Chapter 108: Rebirth? Zhang Full Moon changes!!

“Yes, my lord!”

After sending away the Grim Reaper, Jin Shusheng and Cui Shi breathed a sigh of relief, Jin Shusheng frowned and glanced at the cabinet door behind him, and couldn’t help but speak, “The president is also true, since he was present at the time, how could he let the guests of Room 13 run out?” ”

As an employee of Druna, he didn’t believe that Zhang Manyue would not be able to subdue an evil spirit, Cui Shi shook her head, she didn’t have the heart to think about this now, the most important thing was to find the guests of Room 13 as soon as possible, “I just hope that the Grim Reaper will find the other party as soon as possible, otherwise if there is any trouble before this, we will all take the Hades bus to Santuchuan to report.” ”

She looked at Jin Shusheng and said lightly, hearing this, Jin Shusheng’s face suddenly froze.

He knew that his own president did not want to be so stable on the surface, and several of the gods above had already looked at Zhang Manyue unfavorably, especially the No. 4 Magu God who said that the god of “603” had the power to destroy, if this matter caused big trouble, maybe these employees would follow Zhang Manyue and be packed by the other party and sent to the netherworld.

Just when Jin Shusheng was praying that the evil spirit running out of Druna would be able to settle down, a traffic accident occurred in a place not far from here, boom!

The car that was driving on the road suddenly boomed, as if it was hit by something heavy falling from the sky, the car stopped suddenly, in the frightened look of the little couple in the car, a girl wearing a girls’ high school uniform rolled down from the roof of the car, seeing this scene, the wife sitting in the co-pilot was frightened, “I, did we hit someone?” ”

The husband was also very panicked, but calmer than his wife, he quickly took his wife out of the car to check the situation of the female student, only to see that not far from the front of the car, a female high school student who looked young was lying in a pool of blood, her eyes were blank, a large amount of blood flowed on the ground for seven or eight meters, the whole person seemed to be breathing weakly and almost unconscious, seeing this situation, the husband suddenly clicked in his heart, and quickly took out the phone and dialed the emergency number 119, “Hey? 119? ”

“Someone hit my car… No, it’s not, I’m driving normally, she hit it herself, she suddenly fell off the overpass, very suddenly”

“Yes, yes, please come quickly, the address here is…”

Just when the husband was busy calling for help, and the wife was also worried about whether this human life would involve them, what the couple did not notice was that on the flyover above their heads, at this time, a girl wearing the same uniform as the female high school student below was leaning out to look at them, and when she saw her classmates lying in a pool of blood, the girl’s face immediately became frightened, turned around and left the flyover in a panic.

When the ambulance arrived under the overpass, the doctor accompanying the car immediately checked the condition of the girl in the accident, and finally gave a conclusion that she died on the spot…

On the other side, the girl who witnessed the car accident ran home in a panic, because she was afraid, she hid in the bedroom alone after returning home, the girl looked at the necklace in her hand with a complicated expression, this necklace is the girl who just had a car accident, the two of them are actually classmates, “How so?” ”

Jin Youna, who was lying on the bed, looked at the necklace in her hand and felt apprehensive, “What should I do?” What to do? ”

Her face was both scared and nervous, “Do you want to tell Mom and Dad about this?” ”


Just as she shook her head and was about to forget what had just happened, something suddenly dripped down and landed right on her face, Jin Youna turned her head to look at the ceiling, however, when she saw the scene on the ceiling, she instantly widened her eyes and screamed, “Ah!!! ”

I saw a girl covered in blood like soaked in blood suspended on the ceiling, staring at her expressionlessly, it was the spirit body of the girl who had just had a car accident, bright drops of blood continued to slip from the other party’s body, and finally dripped onto Jin Youna’s face, dripping more and more blood, the other party seemed to be baptizing her with his own blood, just when Jin Youna fell into panic, the terrifying spirit suspended on the ceiling suddenly fell down, Jin Youna screamed in horror, instinctively rolled under the bed to dodge Bang!

A sound of a heavy object falling sounded, Jin Youna, who rolled off the bed and fell to the ground, was surprised to find that she was fine, she got up from the ground and looked back at her bed, but something more frightening happened to her, only to see a girl exactly like her lying on her bed, what made her feel even more terrifying was that she was illusory at this time, and the other party was an entity, “How, how come?” ”

“What’s wrong with me?”

Looking at her illusory appearance, Jin Youna looked at herself lying on the bed with a scared face, and the other party just looked at her calmly, raised the necklace in her hand and said lightly.

“It’s mine.”

Yu Su’s side, after returning from Druna, he has been staying at home to guide Jin Xianzhi’s cultivation, although there are currently simple spirit gathering arrays and starlight arrays in the villa to assist, but these are external factors after all, you don’t see that even those cultivators with abundant spiritual energy in the film and television, only a small number of cultivators in the immortal cultivation world have achieved success, the cultivation environment is of course important, but their own understanding of the martial arts and the Tao is more important, especially Jin Xianzhi began to learn Chinese for the first time, Like some theoretical and professional things above the Thai baht creation, she does not understand very thoroughly, and from time to time she has to ask Yusu for advice.

“You are just starting now, don’t be greedy, just understand the Qi training chapter thoroughly, as for the later Zhu Fang Dan, I will explain it to you when you have cultivated.”

“Uh oh.”

With Yusu’s teaching in the afternoon, Kim Hyun-ji also nodded with satisfaction: “Hasn’t Manager Yusu come yet?” ”

Zhang Manyue didn’t wake up until the afternoon, the first thing he did when he woke up was to ask Cui’s Yusu if he had returned to the hotel, just reported the matter of death to Zhang Manyue, seeing that Zhang Manyue did not take this matter to heart, his heart also relaxed a lot, seeing her mention Yusu, Cui immediately shook his head, “Manager Yusu hasn’t come back yet, now it’s just getting dark outside, I think I have to wait a little longer.” ”

Druna’s human manager, if there is a business for a hundred years, it is natural to work during the day, but if there is no event like the last Changbai Mountain Tianchi diagram, then you need to come over at night, after all, it is the general manager, some things are still necessary even if they are not done, Zhang Manyue, who wears lace gloves, nodded, put her hands on the guardrail and glanced condescendingly at the hall below, “By the way, clean up the room near my office, and when Yusu comes back, let him look at the furniture he likes, He lived there from then on. ”

“I went to the pool first to bask in the sun, and he came and asked him to come and see me.”

Zhang Manyue’s mood looks very good,

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