Chapter 140 That man’s name is Yu Su, the little brother of Sanqi, and he is like a god!!

“Ah Niang! Ah Niang, there is a ghost! ”

Sanqi happily broke into Meng Po Zhuang and shouted at Wanruo, “You girl, what are you shouting here, here is coming.” ”

“You have seen thousands of ghosts in thousands of years, what is so rare.”

Pan Ruo threw down the long spoon, blamed Sanqi, and came down from the stone steps, but after listening to Ah Niang’s words, the joy on Sanqi’s face did not decrease, “No, Ah Niang, she is not a mortal ghost, she has the smell of a little brother, and golden light, which is extremely sweet!” ”

Sanqi said and wiped her saliva, just waiting for her words to fall, a girl in a white dress stepped through the door, and Wanruo’s gaze also looked up, only to see that the visitor was shining all over, the golden Dao light floated on the surface of the body, and there was a Zhao phantom shadow looming behind him, the aura of Zhao Shangjin Dan was pervasive, and when he saw the vision on Jiaying’s body, a touch of joy appeared on Wanruo’s face

“What golden light, this is a divine means!”

Turning back and scolding, Pan Ruo led Jiaying into the sit, was reprimanded by Ah Niang, Sanqi was not annoyed, and happily followed and sat down, “This, is this the Sanchuan way?” ”

Jia Ying’s face was dazed, looking at Zhuangzi who looked like an ancient inn, and asked aloud, everyone said that Sanchuan Road is a place where ghosts must pass through to enter reincarnation, and it was once said that the red land here is barren for thousands of miles, it should be full of dead wood, and it is barren grass in the eyes, how did it become such a blooming flower?

“What is the Sanchuan Road?”

Pan Ruo frowned, “This place is the place of the Yellow Spring, the place to help the Yin Soul forget the reincarnation of the past life.” ”

“You are both sent by God and have a transcendent talisman, I will naturally treat you kindly and let you find a good person.”

If you gesture to Sanqi to bring a bowl of Meng Po soup, the soup is indigo color, there are photons floating, and with just one glance, you can determine the extraordinary thing.


Seeing that Jiaying wanted to serve a bowl and drink soup, Wanruo stretched out her hand to stop the mouth of the bowl, Jiaying looked at this beautiful woman in confusion, her appearance and makeup were all antique beauty, I don’t know what she meant, Huangquan Huangquan, she now just wants to reincarnate into reincarnation, end her life full of regrets, “Seeing your eyes full of confusion and don’t know what to do, I’m afraid I haven’t heard my name Huangquan~~”

“That’s it, this world is really living more and more back, even my place of reincarnation can be forgotten.”

Pan Ruo looked at the soup bowl in Jiaying’s hand, “This soup is called Meng Po Soup, with eight tears as a guide, everything that drinks it will be forgotten in the world.” ”

“Since I promise you a good place to go, you should also tell me what I want to know.”

“Before I drink it, let me ask you, who sent this talisman on you?”

Pan Ruo stared at Jia Ying directly, and Sanqi on the side also supported his chin and urged happily, “Hurry up, little brother is in the future for a long time, I miss him crazy.” ”


Only suddenly slapped the back of the head, Sanqi was in pain, “Goods, how can a girl’s family say this nonsense?” ”

Pan Ruo glared at Sanqi fiercely, Sanqi lowered his head, touched the back of his head with a grievance, this scene Jia Ying was stunned, although this mother and daughter were born beautiful, hesitated, Jiaying felt that the mother and daughter in front of her did not seem to be malicious, so she whispered, “Are you talking about this on me?” ”

“It was sent by an adult, and the adult took pity on what happened to me before my death, not only let me take revenge, but also promised me a rich life and a peaceful and stable life, so he gave me this rune.”

“I don’t know……… Can it be used? ”

Jia Ying looked tentatively at Wanruo

Although she believes very much that Yusu’s divine power reaches the sky, and even the netherworld gods who harvest souls come to ask for their lives and are also beaten away, but it is not the legendary Santu River in front of her, and she doesn’t know if the talisman of the adult works here?

Wanruo smiled, “Naturally it can be used, today is other yin errands, you don’t dare to be presumptuous”

This Fu Zhao is obviously a divine breath, even if Hades A Cha sees it, it will be easy to settle, between answers, if she noticed that someone poked her waist, she glanced at her daughter, and saw Sanqi looking at her with an anxious face, helpless, stretched out her finger and nodded heavily on Sanqi’s eyebrows, although she asked

“Do you know the name of God?”


Jia Ying frowned and thought about it, and it took a long time to remember that when she was imprisoned in Druna as an evil spirit, she heard Zhang Manyue call the adult Yusu, “It seems to……… It seems to be called Yusu? ”

Jia Ying suddenly recalled: “I saw it in Incheon. ”

Fish Sue? Wanruo’s eyes lit up, “It’s him, and the little brother is called Yusu!!! ”

Before he could be happy, Sanqi was already clapping his palms happily like a child, and Jia Ying next to him had cast a strange gaze without any scruples, “Goods, what are you excited about?” ”

If he was disgusted, he would slap the back of Sanqi’s head again, who knew that the goods of the past were now smart.

The palm wind just rose, “Ah Niang, Sanqi is not bright, and if you fight again, you will not be bright.” ”

Sanqi quickly held his head and shouted, “You! ”

Pan Ruo looked at Sanqi, who was lying on the table and holding his head tightly, “Okay, okay!” ”

“Go, burn the yin sticker, and call Zhao Lian to come and send her to find a good family to reincarnate.”

Ban Ruo rubbed his temples, waved his hand and said, “It’s the extreme, Sanqi will go.” ”

Hearing this, Sanqi’s head was no longer hugged, nor was he aggrieved, and immediately got up happily, but just ran out a few steps and retreated back, blinking his ancestral big eyes, “Mother, that little brother may find it?” ”

“Fuck off!”

Sanqiyi slipped away and disappeared, leaving Jiaying sitting in place stunned. Looking at Sanqi running towards the sea of flowers outside the door, Pan Ruo thought about the figure that broke into the Yellow Spring a thousand years ago, a thousand years ago, a young man with a peerless figure strayed into the Yellow Spring and entered this Mengba Zhuang, just when an arhat broke into the Yellow Spring hard, wanting to enter the Hades Mansion to find Hades Acha, but the land of the Yellow Spring, people are not allowed to enter on weekdays, and the two have done it

Field, Asura is the highest fruit of Theravada Buddhism, compared to the Buddha in the land of bliss, can not be described as not powerful, the lord of the yellow spring, Meng Po Ruo, although they are powerful, but what they are most afraid of is the blood of Arhat, this blood can corrode the divine body and destroy Meng Po’s true spirit, and the most restrained thing in heaven and earth.

In this battle, in order to prevent Ashura from breaking into Hades, the true spirit almost annihilated, Panruo thought that the destiny of heaven had arrived, and the day of death had come, but at this moment another person made a move, and no one expected that although the person who strayed into the Yellow Spring was young, he had reached the realm of the gods, and with a wave of his hand, he repaired the true spirit and repelled Asura

The man thought that this place was desolate, and only their mother and daughter were alone here, so he waved his hand and sowed flowers, and since then eight hundred miles of yellow sand have blossomed in the blink of an eye, and the victory is the spring color of the world, and the man is also called Yusu, the little brother in the mouth of Sanqi, like a god.

In the past, Yu Su gave Huangquan eight hundred miles of flowers, which not only gave the barren land a spring color, but also made Banruo and Sanqi remember him.

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