Eternal root tea!

Although the strains are different, the strains are homologous.

Moreover, the effect of each tea tree is quite extraordinary. It can refresh the mind, nourish the Primordial Spirit, drive out the heart demon, stabilize the realm, or increase spiritual power and nourish the body. ….. more.

Of course, although the tea tree is good, it is still the ancestor of the day after tomorrow, but just like flat peaches and five-needle pine, it is of no use to Fang Qingshan and the mosquito person. At most, it will taste a taste.

As for the heavenly materials and earthly treasures that want to increase their cultivation base and speed up the cultivation speed, at least the Chaos level is also required.

It’s just that this kind of thing may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, Fang Qingshan now sees a lot of chaos level of treasure, life and death bottle gourd, Jinglei flag, good fortune jade disc , Green Willow Staff, etc., but the only spirit root of Chaos level is the deity with raised eyebrows, Hollow Yang Willow Tree.

Not to mention that the mosquito people collect heavenly materials and earthly treasures on Ying State and Abbot Island.

He said that here, the Ancestral Witch Houtu has come to the blood sea range.

Originally, Houtu had already arrived nearby, but it was only because of Monster Race’s change that she did not act rashly.

At first she thought that Monster Race wanted to take advantage of her to leave the Witch Clan, attack the Witch Clan, and beat them completely unprepared.

Later, it was discovered that it was a false alarm, and Monster Race originally wanted to clean up the Eastern Prince.

Even so, Houtu did not take it lightly. Although he did not immediately return to the Witch Clan, he did not immediately go to the sea of ​​blood, always paying attention to the movements of Monster Race. After all, who knows if this is the Mingxiu plank road secretly Chencang , I cleaned up the Eastern Prince, turned his head and fought the Witch Clan with Dijun?

Fortunately, I don’t know if Laozi and Mosquito Man’s action disrupted Supreme Unity’s plan, or they were not prepared at all, and simply didn’t have the idea of ​​attacking the Witch, so Great Battle of Witch and Demon not at all broke out.

While Houtu was sighed in relief, his heart became more tense.

Because she knows that the Eastern Prince is over, the next one will only be the Wu Clan.

Although there is a great array of Heavenly God, but obviously still not enough powerful, not to mention that Monster Race has Saint, even Heavenly Cycle Star Chen great array is also enough to make Heavenly God great array Comparable.

The reason why it lost to the Witch Clan last time was that Monster Race did not expect the Witch Clan to have such a sharp method, just like the Eastern Prince’s Ten Thousand Immortals Formation today, but it’s even more powerful. Monster Race is completely unprepared, and there is also because Pangu’s true body summon opens the three treasures of heaven, forcing Supreme Unity to suppress Primal Chaos Bell with all its strength, and both him and Primal Chaos Bell are contained, as for Zhou Tian Xingchen great array formidable power is greatly reduced.

This time is different, playing the same old trick will not have any effect, plus the addition of Xihe, the integration of lunar star, the formidable power of Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array But it is increasing day by day. This can be seen from the previous attack on Penglai Island.

Although the witches still have a lot of back players, they even have an ancient palace to defend the Heavenly Way.

However, they have many enemies.

Heavenly Way Hongjun, even a few other Saints besides Nuwa, and even Luohu may take a shot against the Wu Clan.

After all, they are not related to Hongjun, or they have hatred with Pangu.

The only ally of the Witch is the Sea of ​​Blood, but their relationship with the Sea of ​​Blood is not at all as close as everyone imagined.

Last time, the reason why she was able to tell Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao Ren, apart from Pangu’s legacy, and the Pangu bloodline, shared a common enemy, the most important thing was the bottle gourd of life and death. This meeting gift.

Of course, more importantly, as an ally, you naturally need to watch for help, but the current situation is that the Witches need Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes for help, and the trouble of the blood sea, they can’t help at all. Busy.

Of course, it’s not that it can’t help, but if you use Heavenly God’s great array, it won’t make much difference. If you use Pangu’s great hall, they are reluctant.

In the final analysis, the relationship between them and the sea of ​​blood is actually nothing more than a relationship of interest. It is impossible to do everything for the other party.

The last time the Witch tribe and the Sea of ​​Blood traded, although they had gains from each other, speaking of which was also a great favor from the Witch tribe that they owed the Sea of ​​Blood.

Therefore, when Houtu traveled to Great Desolate this time, I hope that I can realize the opportunity and way out for myself and the witch clan like Nuwa who understands Tao and creates human beings and Laozi realizes the established Sect.

Only what you realize is the most suitable for you.

You need to be hard on your own.

It is for these considerations that Houtu, Zhujiuyin, and the others have always been considering how to improve the fighting power of the Wu clan. Or back.

It’s just this kind of thing, easier said than done. Want to find a right path is not easier than breakthrough cultivation base.

Fortunately, after Houtu left the ancient palace, a person traveled in Great Desolate. More or less, she has found a trace of opportunity, although she feels that this opportunity has nine deaths and still alive But as long as she succeeds, it is extreme sorrow turns to joy. If she can exchange her life for the eternal prosperity of the witch race, she will also without the slightest hesitation choice. She believes that it is not just her, any witch Brothers and sisters of the clan are willing.

For them, death is not the end, and certainly not reincarnation, but return to the embrace of God the Father.

Walking in the Great Desolate, the strength of the soil in the future, as long as it is not Saint Hunyuan, or trapped by the great array, it is besieged, and it is not a problem to want to go, simply not What is the threat.

Along the way, although Great Desolate is still calm, there are no big conflicts among the Witch race, Monster Race, Human Race, Dragon Race, Great Desolate, but the small frictions continue. From time to time you can see the fight.

Thousands of sails compete, hundreds of horses compete, natural selection, survival of the fittest.

This is the Great Desolate law, and no one can avoid it. Unless you are beyond the chaos, you will all be in it, struggling.

Houtu is compassionate, but in the end she is also a native of Great Desolate, and she is also a witch who was born into a warlike clan. Soul is shrouded by the evil spirit of Dutian. Therefore, Houtu is commonplace for this kind of scene. As long as it doesn’t provoke her, she simply ignores it, because it’s unnecessary and can’t manage it.

Although Hou Tu will not care about the fighting between creatures, another matter has attracted her great attention.

That is after the death of all living beings, as long as it is not immediately the soul flew away and scattered, there will still be undead remaining in the world.

The Witchs do not have Primordial Spirit, and they really die completely after death. In the words of the Witchs, it is to return to the embrace of the Father God, so the Witches are not afraid of death.

But other races are different, Monster Race, Human Race, Dragon Race, even Asura Race, once dead, there will be souls remaining in the world.

The world is like the Sea of ​​Bitterness, the fleshly body is the treasure of the world, and the human Divine Soul is like jumping into the sea naked.

Of course, if it is good luck, you may survive a Feng Shui Treasure Land and even grow your soul and embark on the road of ghost repair.

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