Asura, or nine heads and thousand eyes, fire in the mouth, nine hundred and ninety hands, eight legs, taller than a giant mountain, or a thousand heads and a thousand hands, like Guanyin, foot on the sea, carrying the blue sky, or It is Three Heads Six Arms, azure black on three sides, killing intent, or four eyes and four arms, hands supporting the sun and the moon…

But without exception, they are very powerful.

And what is different from Asura in the original track is that the Asura woman created by the mosquito channel is not enchanting, but as sassy as a female not conceding to men. The appearance of a man is not handsome, but at least not ugly.

“Meet Old Ancestor! See Old Ancestor! See Old Ancestor!”

When Asura was born, it was three points better than the Dragon Phoenix of the year.

Ordinary members of the Asura clan have True Immortal and even Mysterious Immortal’s cultivation base.

The more powerful Asura expert directly breaks through to the level of Golden Immortal.

The ten Asura Kings even reached the Supreme Unity realm.

As for the emperor Asura, he is chasing the Innate gods of Three Purities. Once he was born, he was born as the Golden Immortal’s cultivation base, which is extremely terrifying.

But it is understandable when you think about it.

After all, the materials, tools, personnel, and all aspects of the creation are the best choice. If the created Asura does not achieve this effect, the mosquito person will find it strange.

These first batch of Asuras are not only powerful, but the blood cocoons that nurtured them, wrapped them, and were finally smashed by lightning. At this moment, it seems that they have Innate Power of Fortune, but they have evolved into Innate. Weapon blades, or blade, spear, sword, halberd, axe, hook and fork, armor, or Divine Ability, are integrated into the bloodline.

Life Source Divine Weapon, Life Source Divine Ability.

The potential is huge, and it can continue to lean with the improvement of everyone’s cultivation base.

After packing everything up, just like the Witch Clan to Pangu, these Asuras looked at the mosquitoes, their eyes were full of admiration, worship, bowing down, and saying hello.

For a time, qi and blood soared to the sky, stirring the wind and the rain, and instantly tore the thunderclouds that were too late to disperse.

“Wait, I will be Asura in the future!”

Looking at his work with satisfaction, the mosquito man nodded with a sense of accomplishment.

Nuwa creating Man comprehended the law of good fortune, although the mosquito man has not gained as much as Nuwa, but it instantly consolidated the futility of the breakthrough, especially the blood and Slaughter Law, and the law of devouring Law Comprehension. One point.

As the mosquito man’s voice fell, and the nine heavens were above, there was a gathering of merits immediately.

Although it is not as good as Nuwa’s human race, there are three layers, close to 4-Layer.

After all, although Asura is not a heaven and earth protagonist in the future, it is still one of the six Roads of Samsara in the future. In addition, at this time, the birth of Asura will also have a certain degree of restoration of the origin of the Heavenly Way. The role, the right time, the right place and the people are harmonious, and the merits are naturally not missing.





Hearing the name of the mosquito man, all the Asura clan couldn’t help shouting. For a time, the younger half of Great Desolate seemed to faintly hear their voices.

“What a clan of Asura.”

“As soon as he was born, there was Ronaldo, really…”

“What a In the sea of ​​blood, there were two Hunyuan first, and now they gave birth to Asura.”


Seeing the freshly baked Asura clan, everyone at Great Desolate couldn’t help but fall. Take a breath.

Heavenly Way Hongjun is frowned.

Although Asura’s strength is stronger at this moment, the more helpful it will be for him to restore the Heavenly Way.

However, he did not forget that the self/main body contradiction between him and the sea of ​​blood is irreconcilable.

Although the Asura family is not worth mentioning in front of him, the potential is not to be underestimated.

At the time, he underestimated Fang Qingshan and the mosquito man. This was the big tail and the legacy of raising tigers.

But unfortunately, even if it is unhappy, I can only endure it.

Fang Qingshan is now a general trend. If Heavenly Way Hongjun doesn’t want to have a fight with Fang Qingshan, either the fish dies or the net splits, he cannot act rashly until the Heavenly Way is restored.

This feeling is terrible. Watching his enemies continue to increase their strength, he can only stand idly by and cannot stop it.

So Hongjun visited Luohu again.

He couldn’t stand it any longer, he decided to speed up the restoration of the Heavenly Way.

Now that Heavenly Demon Saint has returned to its place, the integration of Foreign Domain Heavenly Demon can be put on the agenda.

Just when Hongjun acted because of his heartbeat, the bloody matter was not over yet.

Seeing that the merits of the good fortune Asura clan have fallen, the mosquito man not at all put it away.

It was flicks with the finger, but a golden lotus was blooming.

This thing is not aside, it is the lotus seed of Golden Lotus which Fang Qingshan traded from Hongjun with the Zhuxian Sword after the Dragon Phoenix catastrophe.

This thing has been bred for many years with Three Illuminations Divine Water and merits by mosquito people. It has already bloomed in Grade 6. Although it can not be compared with the ten Grade 2 merits Golden Lotus in the receiver, it is also a superior Sacred. Jewel.

But obviously, although the merits of Grade 6 Golden Lotus are good, it is obviously not in the eyes of mosquito people.

At this moment, he throws out the merit Golden Lotus, he wants to use the merit gained from the Asura clan to continue to nurture Grade 6 Golden Lotus.

Almost 4-Layer’s merit in building the Asura clan falls on the Grade 6 Golden Lotus.

Golden Lotus seems like a long drought and rainy showers. In a short time, the flowers bloom in Grade 7.

Following, when Grade 8 consumes about three layers, even 9th-Rank has been successfully nurtured.

Liantai Grade 3 is low grade, Grade 60 is middle grade, and Grade 9 is high grade.

Today’s merit Golden Lotus has become the highest among high grade Innate Sacred Jewel.

However, it is not over yet.

When the merits were consumed by 7-Layer, the tenth grade finally came out with the pipa half-hidden. This also means that the Golden Lotus in the hands of the mosquito person has broken the shackles of high grade and has broken the top grade.

When the last three layers of integrated merits are completely swallowed, the 11th grade also arrives slowly like a grass budding.

Meanwhile, West, Mount Meru.

When the mosquito person took out the merits of Golden Lotus, the lead felt it.

After all, both have the same origin.

Especially when the Golden Lotus breakthrough Grade 11 was in the hands of the mosquitoes, the ten Grade 2 Golden Lotus that took over the hand flew to the top of the mountain uncontrollably, shining brilliantly, and echoing the Golden Lotus in the sea of ​​blood. , The introduction is even more joyful from the heart.

This situation is just like the eternal lotus seed, the Eternal Heaven boat is the same as the eternal Azure Lotus.

The lotus seeds in Fang Qingshan’s hands are the second generation descendants of this ten Grade 2 Golden Lotus.

“Senior Brother!”

Seeing this scene, I am sure that there is no water flowing out of the suspension.

The West lacks treasures, heavy treasures, and Supreme Treasure that suppresses fates.

Ten Grade 2 Golden Lotus is good, but it is Innate Sacred Jewel.

If you can get the Golden Lotus in the hands of Fang Qingshan, you can break through the Innate Supreme Treasure if you can’t say it directly.

When the time comes, Western teachings really have the confidence to be comparable to the Three Sects of Xuanmen.

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