to leave.”

Fang Qingshan and Houtu looked at each other, knowing that this was Hongjun’s bottom line. If they disagree, I’m afraid Hongjun will shoot directly.

“Yes, as long as Nuwa doesn’t make a move, I won’t make a move.”

Houtu thought for a while, nodded,

“As for the authentic acknowledgement Allegiance Heavenly Way is okay, but you must not intervene at will.”

For Hou Tu, being an enemy of Hongjun would do more harm than good. She just wanted to guarantee the benefits of the Witch race.

Although the acknowledge allegiance of Hongjun Heavenly Way will make you lose part of your own interests, it is not the best choice for yourself and the Witch Clan.

Even if he was able to bounce Hongjun’s Heavenly Way teeth in the end, he was completely defeated, and he was unable to stand up. This was obviously not worth the gain.

In the end, it is still a matter of strength, and people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

As for allies, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao people, not to mention that they also rely on their allies to raise their eyebrows, even if they have their own strength, they are not the strength of her or the Wu clan, but they are external forces.

At this time, the reincarnation has owed favor to the boss. Although Fang Qingshan will choose three treasures from the witch clan secret library, in the eyes of Houtu, the witch clan has taken a big advantage. After all, not to mention others, just a Hongmeng Purple Qi is enough to explain everything.

After the matter was settled, Hongjun left with Saint.

Luo Hui saw that there was no advantage to take, and he returned to Heavenly Demon.

When I raised my eyebrows and saw that I didn’t do anything, I also looked back.

But for the entire Great Desolate, it is not stable.

Because Houtu actually proves the Sanctification, this is a great thing, Houtu ancestor witch proves the Dao. The strength of Lich’s two parties immediately reversed again.

The most important thing is the strength of Houtu. Lao Tzu feels depressed for a while and feels unmatched. This is obviously not the first level of Hunyuan, and even Hunyuan Early-Stage can do it.

Fortunately, Hongjun immediately announced to the world that Saint should not interfere, otherwise, he would be dealt with by heavenly punishment.

Although Way Ancestor Hongjun appears to be fair on the surface, it restricts Empress Nuwa and the Houtu ancestor witch from interfering in this amount of calamity, Lich did not have Saint to take action, and it is even a good thing for all creatures. , After all, Saint’s power is too strong, even if they don’t shoot them, but Divine Immortal fights, mortals will suffer.

But this so-called fairness is only relative.

If it were before, Monster Race, Nuwa would be very upset.

After all, Nuwa is a trump card of Monster Race, especially when the witches show the great array of Heavenly God, and Heavenly Cycle Star is invincible.

But with the Sanctification of Houtu and soaring into the sky, after listening to Hongjun’s words, it was greatly sighed in relief.

Because if Hongjun doesn’t restrict it, let alone other things, just Houtu alone is enough to slap all Monster Race forces.

There is each one, whether it is Nuwa, or Zhou Tian stars great array, or 33 days great array, even including Three Purities, it is completely useless.

After all, Houtu’s true strength is not considered an authentic blessing, but it is also the middle stage of Hunyuan 5-Layer.

This kind of power, looking at the entire Great Desolate, except for Heavenly Way Hongjun, Donghai raises eyebrows, and Fang Qingshan, the sea of ​​blood, can contend.

Therefore, Hongjun’s fairness is only compared to ordinary creatures and Monster Race, but it is greatly unfair to the Wu tribe.

But so what?

All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, there has never been fairness.

The so-called fairness is only relative.

Don’t say Heavenly Way Hongjun, it is Great Way, and even a higher level of existence, I am afraid there will be no absolute fairness.

It is the eternal Azure Lotus level, and the same is true.

Last time, the counterattack against Hongjun was fair to Hongjun?

In the final analysis, it is still profit or fist.

Who makes Way Ancestor Hongjun strong now?

So, what he said represents the general trend of the so-called heaven and earth.

Even if the Houtu ancestor witch is dissatisfied, he cannot be an enemy of heaven and earth. Can only accept this order.


Because of the blood sea and the raising of the eyebrows, Hongjun compromised. There is no such trajectory as before, which is too blatant.

In contrast, Hou Tu also compromised and did not continue to provoke Hongjun.

Everything comes from strength.

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