ding ding dong dong! !

One after another Tianyin masterpiece, I can’t help but indulge in it.

The amazing Dao Rhyme emerges on the lotus platform, rich and clear, making people feel the rhythm in it at a glance and get endless insights.

The newly-born Asura tribe was still ignorant. Hearing these heavenly sounds and seeing these Dao Rhyme, one by one suddenly seemed to be drunk, the various information contained in the bloodline, the rules, and the Profound Truth. Rise in the mind, for a time, I fell into the realm of enlightenment.

Heaven and earth have the same force!

this can be considered the right time, the right place and the right people.

The Asura clan was just born, at the time heaven and earth fate clocked, and it was a coincidence that they encountered these ten Grade 2 Karma Red Lotuses to advance to the Supreme Treasure.

In Heaven and Earth Cauldron, with the loss of Source Power, the destruction of the Black Lotus and the merit Golden Lotus began to disintegrate.

From the original Grade 11, the tenth grade began to move towards the tenth grade, and Grade 9 fell.

After the ten Grade 2 Karma red lotus swallowed so much Source Power, the Karma red lotus was crystal clear as jade, covered with mysterious textures, and twelve petals were naturally distributed outside, surrounding the red lotus. The red lotus in the background became more and more mysterious.

A force within is like the water of a river blocked by a dam, as if trapped under the Five Elements mountain, Monkey Sun, about to break out of the mountain, seems to burst out in the next instant.

But to break the bottleneck shackles of top Innate Sacred Jewel and Innate Supreme Treasure, it is not so easy. Especially in the absence of Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Although Fang Qingshan still has a Hongmeng Purple Qi in his hand, the mosquito man is not prepared to use him to upgrade the lotus platform.

In the first place, it is not necessary. Why does he have to upgrade the Black Lotus and Merit Golden Lotus to top grade Innate Sacred Jewel level?

Especially the merit Golden Lotus, almost consumed the merit in his hands thoroughly.

It is not used to cultivate Golden Lotus. Refining treasures can get a top-level Innate Sacred Jewel, which can be used on living creatures. It can also instantly promote a person with no cultivation base to Quasi-Saint, just like Human Race Three emperors in general.

In the final analysis, it is necessary to cultivate the origin of the lotus flower and help the red lotus to break the bottleneck with the powerful Source Power.

Furthermore, the Hongmeng Purple Qi, although they no longer use it and are not going to use it for World Tree Avatar, its use has long been determined. As for the purpose, it’s a story.

Grade 9, Grade 8.

When the merit Golden Lotus and the Destroying Black Lotus once again fell to the first rank, the Karma Fire Red Lotus seemed to have finally accumulated enough power.


A light sound, but it seems like Insects Wake is budding and everything is growing, a small, new first-grade lotus stand has grown out.

Although the new first-grade lotus platform is small and immature, his appearance is a sign that the Ten Grade 2 industry fire red lotus finally broke the shackles of Sacred Jewel and Supreme Treasure.


A breath belonging to Innate Supreme Treasure burst forth.

hong long long!

For a while, there was thunder in the sky again for nine days.

The black cloud is overwhelming the city, Long like a hanging wing, it is as fast as a rainbow, and it strikes down.

This is the Supreme Treasure robbery, just like the achievement of Hunyuan has to face heavenly punishment.

It’s just that Innate Supreme Treasure is still in the range of Heavenly Way, so the formidable power of Heavenly Tribulation is much smaller than that of breakthrough mixed elements.

As for the previous Fang Qingshan breakthrough.

It is because the integration of the Five Elements flag and the Fang Qingshan breakthrough Hunyuan.

And they had an appointment with Hongjun Heavenly Way, the breakthrough Hunyuan could not lay down heavenly punishment.

Plus, at that time, he concealed the secrets and didn’t let Heavenly Way discover it.

Later, for the purpose of repairing the plank road, the warehouse was darkened, although the Supreme Treasure was exposed.

But Hongjun thought that he was using Hongmeng Purple Qi to achieve Supreme Treasure, and broke the breakthrough Hunyuan, so he let him go.

As for now, Fang Qingshan and the mosquito man don’t care.

Like the previous birth of the Asura clan, the mosquito man did not stop the attack of thunderbolt.

The reason is naturally the same.

For a while, the entire sea of ​​blood was seen from a distance, the white light was dazzling, and there was no shadow of dust.

hong long long!

Huanghuang Heavenly Might, within the ten thousand li radius, is compressed into substance, like a real flow of mercury, floating and bright, catching people’s deepest fears.

However, what is the use of not at all.

Like the Five Elements flag, before the Ten Grade 2 Breakthrough, it was the top presence among Innate Sacred Jewel, and it was also the top defense Supreme Treasure among the top.

Nowadays, the breakthrough Innate Supreme Treasure of the industry, the defensive power is naturally even more amazing. Even if it is compared with Yin-Yang Symbol and Primal Chaos Bell, I am afraid it is only slightly inferior, and I am afraid it is even better than Heaven and Earth Cauldron. After all, he is not purely defending Supreme Treasure.

Sure enough, the thunderbolt smashed on the red lotus of karma fire, and it didn’t work at all, just like the wind waved the lotus leaf. It’s more like what’s gone can never come back went but never returned.

But it was seen that one after another thunderbolt exploded and turned into pure thunderbolt air, but it was swallowed by the karma red lotus. tempering Supreme Treasure, gaining the foundation.

Ten Grade 3, Ten Grade 4, Ten Grade 5!

At this time, the growth rate of Karma Fire Red Lotus suddenly slowed down.

Although the thunderbolt is rolling, there are still Grade 3 Golden Lotus and Grade 3 Black Lotus in Heaven and Earth Cauldron.

But when Grade 3 Golden Lotus and Black Lotus were transformed into Source Power and integrated into Red Lotus, they still did not give birth to Grade 6.

Although the mosquito person has some regrets, it is acceptable.

The Ten Grade 5 after the breakthrough Innate Supreme Treasure, the defensive power of the red lotus, is stronger than the Five Elements flag, and the attack power of the Karma fire is extremely fearful even if the Saint is Hunyuan.

The most important thing is that the mosquito man now only uses Golden Lotus and Black Lotus.

He can also use Azure Lotus to water it.

When the time comes, Ten Grade 5 Red Lotus can continue to grow.

When the time comes, it can’t really be compared to the Three Treasures of Kaitian.

“Okay, hahahaha!”

The previous Karma Fire Red Lotus, Black Lotus, and Merit Golden Lotus were completely refined by the mosquito man. These ten Grade 5 Karma Fire Red Lotus It was also made by him, so without refine, this treasure is completely controlled by him.

He waved his hand, took the Ten Grade 5 Karma Red Lotus in his hand, looked up and down, and the mosquito man nodded in satisfaction.

Asura clan has been created, Karma Red Lotus has been promoted to Grade 5 and achieved Innate Supreme Treasure. Strike while the iron is hot, and the teaching of Asura can also come into being.

“The Great Way is here. Today, there are people in the blood sea mosquitoes who establish a religion with the Asura clan. The name is Asura religion. They kill heaven, land, and all living beings. They use Innate Supreme Treasure ten Grade 5. Suppress Asura teaches fate, Asura teaches, stand!”

As soon as the voice falls, you will see the nine heavens, and the merits will fall.

Just this time, the merits of establishing the Asura teachings are completely incomparable with the Asura clan. Compared with the established Sect merits of Three Purities and the others, it is much less. About half of the merits of the Asura clan.

The reason for this is that apart from other miscellaneous factors, the most important thing is the doctrine of the Asura religion, killing all living beings. For this kind of terrorist, Heavenly Way has not given heavenly punishment. Not bad.

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