Make a whip!

Supreme Treasure of acquired merit.

Although it is not comparable to the Hongmeng Heaven Measuring Ruler in the hands of Fang Qingshan, it is also the rare Supreme Treasure of Great Desolate. It will be Laozi’s use of the bronze of the first sun and the merits of the Buddha of Guanhua The Vajra bracelet made is also incomparable.

After all, one is the Supreme Treasure of a family, and the other is the Supreme Treasure.

Although the teaching is a Major Sect in the world, the clan is a heaven and earth protagonist, a human race.

Furthermore, the main body of the human whip is the bottle gourd vine of the Great Desolate top ten first Heavenly Spiritual Root, which gave birth to seven top Innate Sacred Jewels, plus the blessing of human creation, compared to Divine Beating Whip But there are too many things to come.

And these are just some hollow willow branches, you can see the whole leopard at a glance, and you can imagine the power of his body.

It is indeed the body of raising eyebrows, the spirit root of chaos, and the hollow willow.


With a raised eyebrow, he shouted.

Three thousand willow branches were tossed high at the same time, and then they were drawn down.


When the sound bursts, I am afraid that it is no less than the sound that Pangu opened the sky back then.

Among the barriers of the world, except for Three Purities, Zhunti, and Supreme Unity, everyone else has fainted. Haoxuan was not shocked into a fool.

It is Three Purities and the others who have Supreme Treasure in their bodies. At the moment, there is a blank space in their heads, and there is no came back to his senses for a long time.

Don’t talk about them, it’s that Fang Qingshan was faltering for a while, his complexion changed wildly, and before he could think about it, the Eternal Heaven boat flew out automatically, lowered a divine light, dragged it onto the deck, and then After hurling out hundreds of thousands li, Fang Qingshan felt better now.

Terror, great horror.

Three thousand acquired Supreme Treasure, the same root with different branches, broke out at the same time, what kind of scene is that?

Fang Qingshan has not seen the torrent of magical artifacts before. There were hundreds of thousands of Way Artifacts in Desolate God’s key back then, but compared with the scene before him, it’s just a child’s play that’s all. Give him shoes. Not worthy.

It’s not just Fang Qingshan change color, it’s Hongjun, why not?

He originally thought that raising eyebrows was a spatial Demon God, but Phoenix was not as good as a chicken.

Judging from the previous fights, it seems that this has also been confirmed. It seems that you can fight with it by yourself alone.

If there is Heavenly Way blessing and the Heavenly Way Divine Item is used, then it’s not very easy?

Unfortunately, he forgot that it’s useless to have a hole card. How can people raise their eyebrows?

As one of the oldest and most powerful Chaos Demon God, how can he imagine the background of raising eyebrows?

No, let’s not talk about the others, just show the main body, volley, and instantly make Hongjun feel the gap, he knows that if he alone, I am afraid that simply can not take it. Even take out Purple Heaven Palace or good fortune jade is probably difficult.

This is not just because of Sacred Jewel, it is also a cultivation base, experience, and control over Tao.

“Heavenly Way’s power, three thousand rules, bless my body!”

Hong Jun took a deep breath and quickly summon Heavenly Way blessed.

In an instant, Great Desolate World shook. Amidst the darkness, a majestic, mysterious power blessed Hongjun like an enlightenment. In a ten-thousandth of an instant, Hongjun changed his body and became indifferent. Incomparably, just like the supreme Heavenly Way.

The aura on his body has also risen from Hunyuan 7-Layer to Hunyuan’s tenth layer in an instant, and his strength has more than doubled.

“Heaven’s will is like a knife, cut through everything!”

Hongjun waved his handprints, the power of the Heavenly Way, and Law Power instantly condensed, replacing the knife with a gun, carrying a terrifying Heavenly Might, pierce the chaos, cut to raise eyebrows.

Although they are all godsend swords, they are incomparable in the hands of Hongjun and Nuwa.

If the Heavenly Sword in Nuwa’s hand is only the Five Tigers Breaking Gate Blade level, Hongjun’s Heavenly Sword is the Heavenly Sword Nine Questions. It is completely the gap between Yinghuo and Haoyue.


A wisp of spear glow seems to have cut through the time and flowing water, with the sound of waves surging. Following an unspeakable trajectory, falling toward the three thousand willow branches with raised eyebrows.

Originally formed into a cage, like a net of heaven and earth, it seems that the attack of an overwhelming enemy was actually blocked.


There was a big bust and black holes emerged. The little chaos was shocked.

The various Demon Gods and demonic beasts who were originally attracted by Yang Mei and Hongjun’s fight, thought it was a fate, at this moment, like a frightened bird, they retreat crazily, wishing to show their milk-feeding energy.

Although this scene is not as good as the Kaitian Great Tribulation of the year, they are naturally unable to mention on equal terms with the three thousand Demon God of the year. When encountering such a horrible scene, they naturally avoid it. Viper.

Furthermore, Hongjun and Yangmei, the green willow branch and the Heavenly Sword collided with each other, and both of them were shocked, and then they stood apart ten thousand li like lightning.

The providence gun was weak in succession, the rays of light were dim, the green willow branches were just gone, and the new force was not born, and there were wispy cracks on it, although it quickly returned to normal. But obviously, this blow is not simple for both of them.



Just standing still, the spear of God’s will and the willow branches flashed, and the silhouette belonging to Hongjun and Yangmei disappeared instantly. next moment, the two collided again.

clang! clang! clang! clang!

A series of golden and iron whistling sounds, as if Primal Chaos Bell was ringing continuously. The sound is rapid, like the death knell of the world. Hearing a burst of irritability.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan has closed his eyes and dare not look at it with his eyes.

Because in that case, it is possible that his eyes will not be able to keep.

Not only the look in the eyes, even Fang Qingshan dare not release the Primordial Spirit induction, of course, the same reasoning. Yuan

The battle between Yang Mei and Hongjun is so fierce, and with such a large destructive power, anything close to them will be torn to pieces in an instant, and instantly crushed into smoke.

He can only rely on the spiritual sense far away, even so, the load of Primordial Spirit is not ordinary heavy.

“Hey, the road is so long and long, I will search up and down!”

The more I watched, the more emotional Fang Qingshan was.

I thought that after breaking through the mixed element, I can already be regarded as an expert, so I can relax a little bit.

But I didn’t expect that Hongjun was still provoked.

Compared with Yangmei and Hongjun, Yinghuo and Haoyue are not enough to describe the gap.

I can’t even stand by.

In fact, he is pretty good. Nuwa is really not even qualified to watch. At this moment, he has completely returned to the Great Desolate World. He has no idea about the situation of Yang Mei and Hong Jun’s match. Listening to the sound of hong long long in the distance, I don’t know the specific situation at all.

clang! clang! clang! clang!

In a twinkling of an eye, the two played against each other without knowing hundreds or thousands, or Divine Ability or Sacred Jewel. Out.

You have a Purple Heaven Divine Thunder, my space is shattered with one move, you kill the sky with one shot, and my space is king.

It’s faster than the sense of the spiritual sense, it’s so fast that people vomit blood, and it’s so fast that you may be taken advantage of by a little negligence.

At a certain moment, at the two ends of the chaos, the two figures reappeared, and stood opposite each other ten thousand li away. Although the two of them couldn’t be said to be embarrassed, they were never as peaceful as before.

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