Chapter 133 The cause and effect of her full moon, today, I still!!

Yu Su glanced at Zheng Xiuzheng behind her, although No. 4 did not have time to move, but her soul body was still burned by divine power, resulting in unstable soul body, Zheng Xiuzheng’s soul and Jin Youna’s body appeared repulsive, faintly a soul body emerged, this state is easy to attract the prying eyes of other lonely souls and wild ghosts, powerful evil spirits can even take advantage of the void to directly seize Zheng Xiuzheng’s control of this body, Yu Su took out a herb from the system, the herb illusory growth aura is wanton, With the eyes of the God of Death and No. 4, it is not difficult to see that this is a rare spirit grass that is effective for the soul, and No. 4 looked at Yu Su’s gaze with a little more doubts, and he was even more dazed about his identity, Ning Shenhua: A pint of spirit grass, from a certain cultivation world, with the effect of calming the soul and fixing the gods.

Under the gaze of No. 4 and the God of Death, Yu Su’s palm spread, and an illusory spirit grass appeared in his palm, “Manager Yu Su, this is…”

Enduring the blazing pain in the depths of his soul, Zheng Xiuzheng looked curiously at the Ning Shenhua in the palm of Yu Su’s hand, “This is the elixir of the soul, your soul is damaged now, if you don’t stabilize it in time, it will attract the covetousness of other spirit bodies, and whether you can keep this body at that time is a matter of two words.” ”


Zheng Xiuzheng was startled, Yu Su shook his head, only to see his right hand holding it weakly, the illusory Ning Shenhua immediately exploded into a mass of spiritual particles, Yu Su waved a palm and punched it all into Zheng Xiuzheng’s body, visible to the naked eye, Zheng Xiuzheng’s soul body gradually solidified a little, and finally merged with Jin Youna’s body again, “It’s not good to stay here for a long time, you go back first, don’t come out in the next few days.” ”

Yusu admonished, “Well, I see. ”

Zheng Xiuzheng nodded, and then carefully glanced at the God of Death and No. 4 behind Yu Su, she also knew that none of the people present was something that her small soul body could provoke, so she quickly left here, when Zheng Xiuzheng left, Yu Su’s only then looked at No. 4, “Which ancient god are you?” ”

Number Four finally couldn’t help but frown and speak

Magu God body as one of the ancient gods, naturally worthy of other ancient gods, although now the god body is scattered into twelve doppelgängers, but its essence is still the ancient god position, so the tone is not as respectful as the god of death, until now, No. 4 still thought that Yusu was an ancient god, “Ancient god? ”


Yu Su laughed disdainfully, and with a casual move, a long sword appeared in his hand, “Do you recognize this sword?” ”

No. 4 and the God of Death looked at the long sword that suddenly appeared in Yu Su’s hand, the pupils of the two shrank instantly, the sword in Yu Su’s hand was three feet four inches long, slender throughout, engraved with the word Qingyun, this is the third time he showed this sword, the first time was destruction, but perishing is just a new god created by the God of Creation, and does not know the meaning of Qingyun to their divine court, but the fact that death does not know does not mean that the No. 4 Magu God does not know, “You are the god back then!” ”

Staring at the Qingyun in Yu Su’s hand, the fourth Magu God’s heart shook, her face changed sharply, from green to white, and then from white to black, she punished evil, in her eyes, Yu Su is undoubtedly the biggest evil, as a god but slaughtering 100,000 living beings, this is the biggest evil act she has ever seen since her birth!

In the past, the demon king used human greed to manipulate all souls to fight, promote the tragedy of war, and cause tens of thousands of Li people to be displaced, so the innate supreme ancient god fell to the point of the gods shouting and fighting, falling into the evil gods, but compared to the demon king demagoguery to start a war, Yu Su used a sword to kill 100,000 living beings at one time to give her the impact of the demon king, No. 4 looked at Yu Su’s gaze without the slightest emotion, and the surrounding air suddenly became solidified, a little more Xiao killed, sensing the changes around, Yu Su’s face became playful, But the Grim Reaper looked anxious, “Number four! ”

The God of Death immediately shouted loudly, for fear that she would do something irrational, No. 4 only thought that Yu Su was seriously injured, but the God of Death knew very well, what shit dormant for a thousand years to heal the wounds, people have broken through again at this time, a thousand years ago can destroy a demon king divine court, now I am afraid that it can easily destroy the three god divine court, although the fourth is not in line with him, but the twelve Magu gods are both prosperous and damaged, any of them can never return to the original body if they make a slight mistake, and the ancient god Magu God will never appear again, Once the fourth falls here today, the three gods and one line will lose an ancient god, which is inconsistent with the interests of the three gods and one line, “Lord! ”

The God of Death hurriedly saluted Yu Su, his face was anxious, seeing this, Yu Su just smiled and waved his hand, but No. 4 was still afraid of Yu Su in the end, after all, the shock of the god war to the gods a thousand years ago was too huge, the divine court collapsed, the god system collapsed, and the supreme evil god demon king disappeared, making the three gods and one line reappear in the divine court.

Magu God’s differentiation of twelve incarnations is not unrelated to Yu Su, and now No. 4 is only one of the incarnations, facing Yu Su is still jealous in his heart, even if he thinks that Yu Su is seriously injured at this time, “Hmph! ”

Snorted coldly, No. 4 turned around and disappeared in front of Yu Su, Yu Su smiled and watched No. 4 disappear in front of his eyes and did not stop it, these gods and grasshoppers in the autumn are undoubtedly at the moment, but No. 4 does not know it, “The same is the doppelganger of the Magu God, why is the gap so big?” ”

Yu Su shook his head and said, the God of Reincarnation Magu can sense the warning of the Heavenly Dao, but this No. 4 Magu God seems to have no idea at all, still going his own way, looking for evil spirits all over the world to destroy, it is really a dedicated deity, “It seems that most of the inheritance of the essence of the Magu God is in the God of Reincarnation…”

Yu Su thoughtfully, hearing this, the god of death smiled sarcastically, and did not respond, “You don’t have to worry about the evil spirit that escaped from Druna, she will go back after she finishes her own thing.” ”

Before leaving, Yu Su looked at the god of death, “This…”

Death was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer, “She has an appointment with me, and will not hurt the innocent,” Yu Su said lightly, hearing this, Death immediately relieved, and quickly nodded, “I understand, my lord.” ”

The Grim Reaper was about to step down, “Go back and tell the God of Reincarnation, just say that I have forgiven the destruction once, and if there is a next time, I will not keep my hand.” ”

The voice was slightly cold and revealed a trace of murder, and the foot of the god of death immediately paused, and then sighed and nodded, he understood that the meaning of Yu Su’s words was the cause and effect between Zhang Full Moon and the God of Reincarnation, and he Yu Su returned.

“The little god understands, I will definitely tell No. 1 about this.”

The black qi dissipated, and the Grim Reaper disappeared in front of Yu Su.

After everyone left, Yu Su looked at the place where No. 4 disappeared before, and laughed, from the eyes of No. 4 just now, she was not someone who would give up easily, Yu Su was sure that No. 4 would eventually face him.

At this time, No. 13 had already set her eyes on the last person, and was also the mastermind of the persecution of her, but she didn’t know something, and after the angry No. 4 retreated in front of Yusu, he also set his eyes on her.

PS: Take advantage of the few days of illness to sort out what to write later, the current Korean dramas involve Druna, Daihatsu Real Estate, ghosts and gods, etc., and there are plans to lead flowers to travel or something, as for the setting of the god system in the mainland, the arrangement is the demon road, Huang Quan, because considering the reason why the combat power cannot collapse, the stalemate really cannot be arranged in this original world.

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