Chapter 118 Heaven and Earth Warn, Reincarnation Magu God’s Goodwill!!

In fact, Perishing and Magu God also appeared outside Druna, after all, nearly two thousand soul marks disappeared in an instant, which was tantamount to a huge blow to the gods of the belief lineage, but when Perition came to Druna and left, the reason was that the brewing thunder tribulation shielded his perception, and Perilous only thought that those soul marks disappeared because of the Heavenly Dao shielding, so he left, “Old woman, is something wrong?” ”

Before Magu Shenxingshi could ask the sin, Yu Su spoke first, and asked towards the Magu God in the hall, looking at Yu Su who smiled naturally as usual, Ma Gu Shen showed a look of embarrassment, and only after a long time did he speak, “This adult must be the one who hit the Divine Court a thousand years ago, right?” ”

Although you are one of the top gods in the Peninsula God Domain, but the attitude of the reincarnation of the Magu God is extremely humble, Yu Su’s imaginary accountability did not come, which surprised Yu Su, and the other party also mentioned things a thousand years ago like Zhang Manyue, the corner of Yu Su’s mouth twitched, and I don’t know what I did back in time, so that this top god was so kind to herself, as far as she knew, although Magu God is a congenital deity, it is also contaminated with faith, which means that the disappearance of the soul mark also has an impact on her, It stands to reason that if I take away your soul mark, it is equivalent to cutting off the source of your faith, shouldn’t you shout and kill me? Just like when he first saw himself in the first place, he suddenly regretted it now, if he shot to kill Perise, at that time, it would be good, at least he knew whether killing the gods could get points, brush ~

Yu Su’s right hand was drawn, and the Qingyun Sword appeared in his hand, “Can the old woman recognize this sword?” ”

Qingyun sword sword is three feet three inches long, because it is a magic weapon made according to the standard of the flying sword, so it is not wide, the sword body Juanxiu dexterously engraved the word Qingyun, although the whole sword does not have a birth instrument spirit, but the aura is pressing, far from the extraordinary soldier can compare, like this kind of last law heaven and earth, the heaven and earth spirit objects and spirit weapon level divine weapons are the most scarce, so as long as you have seen it should not forget, the moment you see the Qingyun sword, the reincarnation of the Magu God really trembled, and her pale face subconsciously retreated half a step, The other party’s reaction naturally could not escape Yu Su, who had the intention to observe, “Sure enough.” ”

Seeing the reaction of the Magu God, Yu Su’s heart was determined, Zhang Manyue’s Qingyun mentioned in his mouth was indeed his own right, for some reason, Yu Su suddenly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, shook his head and threw out the messy mind, Magu God glanced at Yu Su and looked at the Qingyun sword in his hand, sighed, “Naturally recognize, the former adult held this blade and drank the blood of more than a dozen gods, causing the great injury of my peninsula God Domain vitality to this day, how can I forget.” ”

This not only said what happened in the past, but also informed Yu Su of the current situation of the God Domain, hearing this, Yu Su suddenly laughed, but this laughter was a little terrifying in the ears of Ma Gu God, “So, the old woman is here to seek revenge today?” ”

Yu Su flicked the long sword in his hand, and a crisp clanging sound suddenly sounded, as if a piano finger was plucked on that tense string, “Uh, this…”

Hearing Yu Su’s words and seeing the other party’s actions, Magu Shen was shocked, and the hand holding the flower basket was also frozen there, and finally she showed a wry smile, “Why should adults be so aggressive, although they are both gods, but you and I have no dispute, why should adults say this?” ”

“Moreover, when the full moon found me a thousand years ago, I also agreed when I wanted to stay in the Full Moon Inn, although there was a deal between the two of us, but it was also in awe of the lord’s divine power that I agreed.”

“Oh? And this? ”

Yu Su was stunned for a moment, and Magu nodded and explained, “On the day that the adult hit the Divine Court, the girl of the full moon led people to slaughter three royal courts and sat on the throne. ”


Yu Su took a breath without moving, he really didn’t see that the girl had such courage, and what the hell was this sitting on the throne?

“Zhang Manyue has also been a king?”

“Yes, not only that, but she also mobilized everyone in the royal city to find my Full Moon Inn, wanting me to continue her life, as for why she did this…”

Reincarnation Magu God took a deep look at Yu Su, and did not continue, thinking that Zhang Manyue at that time hid some things about Yu Su from her, in these thirteen hundred years, Zhang Manyue has contacted people she has seen, but Yu Su she is sure that she only saw it today, that is, since the last God War, Yu Su has not met Zhang Manyue, to say that Yu Su is in seclusion for a thousand years because of injuries, Magu God absolutely does not believe, almost no one in the gods in the divine court that day can be spared, the dead and injured, only one person is intact, That was the mysterious deity holding the Qingyun sword, and as for the blood in Zhang Manyue’s eyes, it was the divine blood of the gods…

“So, the full moon traded its freedom for a thousand years?”

Yu Su’s heart was moved, and Aunt Ma nodded and said, “In order to let that girl continue this life, I let her bind to the Divine Tree Moon Spirit Tree in the courtyard, although she has a long life, she can only stay in the Full Moon Inn all day long…”

“If she leaves the inn for a day, the inn will follow her to appear where she is, so gradually the girl will not go out often.”

In order to worry about Yusu’s misunderstanding, the god of reincarnation Magu explained again, “In the divine court, there are many gods who know that the girl is related to adults, so the full moon girl also entered the full moon inn by way of atonement. ”

From the mouth of the Magu God, Yu Su roughly knew what happened before and after the God War, but after she said this, Yu Su felt more and more that the two of them should have nothing to do with each other than opposition, “So, you came this time?” ”

“It stands to reason that I should have a hostile relationship with your Divine Court, after all, I killed many of your gods and received a lot of soul marks.”

God Magu shook his head, “In the past, the Divine Court was the master of the Demon King, and the enemies of the adults were also the Demon King, and they had nothing to do with us. ”

“This time, I came mainly to invite adults to stay in the Divine Court, the heavens and the earth are about to change greatly, and I and other gods need to unite together to survive this calamity.”

The last words of the god Magu finally shocked Yusu,

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