Chapter 157 Xanadu, soldiers who came back from the dead!!

Zhang Manyue and Yusu each led a horse, and the two walked slowly on the soft grass mat one after the other, “Although we are mountain thieves, we never rob ordinary people. ”

“Actually, before we came here, we were all refugees from all over the world.”

“We have Goguryeo remnants here, some are Buyeo people, there are Khitan and sock karma, and even there are orphans of Tang soldiers, such as me and Yanyu are Gao ~ Guryeo remnants.”

Yusu was silent, just listened to Zhang Manyue tell the origin of these people, at this time Zhang Manyue spoke Chinese, did not affect Yusu listening, Goguryeo was established by the Northern Buyeo people Jumong, in ancient times was located in the northeast of our country an ancient regime, the composition of the people is mainly composed of Jurchen, Mongolia and Han people, roughly located in the present-day Ji (Lin) area, of which Han people account for the majority So although the Goguryeo people have their own language, but the text used is Chinese, that is, the text is still Chinese characters, But the pronunciation was their own dialect, including in present-day Silla, and members of the royal family and the upper class were proficient in Chinese, and for a thousand or two thousand years, there were only Chinese characters on the Asano Peninsula, and Chinese characters were the only writing system.

The two came to Yu Su before seeing under the big tree hugged by several people, the flourishing leaves became a natural umbrella, Zhang Full Moon let out a long breath, and then lay on the grass under the tree, closed his eyes to enjoy the feeling of the breeze blowing on his face, seeing this, Yu Su also took off the Qingyun behind him and held it in his arms, sitting on the ground next to Zhang Manyue, “You must think that we mountain thieves are very bad and bad, only know how to rob other people’s things to survive.” ”

After looking at the clear blue sky and soft white clouds for a while, Zhang Manyue turned his head to look at Yu Su on the side, not waiting for Yu Su to answer, and in fact, Zhang Manyue did not expect Yu Su, the unspeakable benefactor, to answer him, and then looked at the sky and said, “In fact, we also want to live in peace, but we are all displaced people who have no household registration, and we can only be captured as slaves when we go out.” ”

Speaking of this, Zhang Manyue chuckled, “And the outside world I believe you also know that it is the world of nobles, and people like us can’t live at all.” ”

“There are a lot of old people and many children in the mountains, they have all fled from the north, and if we don’t care, they will soon starve to death.”

Yusu looked at Zhang Manyue and listened quietly, looking at the most “At the beginning of the year, the Bohai country in the north and the Silla people in the south fought again, and many people died, and the field was full of people. ”

“Yanyu also said that he saw some people die and come back to life, and then all of them died, and he didn’t know if it was true.”

“But I know that a lot of people must have died in that battle, whether it was Silla or Bohai Kingdom, because the adults in Yingzhou City began to rob the people of food and cloth again.”

Zhang Manyue’s voice was slow, as if he was telling something that had nothing to do with himself, but the speaker had no intention of listening to the heart, and when he heard that the dead man came back to life, Yu Su’s eyebrows did not hold back a jump, but he did not interrupt, “I hate war.” ”

“My father and mother died when I was very young because of the war, starving to death on the way to escape…”

Only listened to Zhang Manyue’s voice getting slower and slower, and finally said that Zhang Manyue slowly slept in the warm breeze, hearing no sound in his ears, Yu Su looked to the side, only to see Zhang Manyue slightly closed his eyes, breathing evenly, obviously asleep, she had a hint of humility on her face in her sleep, “Huh~”

Yusu chuckled, in fact, for the history Zhang Manyue said, he knew before he came, Goguryeo was first established in 37 BC, under the jurisdiction of Xuanji County of the Han Dynasty, the monarch is not called a king but a marquis, from the Western Han Dynasty to the Western Jin Dynasty three or four hundred years, Goguryeo is a small marquis, Eastern Han Dynasty, 3 AD, Goguryeo moved the capital to present-day Ji’an, Ji’an, and has lasted for more than 400 years, because of the remoteness and harsh climate, the northeast region where Goguryeo is located has become an indisputable place for soldiers, so Goguryeo gradually developed and grown, until the Central Plains Dynasty restored unity and established the Great Sui.

The Sui Emperor of the Great Sui suffered a big loss in Goguryeo, causing the later Tang Taizong to be uncomfortable, so he set the national policy of destroying Goguryeo and crushed Goguryeo’s resistance, but unfortunately died in the final closing stage, and later Tang Gaozong took Lao Li’s team to completely destroy Goguryeo, Zhang Manyue’s life in the first twenty years was largely affected by this historical background, Zhang Manyue’s parents were originally Goguryeo royal orphans, but in this case, the identity of royal orphans did not make them prosperous and wealthy, On the contrary, it is likely to invite the scourge of killing, so Zhang Manyue’s family fled all the way south, from Pyongyang to the Silla border near Kaesong, but the environment here is ten thousand times worse than Pyongyang occupied by the Tang Court, since Goguryeo disappeared, the territory was divided between the Tang Court and Silla, Silla’s territory and the Bohai State bordered, the relationship between the two was up and down, so small wars continued, resulting in the surrounding tribesmen not having a good life, and Kaesong is located in Silla, the border range of the Bohai Kingdom and the Tang Ting Three Kingdoms, after coming here, Affected by the war between Silla and Bohai, Zhang Manyue’s family completely became refugees, Zhang Manyue’s father wanted to continue south with his wife and daughter, but not long after leaving, he was robbed of food by passing soldiers, and finally the husband and wife starved to death on the way, leaving only Zhang Manyue, who was only eight or nine years old.

Yu Su smiled and glanced at the sleeping Zhang Manyue, and then also put down Qingyun and lay on the grass, “But history is only history after all, and you can’t believe it, not to mention this is still an extraordinary world.” ”

Looking at the clear blue sky in his heart, Yu Su thought like this, “It’s just, what happened to the dead man that Yanyu said came back to life?” ”

Yu Su had some doubts in his heart, he roughly knew about Zhang Manyue, so when Zhang Manyue was talking to himself, only this matter made him pay attention, resurrection after death is almost a miracle for ordinary people, but if it is combined with this is a supernatural world, then it is not incomprehensible, “So, is it a zombie or… Zombie Zero? ”

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