The sudden appearance of Hongmeng Purple Qi made Hou Tu’s mind crash for a while, full of doubts, how could Fang Qingshan still have this thing in his hands?

“Is it?”

Suddenly, Houtu thought of a possibility, that is Fang Qingshan and their breakthrough, not at all using Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Although I thought it was incredible, Hou Tu quickly determined this idea.

This is probably the most likely and only possible reason.

Because if you use Hongmeng Purple Qi breakthrough, there is only one Hongmeng Purple Qi, and of course they know this.

There is only one Hongmeng Purple Qi. However, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao Ren both broke through Hunyuan. This does not include the Five Elements flag and the Ten Grade 5 lotus table two Innate Supreme Treasure.

If Hongmeng Purple Qi is used for all, obviously four are needed.

Fang Qingshan is powerful, but Houtu doesn’t believe something like Hongmeng Purple Qi. He can come up with four.

After wanting to understand all this, Hou Tu was sincerely admired by Fang Qingshan.

Without Hongmeng Purple Qi, it is so difficult to break through Hunyuan, and they have personally experienced Houtu.

The twelve ancestral witches all reached the Quasi-Saint late stage, Dijiang, Zhujiuyin, and Houtu even reached Quasi-Saint Peak. Only one step away from Hunyuan.

However, this step is a moat, no matter how they step forward, they can’t get past it.

Even the Wu clan has many methods left by Pangu.

The same is true for the Supreme Unity of Number One Person under Saint, who controls the Supreme Treasure Primal Chaos Bell.

This step, but I don’t know how many Innate Gods are so sleepy.

Fang Qingshan, the mosquito road man relied on his great perseverance to breakthrough, and even practiced two Innate Supreme Treasures.

It is precisely because they understand the difficulty that they can better reflect the difficulty and Divine Ability of the two. It makes people more admire.

“I wonder what conditions Fellow Daoist has!”

After stabilizing his mind, Houtu asked solemnly.

At the moment when Fang Qingshan took out the Hongmeng Purple Qi, Hou Tu understood it, and for sure, it was really not difficult for Fang Qingshan to feel helpless.

However, she also knows that in order to gain something, she must pay. There is no free lunch in the world.

even more how is about the life and death of the Witch tribe, about the Sanctification achievement of Hunyuan, and about Hongmeng Purple Qi. It is impossible to obtain.

Furthermore, even if Fang Qingshan really gave it away for free, Houtu would be even more vigilant in his heart.

Because there is nothing to do with diligence.

Although the relationship between the sea of ​​blood and the Wu clan is good, it can’t reach the point of selfless dedication.

“Okay, happy!”

Fang Qingshan showed a bright smile on his face when he heard Houtu’s words. Talking to smart people is a joy.

“I can give you Hongmeng Purple Qi, I can make the bleeding sea turn you into reincarnation, I can refine a fleshly body for you with Heaven and Earth Cauldron, and even give you this treasure. “

Speaking, Fang Qingshan took out the Life and Death Book and Magicstrate pen.

Seeing these two things, Houtu’s heart throbbed for a while, and immediately understood that this thing is a treasure of reincarnation.

“This is my Hongjun traded Mountains and Rivers State Chart and Red Hydrangea from my hands.”

Fang Qingshan seemed to say something meaningful.

Houtu hearing this, his face suddenly condensed.

“I can help you with this, but I also need to choose three things from the Witch’s treasure house.”

Fang Qingshan just mentioned it a little bit, don’t wait for the earth to continue thinking , They put forward their own conditions.

“Just three treasures?”

Houtu repeated it, feeling a little unbelievable. She thought Fang Qingshan would put forward such harsh conditions. For a time, she seemed to think her own There is a problem with the ear.

“Yes, three treasures.”

Fang Qingshan nodded,

“Don’t think it’s simple, you can’t perfuse what I want to choose I, I need to choose from the secret treasury of the Witch Clan, the foundation left to you by the Great Lord Pangu.”

Generally speaking, any person or force who is qualified to build a treasure house will build two treasure houses. , One inside and one outside.

Just like the Celestial Court of good fortune back then, just like Fang Qingshan’s treasure world and the Tower of Stars.

In the foreign library, things are not precious, but they are still relatively common.

Those who are very important, have huge might, and functions are generally placed in the secret library.

Fang Qingshan is the same, so is the Wu clan.

So, he specifically reminded him.

Said it is not chaotic after breaking.


However, what he said made Houtu feel more at ease.

I’m not afraid that you didn’t ask for it, or if your request is low, I’m afraid that you won’t mention anything, or be perfunctory.

Although the things in the Witch Clan’s secret library are precious, to the Witch Clan, they are nothing more than thoughts, because those things are rarely useful to them. Otherwise, the life and death bottle gourd would not be easily sent out.

“Let’s go, Fellow Daoist Fang, let me go to the ancient palace and choose treasure.”

Houtu is also a swift and decisive person. Once things are done, I will immediately Take Fang Qingshan to choose treasure.

“No hurry!”

At this time, Fang Qingshan was not in a hurry, and waved his hand.

“Let’s talk about your reincarnation first. After finishing, we will go to the Wu clan to choose treasure.”

He is not afraid that the Wu clan will be greedy for his own things.

Because it is not necessary, and at the same time, the Wu clan obviously will not offend themselves for this.


Houtu nodded.

Since Fang Qingshan is not in a hurry, and he has no plans to be greedy for ink, Houtu naturally follows kindness.

“Now, I will refine a new body for you first.”

Fang Qingshan took out Heaven and Earth Cauldron with a wave of his hand.

Following, Fang Qingshan took out many precious heavenly materials and earthly treasures from the treasure within the realm.

What is Dao Tribulation Gold, red smelting copper essence, colorful ancient vine, star meteorite iron, green copper gold essence, red chalcedony, phoenix blood red gold, black yellow mother gas, Nine Heavens Breath Eart, Three Illuminations Divine Water, Purple Gold divine iron, Bauhinia God Bronze…

Of course, the most precious thing is that Fang Qingshan asked the mosquito person to return a tenth-grade pure white lotus.

Fang Qingshan puts these things one after another into Heaven and Earth Cauldron, uses Heaven and Earth Cauldron to return to Yuan Energy, creates infinite ways, refines the essence, and imitates the original creation of the Asura family. The soil fabricated a new body.

Because of the memory of a mosquito person, practice makes perfect. With the assistance of Heaven and Earth Cauldron, Fang Qingshan’s cultivation base is powerful enough.

So, it is easy to refining.

After a short while, the practice was successful.

However, this is not to be counted. In order to ensure that this body fits perfectly with Houtu, in order to ensure Houtu’s bloodline.

So, Fang Qingshan is not at all eager to open the tripod, but to Houtu Dao,

“Fellow Daoist is also needed to force a few drops of Life Source Blood Essence!”


In this regard, Houtu naturally did not hesitate. He opened his mouth and spewed five drops of Life Source Blood Essence. Haoxuan did not suffer serious damage because of this. The cultivation base fell in the late Quasi-Saint stage.

Fang Qingshan took the ancestral witch blood essence and poured it into Heaven and Earth Cauldron, allowing it to be perfectly integrated with the body.


At a certain moment, when Heaven and Earth Cauldron was opened, a true body of Houtu flew out.

Except for the lack of charm, other places are no different from Houtu.

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