Chapter 168 Mutation, Zhang Manyue who fell into a heavy siege!!

Among the whispering onlookers, Zhang Manyue, who covered her face with a white coarse cloth, frowned at the army dispatched in front of her, and then quietly hid in the crowd Yingzhou City suddenly dispatched troops, which made her feel faintly uneasy, the geographical location of Yingzhou City is particularly sensitive, whether it is Bohai Kingdom or Tang Court or Silla, most of them attach great importance to the buffer zone of Yingzhou City, Tang Court as the suzerainty, in order to alleviate the contradictions of the tribes on this side of the peninsula, so leave Yingzhou City such a buffer zone, Although the area is not large, but not small, generally speaking, although there will be tribes around Yingzhou City from time to time to recruit each other, but as a vassal country, Silla and Bohai countries will not easily enter Yingzhou, because this is absolutely not allowed by the Tang Court, and as the largest tribal force in this region, Yingzhou City rarely sends a large-scale army like today, the most common is a dozen, dozens of up to hundreds of pawns, used to recruit nearby tribes or villages and towns, dispatch thousands of troops, has not appeared for several years…

Zhang Manyue and a few old people accompanying him hid among the people and waited for a long time, and the dust stirred up by the Zhongyang army and the forbidden army at the city gate gradually subsided, looking at the army that was gradually moving away, Zhang Manyue whispered to several people around him, “Do everything that should be done as soon as possible, go back early, and don’t make trouble.” ”

A few old people immediately nodded and said yes, after entering the city, Zhang Manyue did not walk with a few old people in the village, but set the meeting place and separated alone, there are more than a hundred people in the village, and the materials such as coarse salt and coarse cloth used are not a small amount compared with ordinary people’s homes, so in order not to be targeted by the government, the old people are usually allowed to buy separately many times, which is also because Yingzhou City is too small, most of the materials are in the hands of the nobles and royal families in the city, and after explaining the matter with their subordinates, Zhang Manyue probed around, fortunately there was no wanted warrant posted by the government on the bulletin board for their thieves, but the bright red pool of blood could not help but make Zhang Manyue’s good-looking brows tighten, and it was not difficult to see from her experience that not long ago, the officers and soldiers cut off a few heads in front of the bulletin board, “I need to find out what happened as soon as possible!” ”

Zhang Manyue made up his mind in his heart, and then carefully walked towards a tea house, now the life of the people in this world is not good, they are all making a living for a bite to eat, where is there spare money to drink tea, who can come to this tea house, that is, the people who can live a decent life in the city and some small nobles, Zhang Manyue walked into the tea house without moving, and then found a corner, as soon as he sat down, he heard some gossip in his ears, all about the commotion in the city in recent days, “How many brothers are still coming out?” The city has been in chaos in recent days, why not stay at home and wait for the limelight to pass? ”

“Alas, it is precisely because of the chaos outside that I came out to drink tea, and I went to drink flower wine early on weekdays.”

“Oh? What is the explanation for this? ”

“You don’t know?”

“In the past few days, the Janissaries in the palace have suddenly come out, and they are searching and arresting everywhere in such a big way, looking for those Confucians who have rebelled, and it has nothing to do with us.”

“Who doesn’t know that Confucianism is best to echo Grace, I advise you not to go during this time, otherwise if you pop up while drinking flower wine, you may be able to put your little life on the line.”

“Well, that’s what I said.”

“I heard that hundreds of Confucians have been arrested in the past few days, all related to rebellion, you said, is this Zhao…”

“Shh~! Be cautious! ”

A few people talked and suddenly stopped, and then glanced at Zhang Manyue who was sitting next to Zhang Manyue and did not take off the burlap towel, so he did not drink tea, but listened to their conversation without moving, which made several people frown, but after a few glances, seeing that she did not look like an official mansion, the heart that had just been mentioned was put down again, but still changed the topic, “In other words, the army was just dispatched, let alone one or two thousand people, why is this?” ”

Maybe it’s too little entertainment, and it’s not good to drink flower wine during a special period, so after getting together with a few fox friends and dog friends, I can’t help but start talking, “I know this!” ”

“Listening to what my brother-in-law in the army said, they seem to have gone out to suppress bandits, and for some reason, this Yingzhou official suddenly felt so sad about the mountain bandits on a whim.”

“Gee, thousands of people ran to suppress the bandits, this is the first time, I’m afraid there is another purpose.”


The speaker had no intention but the listener was intentional, Zhang Manyue, who had been eavesdropping on the news, couldn’t help but tremble in his hands when he heard this, and even the teacup he was carrying with a look like he was holding trembled, sprinkling a lot of water, “Bandits? ”

“It is clear that several days have passed and everything has been safe, how could you suddenly kill the bandits today?”

Zhang Manyue was shocked, if it was because of the princess, Yingzhou City should have reacted that day, but in fact, it was silent for a few days before hearing someone say that the officers and soldiers of Yingzhou were ready to kill the bandits, which made some sense, thinking about it, Zhang Manyue finally thought of the guy who was locked up in the pigsty by them who claimed to be the captain of the Songhua Princess Guard, according to Gao Qing Ming, that Songhua Princess came from the Tang Court with a great background, and he was deeply appreciated by Princess Songhua, “The princess of the Tang Court…”

“I think the officials who came to this Yingzhou City want to befriend that princess.”

Zhang Manyue roughly guessed the cause of the incident, since tying the man to the village, thinking of the special identity of Qingming, he wanted to lie to the princess, but recently the village had just been supplied and did not worry about food and clothing, so he delayed, “No!” ”

As soon as he thought of this, Zhang Manyue knew that he could not delay any longer, and he had to quickly go back and discuss with Yanyu and them to discuss how to deal with it, even if the place where the village is located is very secret, it is difficult for ordinary people to find out, but the official government has targeted them, then it will be difficult for them to get out of the village in the future, not to mention sending an army of more than a thousand people to encircle and suppress, Zhang Manyue does not believe that the officers and soldiers of this Yingzhou are all making appearances, and they don’t care for a few days, boom~!

However, Zhang Manyue just got up here, threw down a few copper coins and was about to go out, when the half door of the tea house that was covered was suddenly knocked open, a white-clothed Confucian covered in blood stumbled in, followed behind him, and a group of forbidden troops, seeing this scene, Zhang Manyue’s face changed instantly.

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