Chapter 137 After a hundred years, you will still fall down the altar, and the divine body will be ancient!!



Zheng Enshuo was frightened by the evil spirit that rushed over, and hurriedly fled backwards, but the reason why the evil spirit is called an evil spirit, not only because of its fierce nature and cruel means, but more importantly, the body is full of grudges ~ thoughts far beyond ordinary evil ghosts, extreme hatred makes the ghost power of the evil spirit extremely powerful, and even affects the thinking of living people, the 13th evil spirit lies on the ground, his eyes are blood-red, and he stares at Zheng Enshuo with extreme resentment, the door is blocked by Yusu, Zheng Enshuo does not dare to collide with a god who obviously has malice towards himself, and can only circle in the office area, While running, he smashed the computer clutter on the desk backwards, “Look at me~”

“Look at me~”

The eerie and terrifying ghost sound came intermittently from behind, like a suo feng, frightening Zheng Enshuo’s hair on end, but no matter how he escaped, he could not escape this square inch, the black qi spread along the ground to all around, unconsciously had constructed an independent space, until this time Zheng Enshuo found in horror that everything in the office area disappeared, the god who wanted to shelter himself was gone, the god who wanted to shelter the evil spirit was also gone, and in a blink of an eye, he came to a bloody world, Zheng Enshuo stood on a stone bridge, surrounded by viscous red liquid, gurgling and bubbling under his feet, a red sun rose in the sky, but Zheng Enshuo was sure that it was not the sun, red as blood stains were enchanting, soaking the whole world in blood red, everything in front of him seemed so strange, just when the fear in Zheng Enshuo’s heart was about to reach its peak, a yin wind came from behind, Zheng Enshuo’s heart was abrupt, suddenly turned around, and the terrifying face of the No. 13 evil spirit instantly came into view, “Ah~!!! ”


The No. 13 evil spirit coldly watched Zheng Enshuo fall into the blood river, and saw that in the boiling blood river below, the overlapping ghost shadows were from the blood river ugly clan………

Outside, No. 13 is gone, there is a large amount of black qi spreading on the entire floor, Yusu and No. 4 only see Zheng Enshuo lying on the ground and rolling all over the ground, his eyes bulging outward because of deep fear, and his mouth is also screaming continuously, ghost domain!

Seeing this scene, the fourth Magu god’s face is like frost, if there is really an evil spirit killing humans in front of her today, she does not have to do it, the heavenly way is supreme, the divine position is formulated by the heavenly way, once it violates it, it will be deprived of the divine position by heavenly punishment, this is the foundation of the god, even the divine right can be ignored, then how will the heavenly way let you continue to hold the divine right?

This is by no means just talk, heaven and earth are exhausted, the end law comes, there is no more existence in the world that can threaten heaven and earth, and it is precisely because of this that the heavenly way of this world has a deep insight into the weak human world, everything in the world cannot escape the eye of the heavenly way, these only extraordinary gods are even more monitored to death, so Yusu has a systematic protection, otherwise he would have been detained as a puppet by the heavenly way of this world, “Find death!” ”

No. 4’s eyes were cold, turned around and drank in his mouth, the black anger that spread from the surroundings was like a mouse meeting a cat and retreated, just when she wanted to go over to stop No. 13, at this time Yu Su also moved, No. 4’s eyes shook, only to see Yu Su disappear behind him, and then appeared in front of her and looked at her faintly, “You want to stop me?” ”

Number Four squinted, and a black soul-hooking scythe appeared in her hand, “Hmph! ”

The long handle slammed heavily on the ground, an invisible wave of energy set off in all directions, and the yin qi where the wave passed retreated, once this divine power spread behind Yu Su, then the ghost domain constructed by the No. 13 evil spirit would instantly collapse just, “The power of the Yin God, little Doyle.” ”

Yu Su calmly stood in front of the ghost domain and said with a smile, only to see that his behavior remained unchanged, and he did not make any special moves, but the divine power driven by the fourth drive disappeared into invisibility when it swept him like spring snow, Yu Su smiled and glanced behind him, behind him was Zheng Enshuo who was rolling around and crying, according to the resentment of guest No. 13 towards him, Yu Su believed that what he was experiencing now in the ghost domain was more than walking in the eighteenth layer of hell, and No. 4 also glanced at Zheng Enshuo behind Yu Su,” No matter what, I will let this evil ghost fly away today! You can’t stop me! ”

Number Four forced to look at Yu Su, “You can give it a try.” ”

Yu Su still looked at her calmly, No. 4 stared at Yu Su, the two looked at each other for a moment, No. 4’s impatience, Yu Su’s indifference, the two took in each other’s expressions, “A thousand years ago, you slaughtered 100,000 living beings, and today you shelter the evil spirits that slaughter humans, how are you different from the evil gods to which the demon king belongs!” ”

“During the year when the Demon King commanded the Divine Court, the world was blinded by greed, the world was disturbed by war, and those 100,000 sentient beings died both from killing karma and from killing the heart of God, if you want to be unjust to them, you can do it with me.”

A peach wood sword appeared in Yu Su’s hand, “As for her,”

After glancing behind him, Yu Su smiled again, “Good and evil are determined by your words, and the cycle of heavenly reason and retribution is originally the supreme reason of heaven and earth.” As long as this spirit does not hurt innocent people, it is good in my eyes. ”


“Slippery tongue!”

Number Four was furious, “My division has been punishing evil for a thousand years, and it is your turn to teach me?!” ”

“Today I will ask you to die for those 100,000 living beings!”

The long scythe slashed in front of Yu Su’s eyes, a half-moon black light lit up in the air, Yu Su’s face remained unchanged, the peach wood sword was blocked, and the black scythe in the fourth hand was easily blocked back, “Wooden sword? ”

No. 4 took a few steps back, and when he saw the wooden sword in Yu Su’s hand, he was suspicious, a hundred years of peach wood sword blue: made of a hundred years of peach wood with the essence of five woods, with a seven-star map of cinnabar, a treasure in this world, and a weapon of evil.

This thing is not only easy to avoid evil, but it is also extremely easy to deal with the Yin God, “extremely stubborn.” ”

Sensing that the No. 4 Magu God had killing intent on himself, Yu Su also put away the smile on his face, and the wooden sword in his hand tightened a little, “It’s okay, anyway, after a hundred years, you will also fall to the altar of the chakra, and the divine body is ancient, today I will take you for a ride.” ”

“Let’s see if you gods who think highly of yourself can bring me some benefits.”

Yu Su waved his hand and scattered a few spirit runes, and the spirit talismans were divided and slashed, landing around No. 4 and Yu Su, and there were heavenly baskets, talisman arrays, heaven and earth dungeons!

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