Chapter 106 A thousand years ago you were a god, a thousand years later you are an ordinary man, eat you!!


Yu Su glanced at the person in his arms with some embarrassment, “President Full Moon, is there some misunderstanding between us?” ”

Pushed Zhang Manyue out of his arms, although Yu Su did not move on the surface, but a touch of vigilance had risen in his heart, as far as the current situation was concerned, he had determined that something must have happened to Zhang Manyue’s body that he didn’t know, inexplicably there was an extra Qingyun, after all, it is a comprehensive world view, and there is a lesson in the past, the devil knows which world’s characters are interspersed with Druna’s plot this time, and depending on the situation, Zhang Manyue and this person named Qingyun have a very different relationship” Did the gods set up a game against themselves, or did characters from other worlds strayed into Druna’s plot? ”

Yu Su quickly recalled the information stored in his previous life in his mind, but unfortunately let him turn his memory upside down, and he didn’t even let go of his childhood cartoons, but he didn’t find a character named Qingyun, and named after the word Qingyun, this is obviously a Chinese person, Zhang Manyue who was pushed away did not show an unhappy look, but took advantage of Yu Su’s thoughts, she took a serious look at Yu Su’s eyes and became more and more sure that he was Qingyun, Zhang Manyue smiled and picked up the mask in the box on the ground, and then approached Yu Su’s face, Yu Su suddenly smelled a fragrance coming in, and when he fixed his eyes, he saw that Zhang Manyue had gently put on a mask for him, as Zhang Manyue expected, the mask was not big or small, just right, and more importantly, the eyes that initially made her suspicious coincided perfectly with the figure in her memory after wearing the mask.

In a trance, Yu Su frowned and took off the mask, seeing the caution in Yu Su’s eyes, Zhang Manyue suddenly burst out laughing, now she is not the little full moon who lived in the chaotic world 1,300 years ago and only knew how to lead his subordinates to struggle in the chaotic world, now she is the president of the Moon Hotel, is the existence who has dealt with people, ghosts, and gods for more than a thousand years, how can she not see the slight changes in Yu Su’s expression, on weekdays, even the thirteen hundred years ago Yusu is like an old man sitting firmly on the fishing platform in front of her, No matter what he encountered, it seemed that nothing could affect him, when the two were together, it was her mood swings that were relatively large, and today I finally saw Yu Su’s cautious look, not to mention how happy she was, “After waiting for thirteen hundred years, I finally waited for you.” ”

Zhang Manyue looked at Yu Su with a smile, her words were soft, smart as her, and also thought of why Yu Su didn’t know her appearance, when she left, Qingyun threw down the sentence “I came from the afterlife, thirteen hundred years of the descendant…”

If you think about it, the fish Su in 1,300 years is not necessarily the current Yu Su, that is, the fish Su in front of you at this time has not returned to the past.

Maybe you haven’t become a god yet…

Thinking of this, Zhang Manyue was secretly happy in her heart, as a demigod existence, she really did not sense the divine power in Yu Su’s body, if Yu Su mastered a certain authority, as a binding to the Moon Spirit Tree, she would definitely be able to detect it, but in fact, Yu Su was not a god, which Zhang Manyue was extremely sure, “Human beings seem to be quite popular to cultivate now…”

Zhang Manyue’s eyes flashed with a hint of purity, and with an inexplicable smile at the corner of his mouth, he took a step closer to Yu Su, looking like he was determined, Yu Su:…

The two are incomparably close, seeing this, Yu Su can only subconsciously take a step back, Yu Su is inexplicable, he feels that things are developing in more and more strange directions, thousands of years ago, as a mortal, she thought she was not qualified to keep him who had become a god, so she tried her best to live forever for a thousand years, in order to meet him again, but now, as Zhang Manyue learned more about Yu Su, she slowly bred ambition, now he is a mortal, and he is a demigod, it seems difficult to pursue a god, But wouldn’t it be easier to take Yu Su down before he became a god?

Yu Su’s head was full of black lines, although he didn’t know what Zhang Manyue was thinking now, but how did the other party’s eyes full of evil and lick his lips look wrong?

“Zhang Manyue, although I don’t know what you’re thinking now, I guess you should have recognized the wrong person.”

Yu Su stretched out his hand and slapped Zhang Manyue’s forehead condescendingly, and pressed her back on the paste, “There may be some misunderstanding between us, my name is Yu Su, a Chinese person, I have never seen or heard of the Qingyun in your mouth, let alone him.” ”

Yu Su looked at Zhang Manyue lightly, although he had some regrets in his heart, he didn’t want to be a substitute for anyone, Yu Su originally had a good impression of Zhang Manyue in his heart, but according to the current situation, Zhang Manyue should already have deep roots, but it’s a pity that it is the person named Qingyun.

“Misunderstanding? There is no misunderstanding between us. ”

Who knew that Zhang Manyue did not take his words to heart, her left hand across the chest and right hand hooked her fingers to provoke Yu Su’s chin, Yu Su was shocked in her heart, and immediately grabbed her wrist, seeing this, the smile on Zhang Manyue’s face was even better, and even saw that Yu Su changed her face continuously in just a few minutes because of her own prodding, and she was a little more proud, the woman in front of her was too arrogant!

This not only makes Yu Su’s gaze become dangerous, he stares coldly at those beautiful and charming eyes, now Yu Su is the strength of the foundation building, equivalent to the innate gods of this world, if he mixes up, I am afraid that few can stop him, Zhang Manyue is playing with fire!

At this time, Zhang Manyue did not know it, and his eyes were shining and he looked at him without showing the slightest timidity.

“I warn you, I’m not the shit Qingyun you say, if you continue to mess around like this, don’t regret it!”

Yu Su stared at the pretty face in front of him and warned, “I’m so scared.” ”

Zhang Manyue clapped his palms happily, continued to look at Yu Su as a demon, and also raised her beautiful eyebrows, “So, may I ask our manager Yu Su, can you give the president a chance to regret it?” Well? ”

Zhang Manyue, who was addicted to hi, seemed to be a little overconfident, and she was still immersed in pleasure, and as soon as her words fell, she didn’t have time to carefully look at Yu Su’s reaction, she was suddenly picked up by Yu Su, and in her terrified eyes, Yu Su carried her straight to the bedroom inside

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