Penglai Island!

“Okay, Saint doesn’t come out, thinking Heavenly Cycle Star Chen great array is really invincible? If you want to annex Penglai Island, it’s up to you to see if your Monster Race’s mouth is good or not. There are all Heavenly Gods of the Witch. It’s a great array, and we also have an array of thousands of immortals.”

counter soldiers with arms, and water with earth weir!

Although there is some anxiety in his heart and the faint speculation about Daozu, the Eastern King’s heart is full of shadows, but obviously, being timid before a fight is a big taboo for soldiers. Therefore, he restrained his mind and led his soldiers to wait in a serious battle. .

Compared with the strength of Monster Race, Penglai Island is obviously far behind.

Not to mention the Saint Nuwa, Monster Race includes Dijun, Supreme Unity and Fuxi, there are three Quasi-Saint Peak.

Kunpeng, Xihe, two Quasi-Saint late.

Ten Great Marshal, Changxi, Wangshu, etc. Quasi-Saint early and mid-term expert in about twenty.

And what about Penglai Island?

Except for the Eastern Prince himself who has the strength of Quasi-Saint Peak, others don’t say Quasi-Saint Peak, even in the later stage of Quasi-Saint, there is basically no one.

As for Quasi-Saint’s early and mid-stage people, there are not necessarily more people than Monster Race.

In fact, there are many reasons for this situation.

Leave the Lord of the East alone/main body. Supreme Unity is more talented than God. Not to mention that there is a Saint behind Monster Race, which is more powerful and reassuring.

On the other hand, the most critical factor is the issue of resources.

The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.

Besides the charm and blessings of the self/main body, the most important thing for people to take refuge in is to gain benefits. Even the Emperor is not a hungry soldier, and cannot benefit others. Why should others sell their lives for you?

Penglai Island is one of the three overseas immortal islands transformed by chaotic fragments. Looking at the entire Great Desolate, it can be regarded as Peak.

However, it is obviously a far cry from the thirty-three days’ self-contained world, not to mention that Monster Race also controls Heavenly Cycle Star.

So for talents, Monster Race is obviously more attractive.

As Supreme Unity took Kunpeng and the others to the outside of Penglai Island, the atmosphere suddenly reached its limit. The whole air is full of medicinal smell, and the solid air pressure makes people breathless.

Regarding the strength of Penglai Island, Emperor Jun and the others know well, and naturally will not go out. That’s too worthy of him.

Although we have to deal with Penglai Island in the East China Sea, we can’t take it lightly for the Wu people and we need someone to stay behind.

After all, if the Wu Clan takes advantage of Monster Race to attack Celestial Court, directly attacking the root of the problem, and Monster Race is not prepared, even if it annexes Penglai, it is not worth the loss.

Therefore, Emperor Junxihe is naturally impossible as an empress.

Penglai Island has only one Quasi-Saint Peak in the East King, Supreme Unity’s palm Primal Chaos Bell, known as Number One Person under Saint, is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain? So Fuxi didn’t use it anymore.

Even in the late 366’15 when he was in charge of the Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array, the Peak-level Ronald Golden Immortal did not move.

Even so, looking at the Supreme Unity, Kunpeng and Bai Ze and other ten people, the face of the Eastern Prince still can’t see where it is going.

“Supreme Unity, you are so courageous. This seat is the leader of the male immortals appointed by the ancestors. Since taking office, you have worked hard, like walking on thin ice, without the slightest mistake. You dare to command Monster Race to attack me , Defying the world, do you still have Dao ancestors in your eyes?”

The Eastern Prince is the first to attack, bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections.


Supreme Unity gave a chuckle.

“Conscientious and conscientious, like walking on thin ice? That’s right, but unfortunately, you are the head of the male immortal, but you did not take up this title. The corpse is a vegetarian meal. It is wrong to do nothing!”

“You Why do you think we dare to come? Don’t you have any compelling numbers in your heart?”

When I heard this, the Eastern Prince looked pale. Although he had already guessed in his heart, the Eastern Prince still didn’t want to believe it. He became an abandoned son. Unfortunately, whether he believes it or not, he can’t change the fact that he is cannon fodder.

See how, Monster Race has surrounded Penglai Island, and Heavenly Way, Dao Zu didn’t say? Even Three Purities and the others did not appear.

As for saying that they don’t know, I’m afraid that even a three-year-old will not believe it.

Not only was the Eastern Prince’s face pale, the imposing manner of his subordinates was not very sufficient, but it didn’t fall into the bottom for a while.

After all, the reason why the Eastern Prince can gather such a force is not how powerful he is, how good his personality is, and how much benefit he can bring to everyone.

The most critical point is the status. He is the head of the male immortals appointed by Dao Zu.

But now, this point is unreliable, and people’s hearts are naturally messed up.

Fortunately, the Eastern Prince is not a simple one. He soon came back to his senses, feeling the changes behind him, and his heart suddenly burst. If you let it go, you don’t have to fight anymore, you can simply surrender.


East Prince is coldly snorted, like a group of thunder blowing in the hearts of everyone,

“Supreme Unity, you think you will eat it today Am I?”

“Can you still turn the sky?”

Supreme Unity could not help but shook the head,

“Duke Dong, I can give You have a chance, as long as you surrender and Penglai Island merges into Monster Race, I can promise you a Chief Manger position on my big brother, below the demon master and above the Ten Great Marshal!”

Although I look down on the Eastern Princes and Penglai Island, Supreme Unity is also willing if they can defeat the soldiers without fighting.

Also, the other kings of the East are not good, but the strength is real.

A Quasi-Saint Peak joins Monster Race, but it can greatly shorten the distance with the Witch race.

If Penglai Island’s power is taken over again, the gap between it and the Witch Clan will probably be very small.

“Ha, you actually want me to surrender?”

The Eastern Prince gave an angrily smile,

Really treat yourself as a fish and let anyone else Butcher.

“Want to make me surrender, really wishful thinking.”

Following, without giving Supreme Unity a chance to speak, Dong Wanggong continued,

“Long ago I would like to see the Heavenly Cycle Star of Monster Race’s Great Array for a while, I’d like to see if he is great, or my Wanxian great array is great.”

East Prince not at all choose front fight Move, but use killing move as soon as it comes up.

Because he knows that there is no chance of winning if he fights.

Because no one of his experts can be the opponent of Kunpeng, and he holds the Supreme Unity of Primal Chaos Bell, he can’t win.

So, simply took out the hole card.

In this way, regardless of victory or defeat, he will give up.

Although the Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array of Monster Race was lost to the Witch in the last Great Battle of Witch and Demon, it was a crime of non-war.

After all, Heavenly God has a great array, but summon has Pangu’s true body.

And Heavenly Cycle Star Chen great array still has the combat effectiveness of Hunyuan Saint.

However, for his own ten thousand immortal formation, the Eastern Prince also has several points of confidence. At least not without the strength to fight back.

Unfortunately, there is too little time and too little expert.

Otherwise, his confidence may be stronger.

He doesn’t think that Wanxian Array is weaker than Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array.

“Set up an array!”

Following the order of the Eastern Prince.

The whole Penglai Island moved after hearing the sound.

But you can see, one formation after another soars into the sky.

Tai Chi Array, Yin-Yang Formation, Four Symbols Array, Yin-Yang Formation, Five Elements Array, Eight Divinatory Array, Big Dipper Formation…

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