Chapter 131 Oh, are you afraid of that god? Fearlessness of the four!!

“What happened to Yusu?”

Feeling that the foreign spiritual power in his body suddenly stopped and slowly withdrew, Zhang Manyue opened his eyes

Seeing that Yu Su suddenly got up and snorted coldly, he asked suspiciously: “Someone made a move on Zheng Xiuzheng.” ”

Yu Su paused for a moment, and then glanced at Jin Xianzhi, who was still immersed in cultivation: “You stay here to cultivate at ease and virtuous, I’ll go over and take a look.” ”

Zheng Xiuzheng was just an ordinary high school student before his death, and he was an orphan, there was no interpersonal contradiction, it was reasonable to say that there were no enemies, the only possibility was that those divine envoys who patrolled the sun might find the abnormality of her soul

After all, Zheng Xiuzheng’s soul is not the owner of Jin Youna’s body, even if it is possessed, but the shell and soul do not match, there will always be flaws, so in the eyes of those gods and gods, it is likely to make Zheng Xiuzheng a demon who takes the sacrifice

“Zheng Xiuzheng?”

Zhang Manyue was a little puzzled at first, how could something happen to just a newcomer to Druna, but he still glanced at Kim Hyunji and nodded

“Well, there you go, I’ll watch this girl.”

In the restroom of the mall

“You did what you just did, right?”

“The ghost who belongs to the netherworld, but comes to disturb the order of the yang, and prepares to scatter the soul.”

Just when a grim-looking deity dressed in black was about to make a move on Zheng Xiu, the same indifferent voice sounded behind her

“It wasn’t the kid who did it.”

The god turned around and saw the Grim Reaper, also dressed in netherworld, standing there

“This child is just a soul saved by Zhang Manyue in the Moon Hotel.”

Death said lightly

“She’s not a wicked ghost.”

The gods looked at the god of death and forced each other to look at each other, until after a moment, they released the hand holding Zheng Xiuzheng’s neck

“How could a miscellaneous ghost enter her body and wander around?”

“That’s how Zhang Manyue manages Druna?”

The fourth Aunt looked at Death indifferently, his tone was cold, and he did not relax in the slightest because it was Death standing in front of him

The fourth god represents destruction, the boundary between life and death, and the authority to punish evil

The god of death is also disillusioned by life and death, and the theocracy of the two is divided into the same authority

Moreover, the god of death belongs to the god of reincarnation Magu No. 1, and is Druna’s superior deity, and Druna’s positioning is to send those ghosts with grudges to their lives, which is inconsistent with the concept of God No. 4

Therefore, whether it is the God of Death or the No. 1 Magu God, the relationship between No. 4 and them is not good

The same

Although the god position of the god Magu is higher than that of the god of death, because of the reason of Yusu in the dry year, the god Magu has since divided into twelve and become a separate individual, and in theory, the god position of the avatars of the god Magu is not higher or lower than that of the god of death

Therefore, the Grim Reaper also did not give No. 4 a good face like he did with Yusu

“The owner of this body chose death because of her parents’ ignorance, and Zhang Manyue let her live in this shell.”

Perhaps because of selfishness, the Grim Reaper did not tell Yusu about it

He looked at Zheng Xiuzheng, who was sitting on the ground at this time, and his face was pale with fright.

“Strictly speaking, she is not a demon who does not harm people.”

Hearing Death’s explanation, there were slight fluctuations on the face of the fourth immortal ice, his eyes were lowered, and his voice was both impatient and slightly bored

“This Zhang Full Moon has done something strange again.”

However, Zheng Xiuzheng is only second, the main purpose of her coming here is because of the evil spirit with extremely powerful evil thoughts, and the fourth Magu God set her sights on the God of Death again

“There are evil spirits here that have endangered humans just now, and you came because of it?”

In a sense, the two are the same kind of work, and sometimes it is inevitable to meet

“That’s exactly what I’m looking for.”

“She has endangered humans, she is a devil!”

Grievances, ghosts who died unjustly before they were alive, give birth to resentment

Evil ghosts, those who were extremely vicious in their lifetime, turned into ghosts after death, and generally became evil

“This kind of ghost should be destroyed immediately after it is found!”

“But the other Magu gods asked me to catch it and send it back to my original place.”

Death said calmly

“The original place?”

Number Four did not return to his senses for the first time, but after a moment, his voice suddenly became sharp

“Druna again?!”

“She’s a guest at the hotel.”

Death nodded

“If there are evil spirits wandering outside, they should be caught as soon as possible, and all of them should be sent to Hades to rest and rest, is the road to Hades a highway? What rest house do you want? ”

Number Four has always been dissatisfied with No. 1 for setting up the Hades Inn in the Yang Realm, obviously a doppelganger who holds the authority of reincarnation, but he has to encroach on other divine powers, and the most infuriating thing is that the Grim Reaper is actually standing by No. 1’s side

“Why did you make such a place and let a demon like Zhang Manyue be responsible?”

“I heard that you are going to send the person who guided Zhang Manyue to the netherworld to her, and this person has already appeared.”

Speaking of this, Number Four laughed with disdain

Hearing this, Death was silent

The number four in front of him is an extremely rigid person, and there are very few people who have interacted with him in the divine court, and he thinks about destroying evil spirits all day long, chasing and killing evil spirits everywhere in the world, so she probably doesn’t know about Druna

“Hehe~, will he really send Zhang Manyue to the netherworld?”

“Her soul will definitely not be able to go to Hades, because of her sinful fate before her death, she will definitely harm mankind again, and when the time comes…”

Number Four smiled at the Grim Reaper


“Zhang Manyue will be destroyed by me as a demon.”


Hearing that No. 4 had the intention of destroying Zhang Manyue, Death’s face changed, and he could no longer remain calm and hurriedly spoke up to stop it


Seeing that the God of Death reacted so violently, No. 4 was a little surprised, and immediately laughed: “How?” ”

“Are you afraid of that god?”

Referring to Yusu, who had destroyed the Divine Court with one person and one sword, the No. 4 Magu God was fearless, and the smile on her face did not decrease by half a point, she nodded, “At the beginning, the Demon King led the evil gods to suppress and he was killed by him, in that battle, the Innate Ancient God Demon King was seriously injured, thirteen evil gods fell, dozens of gods were eternally silent, the divine court of the evil demon lord changed owners, and the three gods were able to regain control of the divine court. ”

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