Chapter 153 Mysterious Princess, Plunder!!

The convoy slowly entered the mountain road, in addition to the accompanying guards, neither the horseman nor the maid in the convoy were wary of entering the mountain road, these slaves who came with the convoy were very clear about the identity of their princesses, not to mention the surrounding tribes, even now that the United Tang Court defeated Silla who occupied half of the peninsula in Baekje did not dare to fight their own princess idea, and they have traveled hundreds of miles along the way, and indeed have not seen any tribe that does not have long eyes will dare to come and rob their goods, just, “Stop!” ”

Just as the convoy was moving forward normally, Gao Ming, who was the captain of the escort, suddenly frowned and shouted, and the leader Gao Ming, who was in front, raised his left hand to stop the convoy, and secretly put his right hand on the long sword on his waist, and reminded the escort team in a deep voice, “Be on guard all around!” ”

As soon as the words fell, more than forty guards immediately moved quickly out of the convoy, and then lined up in front, vigilantly drawing their swords, perhaps with a natural sense of danger, so that Gao Qing Ming looked at the winding mountain road in front of him and felt a faint uneasiness in his heart, everyone did not know why, and observed the surroundings in amazement, but the mountain road was calm, only the hot cicada neighed, a fresh breeze blew through, the tall artemisia on both sides of the road moved in the wind, making a rustling sound, except for nothing else, just like that, Gao Qing Ming and his escort stalemated with the air for several teas, until someone from the entourage behind the convoy began to complain, and then the convoy began to stir: “Lord Gao Ming, this place is the boundary of Yingzhou City, and it is only ten miles away from the city, so I don’t think there will be any offense from the fur thief.” ”

“It’s hot and dry right now, it’s okay for me to wait, but the princess is still in the car, you see…”

The accompanying butler stepped forward to dissuade, Gao Qing Ming ignored the butler, only looked solemnly ahead, at this time, his brows furrowed tighter and tighter, and the uneasiness in his heart became stronger and stronger, “What is going on?” ”

What he didn’t know was that the reason why he hesitated was because not far from their convoy, not more than a mile away, on a high mountain, a woman in coarse linen, wrapped in white burlap with her face and head was riding a horse and looking coldly at the convoy below, beside her, there was also a man of the same age standing next to her, the difference was that the woman had a bun, while the man was covered with hair, and from the outfit the two should not be from the same tribe, under the mountain road, Gao Qing Ming’s every move was presented in the eyes of the two, and after waiting for a while, seeing that the convoy was still no longer moving forward, Zhang Manyue lightly lowered his eyebrows, “Did you notice it?” ”

Then he looked to the side, “Let’s act,”

“Some people on the other side remember to mainly loot materials, so that the brothers do not fall in love with war.”

Yanyu nodded seriously, “I see!” ”

He also saw the extraordinary of the convoy below, especially those in guard attire, whether it was dressed or mounted, it was not like ordinary rich merchants could afford it, the war horses that stepped down were fat and strong, Yanyu turned the horse’s head, and left towards the bottom of the mountain with Zhang Manyue’s order, and after a while, as if it was a signal, only to hear a sound of arrows breaking through the sky sounded in the mountain road, and then dense arrows shot at the convoy from both sides of the mountain road, “Protect the princess!” ”

Seeing this scene, the high-definition bright face changed wildly in an instant, heh~


Nearly a hundred arrows suddenly fell from the sky, which immediately made the anxious convoy entourage instantly chaotic, but under Yanyu’s intentional order, most of this wave of arrows went to the guards holding swords, “Protect the princess!” Protecting the Princess!!! ”

Gao Ming grabbed the reins and let the horse’s head sweep high, while drawing the long sword at his waist and slashing the arrow, “Kill!” ”


At that time, another shout of killing hit, Zhang Manyue’s team is just a group of stragglers, there are not many arrows, so after a wave of arrow rain, I saw dozens of mountain thieves with broken knives and halberds riding horses from both sides of the mountain road, these mountain thieves have a variety of weapons in their hands, and I don’t know where to pick them up from the pimples, most of them look like old weapons left over from the battlefield, their goal is not to kill, there are horses and take advantage of the opportunity that the convoy is still in chaos, When these thieves came to the truck, they grabbed satin and various commodity packages and loaded them on their horses, “Stop them!” ”

Seeing this scene, Gao Ming immediately shouted, the convoy of princesses, if it was robbed by this group of rabble and sent gifts to Yingzhou City, then his little guard captain is difficult to escape accountability even if he has the favor of the princess, HD Ming turned the reins, the horse’s hooves stepped heavily on the ground to stir up a large amount of dust, at the same time, among the mountain thieves, Yanyu’s figure also met his eyes, among the many robbing thieves, Yanyu was the most capable of fighting, and several guards had broken on his hands, “Move quickly!” Don’t fall in love with war, pack your stuff and get out of here immediately! ”

After Yanyu repelled a few guards who wanted to step forward to stop them from loading, he immediately shouted at several people behind him, the main purpose of their action this time is not to kill, but these substances that can make people live in the chaotic world, at this time, after the Tang Court and Silla eliminated Baekje, Baekje’s territory was divided by partition, divided and divided, and the surrounding tribes of all sizes fought with each other, and the situation was not much better than before, in this case, ordinary people could not survive at all, and it was common to be starved to death, Zhang Manyue and Yanyu and their subordinates were once displaced people, for them at that time, they were fleeing people everywhere they could see, and they had seen too many cruel scenes, so they hated these rich merchants who were high and rich, and the bandits also wanted to pluck their feathers, facing the thief who crossed the horse and held the knife, the empty-handed family maid did not dare to resist at all, just huddled up next to the carriage with her head, and their behavior also happened to be in line with the will of the thief, no one cared about them, The bandits who were divided into robberies immediately snatched the silk satin and gold and silver jewelry unscrupulously, in this operation, the team of the bandits was divided into two teams by Yanyu, a pair responsible for blocking the escort and part of the robbery materials, but the strength of the convoy escort far exceeded Yanyu’s expectations, at first they could also take advantage of the aftermath of the arrow to take a surprise, but when the other party reacted, Yanyu’s men gradually began to suffer casualties, seeing this scene Yanyu was worried that the brothers were dragged by the guards, but when he ordered to retreat, When a sword light suddenly came from behind…


Yanyu reflexively sworded, but because of the hasty resistance, although he received a sword from Gao Ming, he himself was flown off by a powerful blow.

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