Three immortal islands overseas.

At this moment, Great Desolate is not well known.

Apart from Fang Qingshan and the mosquito-path man, I am afraid that only Hongjun and Heavenly Way are the only ones who even raised their eyebrows.

It is the Eastern Prince, who is the lord of Penglai Island. I am afraid that he does not have much feeling for the other two islands.

The reason for this is naturally because although there is a connection between the three immortal islands, this connection is very subtle. It cannot be easily calculated from one side to the other. In addition, after the Eastern Prince gets Penglai Island , Because of the great trend of Great Desolate, I was busy sacrificing the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation and didn’t have time to follow the vine.

As for Heavenly Way Hongjun and Yang Mei, the cultivation base is high, the realm is deep, and the third immortal island is the top Heavenly Paradise, although it may have the top Innate Sacred Jewel, but these are not in the eyes of others. Therefore, they also do not at all explore.

However, if so, let Heavenly Way Hongjun know that there are Fang Qingshan and the mosquito person who are bound to get the Jingshibailian, I am afraid the situation is quite different.

Because of the special nature of the three immortal islands overseas, the ability to hide secrets is even better than Innate Supreme Treasure. Normally, Saint can’t even sit on the island. Specific location.

Nowadays, because of Penglai Island, because of Wanxian Array and Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array, the two islands have leaked a trace, and the mosquito person caught it.

If it weren’t for his Heavenly Way not to deal with, I am afraid that heaven and earth will have the same force when they shout.

The mosquito road man came to the East China Sea this time. It was planned for a long time. The Azure Lotus lotus seeds for good fortune have already arrived, and the search for Jingshi Bailian is on the agenda.

According to some deeds in later generations, the mosquito-path people guessed that the most likely place where the Jingshi White Lotus would appear should be in the three immortal islands overseas.

Eastern Prince obtained the Wanxian formation diagram in Penglai Island. In him, the mosquito person did not sense the same breath. Obviously, it is impossible to get the white lotus, so the white lotus is only The remaining two islands are in Ying State or the abbot.

Because of the particularity of the three immortal islands overseas, the mosquito-path people originally thought that it would take some twists and turns. In the end, he said that he had to raise his eyebrows or ask the deity to help him, but he didn’t know that Monster Race’s actions had helped him a lot.

This makes the mosquito people feel that Monster Race is really good.

Because of the last Great Battle of Witch and Demon, I got my wish to get the Life and Death Book and Magicstrate pen.

This time, he indirectly helped him find the three immortal islands overseas.

However, I don’t know Dijun. Supreme Unity knows that he was issued a Good Person Card by the mosquito person. After knowing that they unconsciously helped the mosquito person, they will vomit blood with anger.

However, these are not important. Seriously, if the mosquito person’s cultivation base had not reached Hunyuan, even if Ying State and Abbot’s Island had leaked their breath, it’s in a flash, and it’s not ordinary. Person can catch it.

So, in the final analysis, opportunity is very important, but strength is even more important. Otherwise, sometimes, even if the opportunity comes, you cannot grasp it without strength.

The mark has been marked by him, and the mosquito man is not in a hurry. After all, Ying State, the abbot is there, before he exposes the target, no one robs himself, and Monster Race in front of him The battle with Penglai Island, I just happened to fish in troubled waters. It’s bastard that is cheap.

In a spurt of energy, it will fail again and exhausted after three.

Although the Ten Thousand Immortal Arrays of the Eastern Kings surprised Supreme Unity a bit, they still can’t be the great array mention on equal terms with Heavenly Cycle Star.

Although it was barely deadlocked for the first time, it was also quite reluctant. Anyway, even the leading cane was knocked off by one blow.

Supreme Unity continued its efforts to urge the formation, igniting the Primal Chaos Bell, and only heard a long hum. In an instant, heaven and earth stagnated. Endless Starry Sky was instantly suppressed. Almost at the same time, one After another’s starlight, like a sharp sword breaking through the air, dense like rain, with the great array running, covering the heaven and earth, it usually hits the Eastern Prince and the Wanxian array.

The arrow is on the string and I have to send it.

At this time, the Eastern Prince can only be Final Struggle.

Thousands of immortal formations were urged to the extreme by him, immeasurable immortal light is like a peacock on the screen, countless formations seem to show that Dao gave birth to One, One gave birth to Two, Two gave birth to Three, Three gave birth to Myriad Things.

Although it’s just the most basic formation, it is a ring, and there are countless formations that are derived, and countless formations in turn bless the Ten Thousand Immortal Array, and they are all eggs.

Since Sheng Yu, He Shengliang!

Although, this time, Monster Race only came to Supreme Unity, only using Primal Chaos Bell, Heavenly Cycle Star’s great array of formidable power not at all played to the extreme.

However, the final victory is still Supreme Unity, it is Monster Race.

In the end, Great Desolate only has three great formations in parallel, they are Heavenly God Sha, Heavenly Cycle Star Chen and Zhuxian, but there is no Wanxian.

Although Wanxian Formation is good, it can’t compare with Monster Race in all aspects.

Eastern Kings are not comparable to Supreme Unity, leading canes are not comparable to Primal Chaos Bell, the quality of Penglai Island personnel is not comparable to Monster Race, and Wanxian formation is not comparable to Heavenly Cycle Star Chen….. .

So, the ending is already doomed.

With only three blows, the entire Ten Thousand Immortal Formation was completely shattered.

In one blow, the leading cane was knocked off by Primal Chaos Bell.

In the second blow, the Eastern Prince was severely injured.

Three strikes, bursts.


The so-called take advantage of his illness, kill him.

If the Eastern Prince surrendered directly before, and said that Supreme Unity would tolerate him, since the matter has reached this point, there is nothing to say. winner is the king, loser is the villain, oppose me and perish.

The Primal Chaos Bell in his hand smashed into the Eastern Prince like a bamboo.

The Supreme Treasure of Kaitian, what a mighty power, coupled with the reckless efforts of Supreme Unity, who has blessed Zhoutian’s Power of Stars, has reached an incredible level. Strike out, mountains and rivers move, everything is destroyed, the universe is vast!


Have been severely damaged by Primal Chaos Bell, coupled with the fact that the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation has been broken, the Eastern Prince who has been injured and injured, faced the attack of Supreme Unity, simply did not have the strength to fight back, and even escaped. The strength is gone.

I can only watch Primal Chaos Bell fall, and watch the shadow of death cover myself.

Fortunately, the Eastern Prince is not someone who is easy to deal with. Although the desperate situation has been reached, as long as there is still a breath, he will never give up.


Only a decisive voice sounded, and the Eastern Prince’s body exploded, and the Primal Chaos Bell was overturned in an instant.

The strength of the Eastern Prince Quasi-Saint Peak, under the self-detonation, is stronger than the ordinary Saint’s strike.

A spiritual light soars into the sky. It is the consciousness and soul origin of the Eastern Prince after the explosion. Body dies and Dao disappears, returning heaven and earth.

All things are born to support people, and after death, a cultivation base returns to heaven.

“pu ——”

With a muffled sound, Supreme Unity spurt a mouthful of blood, spurting a mouthful of blood in the sky full of stars, scarlet and dazzling, so gorgeous. Reached out to catch Primal Chaos Bell, and retreated a few thousand times before standing still, and his subordinate Ji Lang was killed and injured millions of dollars as a result, making Supreme Unity look gloomy as if dripping water.

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