Chapter 172: A thousand people surrounded and suppressed, and entered the city to rescue!!

This sword is enough to make nine out of nine swordsmen in the world lose their color, and the cold sword radiance instantly cuts through the void under the blessing of sword intent, causing a sound like cloth tearing, leaves are shattered, strong winds collapse, and where white light passes, everything is divided into two” ah~!!! ”

The sword mangs carrying the sword intent came straight towards the big wild boar, the big wild boar’s eyes were frightened, and he turned his head and fled with a scream, running wildly on all four hooves, surviving, is the instinctive reaction of all things in heaven and earth, the miserable scream was deafening, and the sword light had not yet arrived, and this cry instantly woke up the sluggish Yanyu~

Come, when he returned to his senses, he had seen more than a thousand pounds of wild boar frozen on the way to escape, and the harsh pig cry also stopped abruptly, poof~ bang!

The big wild boar with more than a thousand pounds turned his back to Yanyu and split into two, half on the left and right fell to the sides, Yanyu stared at the body of the big wild boar, and only returned to his senses for a long time He turned his head to look at a Yusu who collected the sword indifferently, the excessive tension made him gasp constantly, and swallowed his saliva with a palpitation, “Qing, Brother Qingyun, this?” ”

This is something that a man can cut out with a sword?

Yanyu once again fixed Qing looked at the wild boar corpse not far away, the sword light was instantly cut according to the central axis, and it was not bad to divide into two, he was ten steps away, but he could stir the surrounding wind and clouds with a sword, and he could kill the fierce beast ten steps away with a sword in the air, and he could also accurately divide the corpse, can the legendary swordsman do it?

Yanyu’s understanding of the swordsman in his heart suddenly collapsed, if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes today, he wouldn’t have dared to believe that there were such swordsmen in this world, Zhang Manyue had been saying in front of him that Yusu was a peerless master, at first he had no concept, but since today, Yanyu understood the standards of peerless swordsmen, peerless swordsmen, can cut sword qi through the air, can kill more than a thousand pounds of fierce beasts with a sword ten steps away, and can stir the heavens and earth!

Yanyu was still in shock, but Yusu had already thrown the rope on his horse!

“Qing, big brother Qingyun.”

Looking at the rope circle in his hand, Yan Yu was puzzled, Yu Su jumped down the horse, signaled with his gaze, seeing this, Yan Yu reacted immediately, and then dismounted and Yu Su tied the two wild boars to the two horses each, “Brother Qingyun, I didn’t expect you to be so strong.” ”

“Can I worship your meat master?”

“Hehe, you don’t need to teach me much, I’ll just learn a fur.”

“By the way, when you and Sister Full Moon met for the first time, did you also do like today, brushing a few swords and subduing that guard?”

“Yes, that gutter face can not use a few swords, it is estimated that the sword is not unsheathed, and it is scared to hold the head mouse.”

“Brother Qingyun, I haven’t eaten meat in the village for a long time, this wild boar can at least let the people of the whole village eat for many days, and Sister Full Moon must be very happy when she sees it.”

Yanyu danced, while talking while excitedly holding the sword and swinging, because there were two wild boars and some wild animals that had been hunted before, so when he went back, Yusu and Yanyu were leading the horse and walking back, along the way Yanyu chattered non-stop, Yusu did not speak, just smiled and listened, Yanyu asked and answered himself, this road was not dull, “Brother Yanyu!” Brother Yanyu!!! ”

“It’s not good, it’s not good, something big happened!!!”

However, as soon as the two walked out of the deep forest, Yanyu was still telling Yusu the story of Zhang Manyue’s childhood, and saw a young strong man who had been guarding the foot of the mountain early on horseback and galloped over, and the smile on Yanyu’s face suddenly froze, “What’s wrong?” What happened? ”

Seeing the person who came with a panicked face, and the look of something big in his mouth, Yanyu’s heart suddenly gave rise to a bad feeling, Yu Su is also eyebrows skimmed, looking at this person, this mermaid Su in front of him also knows, named Yifu, is the best martial artist besides Yanyu who follows Zhang Manyue, good archery, almost a hundred shots within fifty steps, one arm can lift more than a hundred catties, it can be regarded as one of the best force values in the village, “Man, Sister Full Moon has not returned!” ”

Yifu, who got off the horse, gasped and said incoherently, looking at the situation, he also rode to find Yusu for a long time, “What do you mean?” ”

Yanyu looked at Yifu with a frown, “Sister Full Moon and the old man have already entered the city early in the morning to buy salt, but they haven’t come back until noon.” ”

“I took someone to go out to pick up and see what the situation was, but I found that there were a lot of officers and soldiers surrounded under the mountain in the outer forest!”

Yusu and Yanyu glanced at each other, both seeing the solemnity in each other’s eyes, “Just now, news also came from Ashin’s side, saying that those officers and soldiers are encircling and suppressing the mountain bandits, and the group of mountain bandits in the wild wolf mountain ten miles away has been surrounded and suppressed. ”

“Some people who escaped from Wild Wolf Mountain said that those officers and soldiers were looking for the thief who robbed the princess’s convoy a few days ago!”

“How many people are under the mountains in the outer forest?”

Yanyu suddenly asked, “There are about a thousand people, but I stayed there for a while, and I saw that many people were gathering towards this side, I am afraid that the officers and soldiers who surrounded and suppressed Wild Wolf Mountain also came.” ”

Yi Fu looked anxious, and quickly said, although Zhang Manyue rarely went out to plunder, but they are also bandits in the Yingzhou region, there must be many people on the side of Wild Wolf Mountain who know their existence, and now that the officers and soldiers have eliminated the bandits of Wild Wolf Mountain, they must also know Zhang Manyue’s news, “Brother Qingyun…”

Yanyu is also anxious, Yingzhou City sent more than a thousand officers and soldiers to suppress bandits, this has never been done, this is almost one-fifth of the strength of the entire Yingzhou City, “The terrain here is hidden, there is a mountain and a forest outside the village, the officers and soldiers will definitely not find us in a short time, but I am afraid of Sister Full Moon and them…”

Now what Yanyu is most worried about is Zhang Manyue who entered the city, this has been several days since they robbed the princess convoy, and there has been no reaction in recent days, why did thousands of officers and soldiers suddenly come to surround and suppress now?

The biggest possibility is that Zhang Manyue and his party were discovered and arrested by the officers and soldiers in the city, “Brother Qingyun, we have to enter the city and Sister Full Moon them!” ”

At present, the highest force value is Yusu and he Yanyu, so Yanyu will look at Yusu for help.

PS: Before going to bed, I clicked on the background data with more hands, and I found that the thief was miserable, and my heart was cold and cold, so scared that I quickly got up overnight to code a chapter, some time ago I really couldn’t help everyone, and the whole data is miserable now.

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