Chapter 115 Reproduce the rule fragment, I cast the divine body in the thunder pool!!

In the darkness, faintly seven or eight figures all paid attention to the movements on Druna’s side, “Madman! Lunatic! ”

“This kind of thunder calamity, even our divine bodies can’t resist, how dare he!”

“Try it yourself! What a lot of courage! ”

“Hmph, provoke the Heavenly Dao Thunder Tribulation, the way to death.”

Unlike the gods in the shadows, the Magu God at this time looked at Yu Su’s figure more and more frightened, not only Zhang Manyue, even she felt that Yu Su’s back at this time Ling Tian was He Zeng’s familiarity, a thousand years ago, the person named Qingyun also ascended to the sky, facing the courtyard gods, and finally the god court was broken, the rules were broken, so that many ancient gods suffered and had to fall into a deep sleep, and she also had to separate her body, turning into twelve doppelgangers to survive in the world, and for a while the reincarnation of the Magu God looked complicated, The reason why she trapped Zhang Manyue in Druna, firstly, Zhang Manyue she did kill many people, and secondly, the strength of the god she called Qingyun was unimaginably strong, the Peninsula God Domain needed such a strong person to stabilize the God Domain, especially the neighboring Eastern God Domain powerhouse Ruyun, the Peninsula God Domain was at risk of being swallowed at any time, so Magu God wanted to keep Zhang Manyue and Qingyun God in this way in this life where the Qingyun God was involved, whether it was breaking a hundred thousand soul marks or God War, the source of everything was Zhang Full Moon, Magu God wants to use Zhang Full Moon to stabilize the god, and even has the idea of incorporating it into the divine court, and Zhang Full Moon also has the mind to wait for a thousand years to meet Yusu again, so the two have a deal, Zhang Full Moon and the Divine Tree Moon Spirit Tree are bound, so as to live forever, but they also lost their freedom, and have been living under the noses of Ma Gu God, the transaction is only a transaction between the reincarnation of Magu God and Zhang Full Moon, other gods do not know, so in the past thousand years, some gods have also moved their crooked minds to Yu Su’s god becoming a god method, So there were gods who took advantage of Druna’s position as human manager to install some divine envoys into it, but unfortunately this was a thousand years, and in these thirteen hundred years, Druna never appeared a god named Qingyun, “So it is, he is the god of a thousand years ago.” ”

It was only at this time that the god of reincarnation Magu suddenly realized, no wonder the moon spirit tree in Druna’s yard suddenly flourished overnight, at first she thought that Zhang Manyue gave up Yusu, after all, one god and one fan, although she wanted to use Zhang Manyue to know Yusu, but she had never been optimistic about the marriage between the two The moon spirit tree suddenly bloomed, and she only thought that Zhang Manyue had found someone who could make her let go of her hatred.

Although the figures below have different thoughts, at this time, Yusu has broken through the clouds and came to the thunder sea in the depths of the thunderclouds, click~click~

In the eye, there is a blue thunder king yang, there are countless thunder snakes swimming, and from time to time there are white dazzling lightning breeding.

The roar of lightning and crackling thunder and lightning exploded in the ears one after another, “This is the root of the thunder calamity? ”

Yu Su looked at everything in front of him curiously, the thunder pond in front of him, surrounded by black clouds, gave people an indescribable sense of oppression, he was also the first time to see this spectacular scene of heaven and earth, “Ding~, found a small number of high-level rule fragments, the system accelerated to charge. ”

Yu Su’s mind sounded the voice of the system again, this prompt Yu Su also heard when he was in the land of the fallen gods, when the system stole the power of the rules of the land of the gods, rewarded him with a one-time god-level skill time regression, and could travel to history for a year without affecting the history of the high-level plane, “High-level rule fragments? Could it be the Heavenly Dao of this world? ”

Yu Su’s face was surprised, raised his eyes and looked around, unlike last time, the rules for the system to steal the land of the gods of destruction are low-level fragments, but this time it is different, it has become a high-level fragment rule, Yu Su frowned, the strength of the Golden Pill Period is still a little lower, looking back for a week, although the divine consciousness extended to all parts of the thundercloud, he did not find any abnormal existence, it seems that even the Fallen Heavenly Dao of the Last Law Era is not something he can peep into.

Seeing this, Yu Su could only give up, “I don’t know what skills the system will reward this time…”

Taking a deep look at the theft progress on the information panel, Yu Su didn’t think much, plunged into the thunder pool, bathed in the thunder sea, the clothes on Yu Su’s body instantly turned into ashes, the power of the thunder calamity in this thunder pool was even more viscous than he imagined, almost turned into substance, making it difficult for him to move an inch when he fell into the thunder pool, “Incarnation Law Array, transform!” ”

Yu Su drank violently, taking advantage of the thunder tribulation is still grasping and refining his body, although the golden dan thunder tribulation in this world is much weaker, but no matter how it is a heavenly thunder calamity, the destructive power of the thunder attribute contained in it, even in the high-level world is an extremely rare heaven and earth divine object, accompanied by a light drink from Yu Su, the incarnation law array around him suddenly brightened, and the formation base also expanded countless times, the complex esoteric runes rotated with the rune array, quickly decomposing Yu Su’s body, “hiss~”

With the accelerated operation of the magic array, Yu Su’s scalp was numb, and unimaginable severe pain hit his whole body, even he couldn’t help but gasp for air, skin, flesh and blood, muscles and bones…

His body was decomposed step by step by the power of differentiation, and at the same time repaired and reorganized by the power of growth, in this process, the power of thunder calamity in the thunder pool around his body was also fused into Yusu’s newborn body little by little…


Another thunder, at this time, Kim Hyun-ji who lives in the Yusu villa was also startled by this movement, Druna and Yusu’s villa is not far from the original, both in the downtown area of Seoul, so Kim Hyun-ji can clearly see what is happening above Druna on the balcony, the thick clouds are like black clouds pressing the city, and are also accompanied by rolling thunder, frequent thunder light overflows from the black clouds, and the Druna below shines throughout.

Kim Hyun-ji sat on the guardrail of the balcony and curiously looked at the thunderclouds not far away, “How is this dark cloud similar to the thunder calamity mentioned in the book?” ”

Jin Xianzhi looked puzzled, and couldn’t help but think of the description of the thunder tribulation in the Thai Baht Creation Chapter, “Whoever becomes a golden pill needs to go through the purple gold pill thunder calamity, when the heavenly thunder rolls and thunder is pervasive, and the glory of the heavenly power begins from the sky, causing ten thousand thunder to bombard his body, and if he becomes a golden pill, he dies.” ”

The sky is thunderous, the thunder is all over the sky, and it seems to be the scene in front of you, “When Yu Su comes back, you have to ask well.” ”

Kim Hyun-ji shook his head and muttered, she was still very ignorant about the matter of cultivation, she didn’t know much, and she needed to ask Yusu from time to time.

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