The enemy is strong and we are weak, and the enemy is weak and we are strong.

At this time, I don’t take the opportunity to share a piece of the pie. When will I wait?

It just so happens that he has fallen behind Hongjun’s cultivation base too much. At this time, if he fights for a profit, he can improve his strength faster and better.

Otherwise, when will we see the hope of catching up?

As for whether Hongjun will be ashamed into anger because of this, he will break up with one shot, and even move rough with himself.

Luo Hu is very sure about this. As long as he doesn’t break Hongjun’s roots like before, he is not too rude, even if he takes advantage of it, Hongjun can only now Acknowledge it with his nose.

After all, it’s really either the fish dies or the net splits. There is no good for Hongjun, isn’t it?

Even if the Heavenly Demon is forcibly integrated in the end, the benefits are just some leftovers, and the gains outweigh the losses.

After some bargaining, Luo Hui and Hongjun finally achieved their goals.

It’s just that both of them don’t look good, and both think they have suffered.

But one has Fang Qingshan, Mosquito Man and Yang Mei to deal with. Luo Hu can only take advantage of it.

One is under the eaves and has to bow his head. If you take advantage of it, you will stop. Don’t dare to be unsatisfied, too much.

Both sides have restrained, and this has achieved the goal.

As Hongjun and Luo Hui reached an agreement, Heavenly Demon’s integration into Great Desolate is also on the agenda.

Seeing Fang Qingshan’s strength change day by day, Hong Jun didn’t want to wait for a moment.

The same is true for Luo Huo. After all, as soon as he integrates into Great Desolate, his strength will be improved as soon as possible.

The two parties hit it off.

“What’s going on? How do I feel my eyelids beating?”

“My heartbeat seems to pop out. It seems that something bad is happening?”


“Is the Great Tribulation about to start?”

“It’s not that the two of the sea of ​​blood are going to sweep the world!”

“It’s not right, this The hexagram seems to be extreme sorrow turns to joy!”


After Hongjun and Luo Hui have finalized everything, everyone at Great Desolate felt There was a panic.

But pinching my finger on the secret of the calculation, I found that seeking a life from death will lead to the opposite. Although there is disaster, the final result is good.


We didn’t wait for them to figure out what was going on. At a certain moment, a dull sound began to sound without warning. This kind of sound seemed to be a river. Running wildly, it seems that some terrifying ominous beast is waking up, making a terrifying roar sound. The vitality transmitted invisibly made countless creatures become irritable.


An earthquake that affected the entire Great Desolate began.

This time seems to have returned to the last chaos war, when Hongjun fell and Heavenly Way was hit hard.

The entire Great Desolate land is like waves in the sea, beginning to rippling one after another ripple. Seismic Wave is one wave after another.

The strong vibration caused the creatures on the ground with a low cultivation base and the rocks and trees that were not strong enough to be thrown high into the sky, like a kite with a broken line.

This is not the case. Then, the ground began to crack, as if the crust moved and the plates separated.

One after another crack appeared like a spider web frantically, and swept away frantically at an inhuman speed.

The hideous cracks are like strips of remote antiquity poisonous dragon-like, making people courage entirely to break, devouring everything that can be swallowed.

One after another, the earth fire, which seems to pass through the pillar of Heavenly God’s fire, goes from bottom to top, burning the heavens extinguishing the earth. If it is struck by the earth fire, True Immortal will also turn into coke. Heavenly Immortal and below, turned to ashes on the spot.

For a time, the entire space between heaven and earth was filled with a tragic breath.

Since there is a crack in the ground, the sky is naturally broken.

ka-cha! !

I don’t know when, the void became black and crushed. This is not the black cloud crushing the city, but all the light is gone, and the light of Sun, Moon and Stars seems to have been swallowed.

Through the Heavenly God fire pillar on the ground, you can find that the sky has collapsed.

In the void, like the earth, cracks open, one after another cracks are like traces of broken porcelain. Clearly visible, horrible to see.

There is earth fire in the earth, and heavenly fire in the sky. one after another Heavenly Fire is like Heavenly River Water, pouring down from the cracks.

Not only Heavenly Fire Alights the Prairie, but also the falling stars. Of course, the fallen stars are all asteroids, meteorites, etc. The remote antiquity main star and sub-stars are still very strong.

For a time, the entire Great Desolate was in dire straits. I don’t know how many creatures fell because of this.

Fortunately, this situation quickly eased.


At this moment, in the Kunlun Mountains, Lao Tzu stepped forward. Raised his hand and threw the Yin-Yang Symbol out.

A white jade golden bridge ran across the sky, and immediately settled most of the east.


At the same time, primordial, Heavenspan, lead, quasi mention, Nuwa have all shot.

For the so-called disaster at this time, they have long been advised by Hongjun, so they are not panicked.

Seeing that heaven and earth are in chaos, as Saint who is acting as a herd, it is natural to stabilize heaven and earth.

And helping Heavenly Way stabilize the Great Desolate and save the common people is also a merit.

Take, Zhunti, took out Ten Grade 2 Golden Lotus and Bodhi Wood, and settled the entire West.

primordial took out the ancient banner, and Nuwa took out the golden wheel of merit, which anchored the entire south.

Heavenspan Cult Lord Immortal Beheading Sword Formation shook the entire north.

Of course, Saint’s action is just to fix the overall situation, as for the local turmoil, naturally someone else will take action.

Seeing Saint’s shot, all the powers of the pastoralist side also shot.

Zhen Yuanzi took out Earth Book, Hongyun took out Bottle gourd, the Eastern Prince took out Wanxian formation diagram, Western Queen took out Kunlun Mirror ……

In addition to these Innate gods, all parties of Great Influence have naturally taken action. Monster Race has launched a 33-day great array and Heavenly Cycle Star Chen great array to stabilize the remote antiquity starry sky and Heaven Realm.

The Wu Clan evolution Pangu’s real body also settled in Buzhou Mountain by a million li.

Four Sea Dragon Races also took out the great array of Wanlong Chaocang, Phoenix Race settled the undying fire mountain, Qilin Race suppressed the middle-earth……

With They shot, and the whole heaven and earth finally stabilized.


At the moment when heaven and earth stabilized, there was another mutation between heaven and earth.

But I saw a breath of supreme sweeping out.

The sentient beings of this aura and Great Desolate are no strangers, whether it is Hongjun Sanctification, Hedao, or when the Great Way retires, they have all seen them.

Heavenly Way!

Sure enough, between the breath, there is a golden eye appearing out of thin air, turning true from illusory.

The Eye of Heavenly Way!

In an instant, an overly ruthless indifference attacked everyone’s mind like a cold heart.

Even so, everyone still held back their horror and stared at Heavenly Way.

Because these golden eyes are composed of countless mysterious laws of Divine Chain. Anyone who can understand a little bit is a good fortune for all beings.

See how, when the Heavenly Way was born, the law was revealed, and I don’t know how many experts have been created.

Of course, there is no pie in the sky.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

If you want to understand the Heavenly Way Law, you must also bear the pressure of the Heavenly Way.

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