
He took the shot at Hongjun Heavenly Way, trying to prevent the merits from continuing to improve the cultivation base of the cultivation base according to the established plan, or to condense the Karmic Virtue Golden Body, and then use its Primordial Spirit When trapped in Six Roads of Samsara, mutation happened.

Fang Qingshan waved his hand, took out the bridge of the other bank, fixed the swallowing power of Six Roads of Samsara, and fixed the Primordial Spirit of Hou Tu.

Following, with a wave of his hand, the fleshly body that had been refined a long time ago flew out.

fleshly body, Primordial Spirit.

When the golden wind and jade dew meet, they win but countless in the world.

Primordial Spirit enters the body and instantly merges into one. Houtu immediately got rid of the shackles of Six Roads of Samsara.

Of course, this is not over yet.

After the merits nourished the Primordial Spirit, the merits that were bound by the Heavenly Way, at this moment, after the body of the earth, it happened again.

But with the initiation of merit, the newly born body of the Houtu and the Primordial Spirit originally fit only about 90%, and they blend together perfectly in an instant. There is no barrier, just like the deity who transformed into reincarnation. same.

Following, is the crazy growth of the cultivation base.

Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, True Immortal, Mysterious Immortal, Golden Immortal, Supreme Unity, Da Luo, Quasi-Saint.

It’s really a change of breath.

The cultivation of other people may have reached countless epochs, and the realm, which could not even be reached until death, was completed in an instant.

Of course, the reason why it is so easy is naturally because Houtu’s own/main body is the cultivation base of Quasi-Saint Peak. When reincarnation, it was forcibly promoted to Hunyuan.

Only one is fleshly body and the other is Refining Qi.

But anyway, they are all different routes to the same destination, so the merits are improved, which can be regarded as where water flows, a canal is formed, without shaking the foundation at all.

It’s just that the higher the cultivation base, the more troublesome it will be to upgrade, and the more merits it will consume.

Otherwise, why do you take the lead? The two established Sects may not have enough merit.

However, this is not a problem for Hou Tu. After all, reincarnation is the first merit of splitting heaven and earth apart, and it is still above Nuwa creating Man.

After the cultivation base reached Quasi-Saint, the speed of breakthrough slowed down, but it still steadily improved.

Quasi-Saint Early-Stage, mid-term, late-stage, Peak.

At this time, the pace of breakthrough came to an abrupt end.

It’s not that you can’t forcefully break through with merit, but that requires too much merit, and even the Three Purities’s three-layer Kaitian merit may not be enough.

Although the merits of post-soil reincarnation are great, it is obviously not enough, plus the previous improvement of the cultivation base has already consumed a lot.

Therefore, although the merits are like a torrent, the bottleneck in front is like a dam on the river.

Fortunately, Houtu’s hole card is more than merit.

At the same time, Hongmeng Purple Qi, which Fang Qingshan handed over to Houtu for preliminary refinement, is now beginning to play a role.

Because of time and the poor refinement of Hongmeng Purple Qi itself/main body, See how, Laozi and Nuwa were also completely refined at the time of Sanctification?

Now Houtu is the same. With the immeasurable fate at this moment, immeasurable merit, the Hongmeng Purple Qi can be completely refined with lightning speed.

Then this thing is like a nest of ant dens in the ten thousand li Great Wall. It quickly opened a hole on the bottleneck that had been useless in any impact.

With the breakthrough port, bottleneck naturally broke.

In a short time, I just listened to ka-cha, and the cultivation base that had been stagnant grew again.


A life aura that keeps sentient beings is not strange, swept the entire Great Desolate.

This terrifying coercion struck, making Daluo tremble all over and fell directly to the ground. Then the coercion became stronger and stronger. If there is no Supreme Treasure or formation defense, don’t Speaking of Da Luo, even Quasi-Saint might not be able to endure it. Only by holding on to it, he barely resisted and did not kneel to the ground making a fool of themselves.

In the Great Desolate, the sky is falling, the sound is bursting, and the Great Way emerges above the huge Great Desolate. Purple Qi spreads for three ten thousand li, illuminating the entire Great Desolate, making the Great Desolate more visible for a while Metaplasia, which allows Great Desolate all things, flowers, trees, priceless and unique rare treasure, and many spiritual objects to open up spiritual wisdom and even form.

Houtu broke through Hunyuan, because she used Hongmeng Purple Qi, so she took the road of Sanctification.

It’s just that Hongjun, Laozi, Nuwa and the others are a little different.

Because Hongjun, Lao Tzu, Nuwa and the others prove that it is the Heavenly Way, they pin the Primordial Spirit on the Heavenly Way. If Heavenly Way is immortal, they will not die.

However, what Hou Tu proves is a tunnel, but there is no need to pin the Primordial Spirit on the tunnel, because the tunnel itself/main body is her transformation.

Her situation is a bit similar to Hongjun, and she is a different kind of fit.

She is authentic, and authentic is her.

Three years without flying, one soaring into the sky, three years without cries, amaze the world with a single brilliant feat.

Good guys, this is not a breakthrough. Once a breakthrough, the rhythm will go to heaven.

Whether it is Hongjun, Fang Qingshan, Laozi, or Mosquito Man, the first breakthrough is the Peak of Hunyuan, which is already very good. This is because they are the best choice for all aspects of the foundation. s reason.

However, compared with Queen of the Earth Idol, it is not worth mentioning and it is weak.

As soon as Hunyuan breaks through Hunyuan, it is like an erupting volcano, which can no longer be suppressed. The authentic blessing, merit blessing, and cultivation base are shua~ shua compared to the breakthrough by no means inferior before Hunyuan. ~ shua~ is going up, and you can’t hold it.

Early-Stage, Mid-term, Late-Stage, Peak.

Hunyuan 2-Layer Early-Stage, mid-term, late-stage, Peak.

Hunyuan three-layer Early-Stage, mid-term, late-stage, Peak.

At this time, I seem to have encountered a bottleneck, and the momentum is slightly relieved.

But it is still surging, surging, press forward.

Although there is a bottleneck, it is not broken or returned.

One impact was unsuccessful, just twice, three times, four times…

Finally, I heard the familiar and wonderful voice of ka-cha again .

bottleneck broke in response, the cultivation base naturally as the tide rises, the boat floats.

Hunyuan 4-Layer Early-Stage, mid-term, late-stage, Peak.

Hunyuan 5-Layer Early-Stage, mid-term.

At this time, the cultivation base came to an abrupt end.

In fact, thinking about it can understand.

In the original trajectory, there is no fleshly body, no Hongmeng Purple Qi, and no preparation. Houtu can rely on Primordial Spirit to achieve success. In the tunnel, Saint comes and will be suppressed by her. .

Not to mention that Fang Qingshan is planning for her now.

Even so, it is still inferior to Hongjun’s fit, directly from Yuan middle-stage breakthrough to Nascent Soul Late Stage, but it is already commendable.

After all, although there are three great talents in heaven and earth, the tunnel is inferior to the Heavenly Way.

Being able to break through the Yuan middle-stage, and even take a big step in the mid-stage, is already a blessing to invite heaven.

This is also thanks to her transformation of reincarnation, which is the biggest merit besides opening heaven.

However, the consumption of this time is not only the depletion of merits, but also the fact that the roots of the newly formed tunnels are almost unstable.

Fortunately, compared with the harvest, these are not worth mentioning.

A thousand birds in the forest is worse than a bird in hand.

Although things are good, they are not as reliable as transforming them into their own strength.

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