Of course, Fang Qingshan is not arrogant thinking that after Eternal Heaven Boat is promoted, he can sit back and relax, even if he faces Hongjun Heavenly Way.

It’s because although Hongjun has the upper hand now, he can still find time to sound transmission for himself from raising his eyebrows, and he can also promise to take himself to the chaos, and then you can know that the gap between them is not Not big, Hongjun is obviously still far away from raising his eyebrows.

Because the gap between them is very small, I gave myself a chance.

This gap, now I have to make up for it.

At the same time, Fang Qingshan had a thought in his heart, saying that he could use this to plot against Hongjun. In the end, he simply didn’t have to do it himself. Today, he could let Hongjun’s tiger’s head and snake’s tail end all this.

“Raise your eyebrows Fellow Daoist, do you want to be forced to leave Great Desolate now, or do you want to slow down?”

Fang Qingshan sound transmission said.

“Of course I don’t want to leave now.”

Raised eyebrows hearing this, speechless for a while, who wants to be like a stray dog, panicked all day?

“But now I can’t help myself!”

“Does Fellow Daoist have a way?”

Raised his eyebrows with a wry smile, and then reacted, Fang Qingshan this When I asked this question, it was obvious that impossible was aimless. I was happy, and suddenly raised a wave of hope, and asked quickly.

Although he doesn’t think Fang Qingshan can do it, there is hope after all?

Moreover, for Fang Qingshan, the eyebrow raised hasn’t seen clearly.

After all, it depends on the situation, Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Dao Ren were born by Great Desolate.

But the two of them are very different from all the creatures in Great Desolate.

Under the suppression of Heavenly Way Hongjun, breakthrough Hunyuan can be achieved.

This is that’s all, and he can actually get the Eternal Heaven boat. This is what shocked him most.

And how long has it been until now? The Eternal Heaven boat was actually refined to the unparalleled level by Fang Qingshan, and this had to make him feel a little doubtful.

“Although I didn’t hit it, it’s not far away, raise my eyebrows, Fellow Daoist, I don’t know if I will promote the Eternal Heaven boat to supreme, I wonder if Fellow Daoist can still hold on?”

To deal with Hongjun Heavenly Way, raising eyebrows is always the main force, so even if Fang Qingshan has more thoughts, he must raise his eyebrows first, otherwise he will pick up his son and leave, and he will be a lonely tree.

“Promoted to supreme?”

Raised eyebrows hearing this, suddenly surprised.

He was still feeling that Fang Qingshan had cultivated the Eternal Heaven boat sacrifice to supreme in such a short time since the opening of the sky, but he did not expect to be able to break through the supreme immediately, which surprised him again. A handful.

But then he raised his eyebrows and shook the head.

The Eternal Heaven boat is indeed good. It is not only a Supreme Treasure that can help people to reach eternity, but also a Divine Item.

Skipping grades to challenge, to him is just as simple as a person drinking water.

However, even if it is an Eternal Heaven boat, even if it can skip grades to challenge, there is still a limit.

impossible Lingyun-class Tianzhou can defeat Hunyuan.

Naturally, the supreme-class Tianzhou is not ready to deal with Hongjun.

“Fellow Daoist, supreme-level Tianzhou is indeed very difficult to deal with, but now Hongjun Heavenly Way blessing has reached the peak of mixed element ten, equivalent to half-step mixed element 11 layers, I am afraid ……”

I didn’t finish raising my eyebrows, but the meaning was already obvious.

If you want to deal with Hongjun, the supreme-level Tianzhou is almost meaningless, unless you can advance to Paragon in one go.

“Didn’t expect a supreme-level Tianzhou to work?”

Fang Qingshan was also surprised when he heard the meaning of Yang Mei’s words.

You must know that the supreme-level Tianzhou is his strongest trump card, but I didn’t expect it, it still doesn’t work.

Fortunately, he just thought of a way, maybe he can plot to Hongjun, and even hit Heavenly Way Hongjun.

“How are Fellow Daoist preparing? Let’s leave!”

Seeing Fang Qingshan was silent, the sound of raising eyebrows quickly rang again for a while.

Obviously, the distraction just now made Hongjun seize the opportunity to pursue and attack.

“Fellow Daoist, there may be another way.”

Fang Qingshan said quickly when he saw it.

Listening to Fang Qingshan’s meaning, is there any helper or hole card?

In this regard, Yang Mei held a half-trusted attitude.

He was also a little impatient, after all, Fang Qingshan’s attitude of not knowing how to advance and retreating, and not giving up to the Yellow River made him very helpless and shook his head. But I still reluctantly asked,

“Fellow Daoist Fang also has other methods?”

“Raise my eyebrows Fellow Daoist, you said my sudden breakthrough, will Hongjun watch No matter?”

Fang Qingshan didn’t wait to raise his eyebrows to answer, and then continued.

“You said, if he suddenly attacked me when he was promoted on the Eternal Heaven Boat, what would happen?”


I raised my eyebrows for a moment, then overjoyed.

Why didn’t he think of this.

If Hongjun dared to attack Fang Qingshan at the moment of Eternal Heaven’s advancement, then he won’t be killed, at least they won’t have to worry about the follow-up. This catastrophe is tiger’s. The head, snake’s tail is over.

As for whether Hongjun would know the characteristics of the Eternal Heaven boat and would not attack, he raised his eyebrows very surely about this. I don’t know, he would definitely attack.

After all, Hongjun hasn’t traveled to All Heaven yet, and he can’t match him in terms of knowing and shooting horses. He is even more impossible to know about Eternal Heaven.

“Okay! If that’s the case, then it’s settled. Fellow Daoist will be promoted as soon as possible, otherwise it will be prolonged, and the old way may not be able to persist.”

After a lap, raised his eyebrows and said decisively.

Not to mention that if you can’t leave Great Desolate, raising your eyebrows doesn’t want to leave so hastily, and if you can severely inflict Hongjun in one fell swoop, it would be regarded as a breath of illness.

“Fellow Daoist Fang, Hongjun is great, he will use his trump card quickly, and the old way is a bit unable to hold on.”

After the two discussed, they raised their eyebrows in one fell swoop. Jun attacked and then greeted Fang Qingshan.

“Okay, I will not disappoint Fellow Daoist.”

Fang Qingshan hearing this, hurriedly responded.

“Thunder Emperor, the other shore, immediately evolve and advance to the supreme level.”

Following, Fang Qingshan hardly hesitated and gave orders without any hesitation.

Actually, Eternal Heaven Zhou has been prepared for a long time. The reason Fang Qingshan has not been promoted is probably because he wants to plot against others.

Fang Qingshan integrated the chaotic bloodstone, the bottle gourd of life and death, and the drums of the beasts into the heavenly ark before visiting Yang Mei.

After such a long period of transformation, the Bi An has fully reached the peak of supreme level. Only waiting for eternal blessings, it can break through supreme.

“As you wish!”

Getting instructions from Fang Qingshan, a trace of excitement flashed in the Thunder Emperor’s heart.

After all, he is the real if one prospers, all prospers, if one suffers, all suffers with Eternal Heaven.

The promotion of Tianzhou is also a great good fortune for him.

Moreover, compared to the Lingyun level, Thunder Emperor has not only improved its cultivation base, but also its spirituality.

The previous Thunder Emperor was as cold as an intelligent robot, but now it has begun to evolve towards a real creature, with a touch of human touch.

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