in a spurt of energy, decay again and exhaustion!

In the end, Purple Heaven Divine Thunder did not break the crystal ball, and then bottomed out and bounced back. For a while, the crystal ball shook, a counter-shock force pushed it, and the purple thunderbolt swung around in midair. , Unexpectedly reversed directly, following the original path and quickly returning.

Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, the world moves.

As the name suggests, it is to return all the attack power from the attack. And because of the power of Divine Ability itself/main body, these rebellious attacks will become more sharp and domineering.

The offensive and defensive momentum is also different.

The situation reversed in an instant.

The purple lightning hiding the sky and covering the earth densely covers Hongjun. Let Hongjun and the previous raised eyebrows face this Divine Ability Shi Gaotong deeply.

It’s just that the eyebrows are not moved by the sky. Although there is a little surprise, he can deal with it peacefully.

And Hongjun is different, because he has a good psychological quality, he was obviously shocked by this situation, let anyone be caught like this last time, such a caught offguard, to attack him, They will lose one’s head out of fear, or they will fall into a fatal crisis.

After all, it was my own attack. Suddenly, the unfathomable mystery came to me, and it was more terrifying than when I sent it out. If you change your person, you will feel not knowing what to do and it is difficult to react.


However, although Hongjun is not panicked, he is not afraid of danger, but in an instant, a layer of colorful shield appears out of thin air, colliding with the returning divine light, and suddenly, On the shield, one after another ripple appeared, just like the ripples of a small stone falling into the lake.

Although these ripples are continuous, they have not been broken open by these divine lights coming back. Tenacious is incomparable, conveying a vast expanse of light, boundless.

In the shield, it is like a vast Great Desolate World, mountains and rivers change, the Big Dipper has turned and the stars have moved, the four seasons reincarnate, all things grow…

Even if the divine light is sharp, it still can’t break the defense of the shield, which is amazing. Either dismissed or dissipated, or dragged or reduced, anyway, except for the counterattack function of Divine Ability, which is basically the same, one after another divine light is exhausted, dissipates directly, and vanishes.

“Great Desolate!”

This is a peerless Great Divine Ability that Hongjun has learned through Heavenly Way after he fits in.

As long as you practice this Divine Ability, even people who are not Sanctification can borrow the power of Heavenly Way to bless Divine Ability.

Of course, the size of the Divine Ability formidable power has something to do with the amount of power that can be borrowed from the Heavenly Way.

The more you can borrow, the greater the Divine Ability formidable power will naturally be, and vice versa.

However, anyway, as long as it is related to Heavenly Way, this Divine Ability is not simple.

Furthermore, the power of Heavenly Way can generally be borrowed, only Sanctification can do it, and now such a purpose can be achieved by relying on a Divine Ability alone. It is conceivable that I want to practice this Divine Ability It’s not easy.

Since it is called Great Desolate Guardian, first of all you have to be favored by heaven and earth, otherwise it’s not relatives or reasons, why do people lend to you? Secondly, the Great Desolate illusory shadow must be formed, and the Great Desolate World must be outlined. For Law Comprehension, there cannot be only one or two, unless you can achieve the same principle, and evolution is not transformation.

If this can be done, hundreds of rules are used to outline a sideworld, coupled with the blessing of Heavenly Way, there is simply endless power.

Not only is the defensive power amazing, but it is also tenacious and difficult to break.

“Sure enough!”

Although they all know that the other party is good, they have just gone through an imposing manner, but after this fight, the two of them completely confronted each other. With a clearer understanding of strength, he could not help but nod to himself. Although they are enemies, I have to say that both of them have a feeling of sympathy. This is probably the so-called hero cherishes the hero.

At the same time, the two also knew that if they didn’t take the effort to press the bottom box, the battle between the two would be over.

Because whether Divine Ability the Big Dipper has turned and the stars have moved, or Hongjun’s Great Desolate guardian, it can be said to be a first-class defense Divine Ability, even Purple Heaven Divine Thunder can’t be beaten. If you don’t show the real hole cards, you will obviously have to stay in a stalemate.

It’s just that Hongjun is backed by the Great Desolate Great World, supported by the power of Heavenly Way.

Raising the eyebrows itself/main body is the birth of the Chaos Demon God. Standing in the chaos, the speed of transforming and absorbing the Chaos Spiritual Qi is no slower than Heavenly Way.

As a result of the stalemate, there must be no end in sight.

It’s okay to raise the eyebrows, anyway, his purpose is just to help Fang Qingshan stop Hongjun. Drag and drag.

And Hongjun is different. If he can’t repel the raised eyebrows, he obviously can’t deal with Fang Qingshan, and can’t deal with the witch clan. Then this action of tiger’s head and snake’s tail is really considered It was a complete failure.

Moreover, even if it is not for Nuwa and Fang Qingshan, if you can take this opportunity to repel the raised eyebrows and force them to quit Great Desolate and escape into chaos, it would be a great thing.

Therefore, after seeing that Purple Heaven Divine Thunder could not deal with the raised eyebrows, Hongjun light flashed in his eyes and took out a Supreme Treasure backhand.

It’s not a good fortune jade disc, or Purple Heaven Palace, but a divine spear. After all, the first two Supreme Treasures can be said to be his trump card.

As for why it is a divine spear.

First, the Three Treasures of Kaitian, as well as treasures such as faucet cane, water purifying bowl, etc., were given away by him as a wealthy boy for all these reasons.

There is a divine spear itself/main body which is very good, and now it is not what it used to be.

“Kill the divine spear, kill!”

The true meaning of killing appeared in Hongjun’s eyes and the sound of killing appeared in his mouth.

Take advantage of the trend, shoot it out, as if even chaos can be pierced.

This treasure was originally Sacred Jewel, the companion of the old rival Luo Huo. After the Dragon Phoenix Dao demon, it fell into his hands, and the self/main body can crush the three books of heaven and earth, the Innate five-square flag, Mountains and Rivers State Chart, five lotus flowers, etc., ranked first among the top ten Innate Sacred Jewels of Great Desolate, and the attack power is close to the ancient banner, which is very impressive.

After all, the ancient banner is the Supreme Treasure, Splitting Heaven Ax, this chaotic Supreme Treasure in threes. In Innate Supreme Treasure, it can be regarded as the existence of Peak.

But Divine spear is comparable to its attack with the body of the top Innate Sacred Jewel. This can be seen.

For three days, please be respectful.

This statement is not only suitable for people, but also for things.

The top Innate Sacred Jewel that was in Luohu’s hands is now a big change. Fang Qingshan felt that the Divine Sacred Jewel actually became the Innate Supreme Treasure, which is comparable to the ancient banner in the true sense.

A shot fell, but the divine spear seemed to have come alive, not just a cold Sacred Jewel, nor just a Way Law, but a living person, a chaotic Demon God, Accompanied by an ancient majesty that seems to have settled down in the eternal years.

Holy, vast and terrifying.

The air machine alone makes the entire void collapse and shatter. The chaotic vitality has not evolved into Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire, but directly evaporates, turning the ten thousand li earth into nothingness. one slice.

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