Wall Street Legend

Chapter 425: release

  Chapter 425 released

  Ye Dongqing has a better vision. Some of the women he targets have outstanding looks and figures, some are empathetic, have high emotional intelligence, and most of them have both.

  The quantity can't be compared with the beast Edward Johnson Jr., but the quality is absolutely nothing to say.

  He also knows that his life is not healthy, but...he is neither married nor committed to anyone, and he acts low-key, so he has been fine so far.

  Last year because of the child, Laura ignored him for a while, but she forgave him later. How can I put it this way, he is definitely a playboy, but he is really good to these women.

  I'm bored in the US, so I'm planning to stay in Shanghai for a few more days, and I can go to other cities if I'm interested.

The child lives on a small island in the Long Island area. There is a whole team to help him take care of the child. Ye Dongqing doesn't need to worry about it. The company has professional managers to help take care of it. When encountering difficult decisions, they will call him and even You don't need Ye Dongqing to worry about it, you have plenty of free time, where you want to be and what you want to do, as long as it is reasonable, it all depends on your mood.

When he came to Shanghai to go shopping, he bought a lot of things for Sun Yi on his own initiative, such as clothes, purses, watches and so on. He spent a total of more than two million yuan, and was almost regarded as a **** by the clerks of luxury jewelry stores .

  This has already made Sun Yi feel guilty and embarrassed, but this is just the beginning.

She still has work to do. When she returned to South Korea, she received a notice that someone bought her a house. It is located in Gangnam New City. The one with a brand new Ferrari parked.

  The reason why he gave something was because Ye Dongqing didn't want this relationship to end suddenly, and it was also as compensation for not being able to accompany her often. Sweet words and the like were not his strong point, so he had to make up for it with practical actions.

  Received a call from Sun Yi, he just forcefully let the other party accept her, and moved in, and said that he would see her when he was free.


A week later, Ye Dongqing really arrived in South Korea and asked someone to help her move. This made Sun Yi angry and aggrieved. After all, she was not a woman who had never seen money. There are too many interests involved in the relationship with each other.

   But so what, she is not as strong as most American girls. To be honest, Ye Dongqing doesn't like girls who are too strong.

   After a long circle, I went back to the United States to continue my "retirement".

   went out one after another, and when he got home, his daughter who was raised in secret almost didn't know him, so he lived here in New York for a while.

  I don’t want to participate in various activities. I occasionally meet up with friends, or play poker or tennis with business partners. Life is a bit boring, but it’s okay.

He feels that he is a bit like a mascot, because Washington often invites him to participate in various formal official activities. The mansion is not far away, and he became a popular figure in Washington for a while. He also kidnapped a few experienced guys to serve as consultants in his company to help formulate some specific development plans, especially the international environment. .


  Under Ye Dongqing's personal urging, a smart operating system engineering team named "Android" was officially launched in New York.

In addition, in order to cope with the upcoming Apple smartphone, Danshui Investment Group and Leo Hedge Fund have also made some corresponding adjustments, investing more money and manpower in this area, and some very ordinary businesses are given by him. Cut it off and focus on coping.

This is not considered insider information. After all, Apple’s products have not yet been launched, but the news has already been released. Coupled with the foreshadowing of the iTouch, anyone who cares knows that Apple will launch an epoch-making new mobile phone in the near future. Jobs He Ye Dongqing had already blown it to the sky.

   At the end of April.

  The test and trial work of the engineering machine has almost been completed, and we are also trying to discuss mass production with the supplier.

  It was April 2006, and Ye Dongqing personally watched it for so long, and Jobs spent a lot of energy on it, constantly overcoming technical problems, and the first-generation product should be launched.

The small press conference was arranged in Silicon Valley. Ye Dongqing arrived early this time. He had used and played with the engineering machine as early as when it was first developed. He must have confidence. The media and Apple shareholders also gave face. More than 600 people came to the press conference. .

  The post of host was given to Jobs and the director of the R&D department. At 7:00 p.m. on April 29th, Ye Dongqing sat in the first row of the release site, and Jobs stood on stage in loose casual clothes.

Everything that needs to be prepared is ready, shorting Nokia and Motorola, respectively, and investing in a large number of upstream component suppliers and downstream third-party program service providers. Tonight is a complete pleasure for Ye Dongqing. He is looking forward to returning to smartphones. In the era of mobile phones, the prelude is slowly being drawn.

  No major events in the near future.

  At home, the whole person is decadent. He used to shave his beard cleanly, but now he has some small stubble on his face.

A reporter from the "Los Angeles Times" squatted in front of him, holding a microphone and asking about the phone, trying to get first-hand news. Ye Dongqing managed it quite easily. Anyway, he never mentioned the specific functions, just said great.

Since Ye Dongqing ascended to the top of the world's richest man calmly, few media have met him in public, let alone interviewed him in person, so even if he kept his mouth shut, he kept it secret at the press conference, but the Los Angeles Times "The reporter was still very excited and asked some questions unrelated to the press conference, such as how to view China's excessive carbon emissions.

Ye Dongqing didn't like this statement, looked at the reporter, and replied: "I don't know where you got the data on China's high carbon emissions, but what I can tell you is that other countries are also very high, especially the United States. By the way, after a century of high school, Huaxia has finally improved a bit, economically and in other areas. You can't stop others from developing just because you have developed yourself.

I think developed countries should set an example. Global warming and air pollution are a worldwide problem. The United States and other countries should give more help to China, Brazil, India and other countries to help them complete their upgrading and transformation, and jointly reduce carbon emissions. emissions, and shoulder the responsibilities of developed countries. "

  He has made a lot of efforts in public welfare and environmental protection, and he seems to be regarded as an "environmental protection vanguard" by people. There are pitfalls, but he resolved them.

The reporter was afraid of offending Ye Dongqing, so he didn't dare to ask more difficult questions. Instead, he asked him: "You promised to invest tens of billions of dollars in public welfare and charity in ten years. How much have you invested so far? On average, one A billion dollars a year, right?"

"That's just an average. You have to know that I still owe a large amount of foreign debts and loans. There must be tens of billions of dollars. It will be a little less at the beginning, and it will increase gradually. What I can tell you is that it will only exceed this number and will not decrease. , this is my promise..."

Ye Dongqing sat down and said, the identity is different, and he speaks with his own style. Recently, when he asked Gates to come to New York to play cards together, the other party laughed and said that he was grateful to him for surpassing his own wealth, so that few people called him to participate in boring activities. too much…

  (end of this chapter)

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