Chapter 160 The Palace is Secret, the Source of the Living Dead!!

It was night, Yu Su rubbed a dinner at Zhang Full Moon and came back, he lay on the thatch on the roof of the wooden house, looked up at the night sky, the moon was bright and starry on the summer night, and the sound of babies and cicadas in his ears was constant, which sounded like another enjoyment, “Everyone wants to live forever, but the only thing that can really live forever is the bright moon in this world.” ”

Yu Su said to himself, even if it is a god in this world, a hundred years later, with the advent of the higher heavenly path, it will also lose the authority of eternal life, let alone worldly mortals, recalling the wild history scroll he printed, plus the soldiers who came back from the dead described by Yanyu to Zhang Manyue, Yu Su faintly felt that there may really be zombies in this peninsula, zombies and zombies are different, zombies are the product of supernatural beings, and zombies are alternative existences created by genetic drugs, biochemical factors, viral infections, etc., At this time, there was no existence of high-tech gene companies such as umbrellas in ancient times, so Yu Su had reason to guess that the existence of zombies that violated human ethics was likely to be the product of the pursuit of immortality by the kings and nobles here, looking at the bright moon in front of him, Yu Su sighed for no reason, just when Yu Su comfortably admired the moonlight from thousands of years ago, a crisp “silver bell” sound suddenly sounded in his ears, “Come and catch me ~ Come catch me ~”

“Hee-hee~You can’t catch it~”

Yu Su got up and looked down, only to see a group of children fighting and making trouble you chasing me running around his wooden house, seeing this scene, Yu Su smiled heartily, who would have thought that in the most chaotic place in the entire peninsula there was such a group of children far away from war and disease Yu Su supported with one hand and jumped off the roof, “Ah~!” ”

Yu Su jumped off the roof startled a few children who were bouncing, Yu Su smiled, did not pay attention to it, the silver mask he brought was indeed a little scary at night, seeing Yu Su walking towards them, the little guys who were still playing hurried together, looking at him timidly, only a slightly older girl was bold, looking about six or seven years old, she first tilted her head and looked at Yu Su for a short time, and then walked in front of everyone: “Are you the benefactor Qingyun brother said by my mother?” ”

With a childish voice characteristic of innocence, he asked crisply and pleasantly, “My mother said that a man with a hooded face saved Sister Full Moon today, and told us not to run into Brother Qingyun. ”

The little girl looks clean, her eyes are also very clear and hide a little curiosity, that is, the clothes are a little worn out like the younger siblings behind her, Yu Su squatted down, smiled kindly and touched the little girl’s head, the little girl and the little guys behind her all blinked big eyes, their eyes looked at Yu Su with a hint of stupidity, Yu Su smiled, and then waved his hand, a cloth bag appeared in his hand out of thin air, the little girl and the other children suddenly widened their eyes, Yu Su handed the cloth bag to the little girl and pushed her,” Is it for us? ”

Yusu nodded, the little girl took the cloth bag, and the other children also gathered around, chattering was very curious, when the little girl carefully opened the small cloth bag, suddenly a sweet osmanthus fragrance floated out, “Wow~, so fragrant!” ”

“So fragrant ~!!!”

Seeing the happy look of the children, Yu Su couldn’t help but chuckle, before coming here, considering the historical background here, Yu Su hoarded a lot of snacks and food in the system space, this osmanthus cake was still smoothed out in Zhang Manyue’s office when he went to the Druna Hotel, the little girl took out the osmanthus cake in the cloth bag and distributed it to her younger siblings, and then waved towards Yu Su like a decent hand, and the little guys behind also learned to thank you, “Thank you Brother Qingyun!” ”

“Thank you brother!”

After watching these naughty little guys leave, Yu Su estimated the time at this time, almost seven or eight o’clock at night in the later life, the civilian house has no entertainment at night, so most of them sleep early, the lights in the wooden house next door Zhang Full Moon have gone out, I think it is too tired during the day so I went to bed early, Yu Su was not very comfortable when he first came here, he couldn’t sleep he had the intention to go out to see the surrounding situation, so he beckoned from the house, Qingyun Jian suddenly flew out of the house, through the window fell on Yu Su’s hand, After making sure that Zhang Manyue had fallen asleep, Yusu’s whole person took off into the air and disappeared into the vast night.

In order to effectively manage the Turkic, Hui, Soxian, Tiele, Murwei, Khitan and other ethnic minority forces, the Tang Dynasty followed the Han Dynasty’s system of capital protectorate and established Anxi, Anbei, Andong, Annan, Shan Yu, and Beiting six major capital protectorates to deal with the relationship between Fan states.

In the north of the peninsula, south of Andong Dufu, west of Bohai Kingdom, and in the palace of Yingzhou City, an imperial doctor was hurriedly recruited into the palace, and under the guidance of his attendants, he entered the seven palace gates and then entered a small palace called Daoming Hall, Daoming Hall, which is the residence of the king of Yingzhou City.

According to rumors, the king of Yingzhou City has been sick in bed for three years, during this period he has not been to the palace for a long time, and the minister of the dynasty has not seen the great king Longyan for many years, and now the heavy minister Zhao is in charge of the imperial government, and the mother of the middle hall is the daughter of the Zhao family is pregnant, and the palace forbidden army general is the son of the Zhao family, it can be said that the power of the Zhao family already has the power to influence the royal family, so there are rumors among the people that the king has long died, but the daughter of the Zhao family has not yet given birth, and I am afraid that once the death of the king is spread, His Royal Highness before the death of the Great King would inherit the throne at this time, and the death of the Great King was hidden by the Zhao family and the concubine of the Middle Temple, and they only waited for the birth of the child in the womb of the Zhao family to support Yuanzi to inherit the throne.

The imperial doctor knelt in front of the curtain under the signal of the attendant, and on the other side was the king’s bed, at this time, there were no palace maids in the Daoming Hall, and there were no other guards, only the son of the Zhao family who had just led the imperial doctor in, and the palace forbidden army stood aside with a knife.

The old imperial doctor who was kneeling on the ground put the silver needle cloth bag in front of him with trembling hands, and only after the king stretched out his hand, he could take his pulse.

However, the old imperial doctor knew better than anyone that the Great King had died three days ago, and what was lying inside now was just a monster that only knew how to devour the living

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