Life and death bottle gourd!

Houtu was used to meet Fang Qingshan in the alliance.

Although this Supreme Treasure contains Life and Death Law, it is not the law of reincarnation, but it is like destruction to killing, fate to fate, time to years, and wood to dryness. Life And Death Law is a branch of the law of reincarnation.

To comprehend Life and Death Law, it is definitely helpful to comprehend the law of reincarnation.

There is another sea of ​​blood for the mosquitoes, which is where reincarnation will be in the future.

Fang Qingshan believes that the Hou Tu can transform the reincarnation method. Fang Qingshan believes that this is definitely not only because the Hou Tu is suitable, but it must be because the blood essence of the Reincarnation Demon God must be found in the heritage left by Pangu to the Wu clan. , Remnant or Supreme Treasure.

If I can get it, Reincarnation Dao will definitely go easier.

Apart from this, in fact, Fang Qingshan once cultivation the law of reincarnation.

When it was still in Eternal Life World, he got the Great Samsara Technique of Yellow Springs Great Emperor from Fang Han.

It’s just that at that time, he used his whole mind on Way of Five Elements, not at all cultivation Great Way, even cultivation was used to evolve Five Elements.

Of course, the Great Samsara Technique of Eternal Life World represents the law of reincarnation, but it is obviously the most basic foundation.

Compared to what Fang Qingshan has to understand now, it is obviously incomparable.

However, it can also play some auxiliary effects.

This is something later, so I won’t mention it for now.

Now, Fang Qingshan has not decided to repair chaos or reincarnation, so naturally he will observe the two ways together.

Although a lot of energy will be wasted, there is no alternative.

After all, it’s about your Great Way and you need to be careful. Once you go wrong, it can be difficult to look back.

Shi Xiaohao turned around.

This is different from the time when I wasted effort to rebuild. Once set, unless there is a great opportunity, otherwise, it is basically a certainty.

Although it is more rewarding than watching a special one, but with the Eternal Heaven boat, Fang Qingshan is confident, the next eternal blessing, I will definitely be able to make all preparations, when the time comes in a spurt of energy is not too late.

After determining the two Great Ways of Chaos and Reincarnation, Fang Qingshan abandoned all other Great Ways, whether it was the Way of Five Elements of itself/main body, or the great power, destiny, Dao of Space -Time, put one mind on chaos and reincarnation.

The reason for this is naturally because the eternal blessing is time-limited, and his own perception and energy are also limited. Observing the two Great Ways has already made him overwhelmed, let alone Let him swallow everything in one go, so that he can swallow all the time, but in the end it is not worth the loss, so there needs to be a trade-off.

If you want to learn from others’ strengths, you first need to cultivate your own Great Way, and then you can learn from other Great Ways and take the essence and discard the dross.

Otherwise, you will be like Murong Fu, picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon. There is no one and the way of doing it, but the martial arts is very different from the real expert. far.

To be willing to be willing, to be willing to have a reward.

For a time, the thousands of Great Ways seem to ebb tide, drifting away, but the two Great Ways representing reincarnation and chaos have emerged in front of my eyes more clearly, I can see them. Tangible.

In the case of the Great Way of Chaos, it is so grey that there seems to be nothing but everything.

There is nothing because all the Great Ways are dissolved in it. This is where all the ways come together.

Everything is there, but it will evolve in one piece.

As for the Great Way of Samsara, what has evolved is Fang Qingshan’s memory about Six Roads of Samsara, about the underground palace.

It’s just that, compared to what I remember, the reincarnation here is obviously clearer in the underworld. If the essence is, it seems to be immersive, and the reincarnation mood contained in the Great Way makes people Look at the peak to rest your heart, glimpse the valley and forget it.

Fang Qingshan’s mind confirmed the Great Way of comprehension, and then devoted himself to it.

The other mind is not idle.

According to the outline and charm of his Primordial Spirit from the previous eternal Azure Lotus projection, combined with other Great Ways, a Great Way Azure Lotus figure slowly took shape.

It is called the Great Way Azure Lotus diagram, not the eternal Azure Lotus diagram.

But it is because this concept of perspective is observed with the outline and charm of eternal Azure Lotus.

But it really took shape because of the Great Way Azure Lotus, which is the 30th Grade 6 creation Azure Lotus.

Fang Qingshan got the Pangu Heaven Opening Seal, and Pangu was born from the creation of Azure Lotus, which is also his companion Supreme Treasure.

For the creation of Azure Lotus, Pangu naturally knows no more.

Fang Qingshan’s current Life Source Sacred Jewel Five Elements flag is also the creation of Azure Lotus’ lotus leaf.

He also has ten Grade 2 Karma Fire Red Lotus, Grade 3 Black Lotus, Golden Lotus Lotus Seeds and so on.

Combining these, Fang Qingshan can quickly perfect this concept of perspective.

But it is like the first light in the chaos, like the first budding grass after the arrival of spring, a little bud burst out of its shell, it is a little warm and green, little by little growth , At the speed visible to naked eye.

I don’t know how long it has been, maybe it’s a few dozen breaths, maybe a thousand years, ten thousand years, a lotus stem, three lotus leaves, and a budding, crystal clear Azure Azure Lotus.

Although Fang Qingshan created the Grade 3 Great Way Azure Lotus visual map because of the creation of Azure Lotus, it is obviously not perfect. If you want to continue to improve, you need other Great Ways, Dao Rhyme smelt a furnace.

To smelt the Great Way, obviously we need to learn from the best of others, just like Fang Qingshan created All Heaven, Earth Immortal, Golden Immortal, Da Luo, Hunyuan chapters.

It is necessary to absorb the advantages of other cultivation techniques, Great Way, and Divine Ability into this freshly released Great Way Azure Lotus diagram.

Only in this way can this cultivation technique be perfected faster.

Fang Qingshan is knowing the ropes at this point.

There is a direction in my heart.

At this moment, I am in this mysterious place of Taoyuan, heaven and earth Great Way. Can be clearly felt. Comprehend a breathing room here, can be equivalent to the outside comprehend penance for a hundred years, more than a thousand years.

Fang Qingshan will naturally not waste such a great opportunity.

Fang Qingshan thought of many scriptures collected in the Hidden Scripture Pavilion in the Eternal Heaven boat.

The place where treasures are hidden, there is a treasure world, and there is a tower for picking up stars.

There is also the Hidden Scripture Pavilion where the scriptures are stored.

Fang Qingshan travels to All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, and even trades in the market, there are four most important points.

One of them is fate, merits and wishes, which seem to be illusory, but are real, and have a great influence, and have a great effect.

The second is the cultivation technique, whether it is All Heaven Zhengdao Jue, Nine Turns Yuan Gong, Hongjun Huang Tingjing, etc., the cultivation technique that directly refers to the Hunyuan Great Way, or Purple Heaven Divine Thunder, all are Heavenly God thunder, One Qi becoming Three Purities, etc. Divine Ability, or various laws of cultivation, cultivation, all kinds of pill, formation diagram, etc.

Fang Qingshan will collect everything that is not available in Hidden Scripture Pavilion, whether it is high-level or low-level.

Because these all are the crystallization of wisdom.

The so-called one thousand readers, there are one thousand Hamlet.

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