I want to see two dislikes.

Each got their favorite treasure, Mosquito Man and Three Purities, and did not stay there uncomfortable. Three Purities was coldly snorted, turned around and left Buzhou Mountain, went straight back to Kunlun Mountains, and Mosquito The Taoist didn’t go to the ancient palace of the old friend and went to the East China Sea together.

Now, Fang Qingshan has just got the Life and Death Book and Magicstrate pen, and has not fully refined yet, comprehending the Profound Truth contained in it, so he is not in a hurry to trade things about Demon God with the Wu Clan.

Moreover, doing things on the pole will obviously suffer.

The key is that if you don’t go to the Witch Clan, the Witch Clan will also come to the blood.

After all, the reincarnation of post-soil will always come with blood.

And when Houtu wants to reincarnate, he must first encroach on his lair, and then Life and Death Book and Magicstrate pens are the authority of the underworld, Sacred Jewel, they are obviously unwilling to fall into the hands of others, leading to the fall of power in the future .

Don’t talk about the relationship between the Wu clan and yourself, it is to not offend yourself, the best way for the Wu clan is to trade with yourself, not to force it.

The most important thing is that I still have a Purple Qi in my hands.

This is also the reason why the Mosquito Dao Ren refining the Ten Grade 5 Karma Fire Red Lotus did not use him.

He wants to use this Supreme Treasure to trade with the Wu Clan.

If there was no Hongmeng Purple Qi, even with the monstrous merit of reincarnation.

Houtu just barely survived, and the merits are used to re-refine and nurture Primordial Spirit.

The so-called reincarnation in one time, the earth will be no more.

From then on, there was only Empress with peace of mind and perfection, and there was no ancestors and witches.

Even if the memory is still there, but it’s not the ancestor witch. More importantly, because there is no fleshly body, the Primordial Spirit has just condensed. Even if it is an authentic incarnation, Hou Tu has no power to resist the Heavenly Way. He was directly forbidden in the underworld and missed the Great Battle of Witch and Demon.

But if you have Hongmeng Purple Qi, everything will be completely different.

Houtu will no longer be confined to the underworld, and there will be a Saint in the Witch Clan.

Lich’s final outcome is probably still unknown.

In this way, it is not that the Wu clan wants to do things, but the Wu clan wants to do it.

Just like during the Dragon Phoenix battle, it was precisely because Hongjun wanted the Zhuxian sword in his hand that the Mosquito Daoist could so smoothly obtain the Wutu apricot yellow flag and the merit Golden Lotus lotus seeds.

If Hongjun knew that he was determined to obtain these two things, I am afraid the transaction would not be so smooth.

Otherwise, at least you can’t exchange these two treasures by relying on the Zhuxian Sword alone, and even if you can, it will probably delay a long time.

If Houtu can get Hongmeng Purple Qi, if Lich can’t withdraw from Great Desolate, Human Race can’t rise.

Human Race cannot rise, and as the six Saints of Human Race Sanctification, obviously they can only continue to be aggrieved.

Of course, if you want to get all of this, it obviously depends on whether the Wu Clan can come up with something that makes your heart beat.

But I want to come to them It shouldn’t be disappointed.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao people are not in a hurry to find the Wu Clan.

However, they did not act. As a teammate of God, Hongjun had already begun planning.

It is not only Three Purities that travel to Great Desolate, but also Houtu.

While traveling in the Hinterland, Hongjun influenced her thinking by the top secret, inspiring the compassion and destiny in her body.

The reason for this is that it weakens the strength of the Wu clan. Without the Hou Tu, the twelve ancestral witches are incomplete, and the Heavenly God evil great array is incomplete. The Wu clan’s strength is naturally greatly reduced, and it can be brought closer. The gap between Monster Race.

Furthermore, after the earth turns into reincarnation, it complements the tunnel. When the time comes, heaven and earth are three talents, the origin of the Great Desolate Heavenly Way will usher in a big explosion.

If it is Great Battle of Witch and Demon, Lich is defeated, Human Race rises, Buzhou Mountain falls, Heavenly Way truly controls Great Desolate, he will have the strength to deal with Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei.

The most important thing is that after the earth turns into reincarnation, it will also invade the blood sea of ​​Fang Qingshan.

Plus his previous trading plot against Life and Death Book and Magicstrate pen.

It can also provoke the relationship between the Lijian Witch and the Sea of ​​Blood.

So, when you can count on it, do you say Hongjun will ignore it?

Just when I traveled the Great Desolate in Houtu, and under the guidance of Hongjun, slowly moved towards the sea of ​​blood.

Fang Qingshan has come to the East China Sea, and has also encountered a lively event.

After the wedding of the day, Monster Race added three experts, especially Xihe, a second only to Dijun, Supreme Unity and Fuxi. Wangshu, Changxi, although not as good as Kunpeng, are not weaker than the Ten Demon Commanders.

The most important thing is that the lunar star enters the Monster Race and the Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array is improved and its strength greatly increased.

In this case, Emperor Supreme Unity’s ambitions have begun to recur.

Especially under the stimulus of Three Purities, access to quasi mentions, and the others successive Sanctification.

Whether it is the long-cherished wish of the heart or the inducement of external forces, they all want to continue the unfinished great cause of unification, vainly trying to fate and break through.

Although Monster Race is powerful, it is not as good as your own strength.

In this world of great controversy, Emperor Supreme Unity also felt a shadow of death shrouding him.

So, they desperately want a breakthrough cultivation base.

Without Hongmeng Purple Qi, if you want to break the shackles, you can only add fate.

If you want to unify Great Desolate, you actually want to use the strengths of all parties.

Looking at the entire Great Desolate, Dragon Phoenix has declined. Except for the Witch Clan and Penglai Island, other forces are not enough.

The witch clan has a great array of Heavenly God, which can summon Pangu’s real body and is powerful.

The most important thing is to hook up with the sea of ​​blood, which is unclear.

Although Dijun Supreme Unity has skyrocketed in strength and ambition, he still knows himself and does not want to provoke them immediately. Unless Dao Ancestor is preparing to deal with the sea of ​​blood, he dare to hit a person when he’s down.

Since the witches cannot be moved, Penglai Island is a good target.

So, after Tian’s marriage, Emperor Supreme Unity drew up his soldiers and drove towards the East China Sea.

Of course, because the Eastern King was the head of the male immortals appointed by the Taoist ancestor at Purple Heaven Palace.

If you kill without telling you, I’m afraid I’ll slap Hongjun in the face. Even if it’s successful when the time comes, I’m afraid I can’t walk around.

So, when Di Jun and Supreme Unity were in Penglai, they went to Chaos and asked Dao Zu’s opinion.

In this regard, Hongjun neither said yes or no, but just said he knew.

In this regard, Dijun and Supreme Unity don’t know where Dao Zu is tacitly approved.

Actually, for the Eastern Prince and Western Queen, although they were the pawns that Hongjun once dropped casually, they still gave high hopes.

See how, when the later generations established Haotian Jade Pool as the Queen Mother of Celestial Emperor, Dao Ancestor also gave out Clear Sky Mirror, plain cloud flag and flat peach.

Although given to the Eastern Prince, the West Queen Mother’s leading cane and water purification bowl are no more than mention on equal terms.

However, this is the Sacred Jewel used by Dao Zu Sanctification before, and it is of great significance.

It’s a pity that the Eastern Prince and the Western Queen can’t stand up to the wall with mud. Up to now, they haven’t come up with any famous names. One is empty, but simply doesn’t enter the corpse.

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