Chapter 104 Mortals also have the heart to kill God, the greed of kings!!

Qingyun suspended in the air, and finally slowly fell in Yu Su’s hand, followed the trend to put the sword behind his arm, Yu Su looked around, at this time everyone has been shocked by his hand of the air sword, even Zhang Manyue only looked at him in shock for a while, as if meeting for the first time, everyone not far away looked at Yu Su and whispered, all of them couldn’t believe it, if it was in Oriental China, the people might exclaim that the sword fairy was alive when they saw this scene, but there is no legend of the sword fairy here, and there is no land immortal, Therefore, Yu Su’s move of the imperial sword is almost a subversive existence for these ordinary people who are struggling on the edge of life and death, they have never heard of it, and they are a little at a loss for a while, Yu Su turned sideways, withdrew his gaze and fell back on Zhang Manyue’s body, looking at the slightly tired and a little surprised good-looking eyes, after hesitating for a moment, he said softly: “You don’t have to worry about my safety, people outside can’t help me.” ”

In the yellow sand, the dead wood on the side was silent, and there was a huge military voice outside the city, and Zhang Manyue, who was awakened, came back to his senses and opened his mouth, but at this time, after Yusu paused, he glanced at the distant skyline and spoke again, “The time is coming, I should also go.” ”

Zhang Manyue trembled, and instantly had a bad premonition, she quickly shook her head, “Don’t…”

Yu Su’s words sounded like both farewell and farewell to her, Zhang Manyue panicked and stepped forward to grab him, but Yu Su shook his head with a smile, “Before leaving, I will give you a gift.” ”

Yu Su opened the gate of the village not so much the city as it was, as soon as the gate opened, the monstrous murderous aura suddenly swept in, 100,000 soldiers outside the city, at a glance, there was no edge, and the people behind Yu Su immediately changed their faces, “Qingyun, don’t!” ”

Zhang Manyue was already crying urgently, she just wanted to lead someone to stop Yu Su, but she didn’t want to subvert their cognition again A scene appeared in front of them, including the coalition forces in the distance were also instantly sluggish, I saw Shu Fa holding a sword, Yu Su in a black strong suit after stepping out of the gate of the village, one step, two steps…, like picking up the steps, one step at a green lotus, one step into the sky, seven steps later, Yu Su Feng Feng Void Imperial Wind walked straight towards the 100,000 army in the distance.

If the shock before is shocked but still within the scope of forcibly explainable, then the scene that happened in front of them at this moment has made everyone subconsciously wipe their eyes and think that there is an illusion in front of them, standing on the void for dozens of zhang, walking idly in the void, 100,000 elite soldiers in front, 10,000 troops behind, in front of everyone’s eyes, no one will think that this is a trick, at this time the coalition army has rioted, and the pawns who saw this scene thought that they had met a god, “God! It’s a god!!! ”

“A god appeared on the opposite side!!!”

Qingyun he…

Zhang Manyue also looked at the scene in front of him with the same shock as everyone, “I have long guessed that Qingyun is not an ordinary person, but how could this be…”

She bit her lips lightly, and suddenly put down a heavy stone in her heart, but then suffered and lost, Zhang Manyue is not a fool, on the contrary, she is very smart, otherwise she would not have pulled up a group of people in this chaotic world to become the leader of the bandits, but unlike everyone, while being impacted in his heart, Zhang Manyue was also a little nervous, as Yusu said just now, he was afraid to leave him, Zhang Manyue looked at the back in the void with a complicated expression…

“King, a god has appeared!!!

Soon a general reported the matter to the royal court in the rear, and the three combined kings received news one after another, “Gods? ”

Surprisingly, when the three kings walked out of the royal tent and saw the fish Su floating in the distance, their eyes only showed a brief look of awe, and after a while, these looks disappeared and turned into greed, yes, greed!

Now that a hundred thousand troops have gathered here, giving them a lot of self-confidence, the three kings gathered together and totaled in their hearts, but in a moment, three kings issued orders from the military tent, “Come! ”

“Pass on my order, order the crossbow in the army to be ready, and capture the god for me when it is near!”

With an army of 100,000 in hand, the three kings wanted to capture the gods and force out the method of becoming a god!

The military order was quickly issued to the 100,000 troops, unexpectedly, almost no one was afraid of this, but everyone looked excited, in the chaotic world, human life is like mustard, people have long lost their fear of the gods, and as mortals, they have never seen the power of the gods, in the hearts of these pawns, the power of the king is much greater than the divine right!


A hundred thousand troops drank together, the momentum was shocking, Yu Su looked down indifferently, what surprised him was that the coalition army below suddenly changed formation, and the 10,000 pawns in front retreated one after another, and turned to 10,000 archers in front, seeing this, Yu Su suddenly narrowed his eyes, he originally wanted to behead the king of the coalition army below before leaving, and then use the power of immortals to subdue them, so that Zhang Manyue and everyone in the village have the ability to protect themselves in chaotic times, but I didn’t expect that mortals also have the heart to kill gods, I saw that the 100,000 troops below were all holding halberds, and the halberds pointed to the sky, and the 10,000 archers also pointed arrows to the sky, “Hmph~”

Yu Su snorted lightly and raised Qingyun in his hand shakily, “Since Qingyun was obtained, this sword has not been stained with blood, and today I will sacrifice my spirit sword with your 100,000 lives.” ”

The white and silver mask covered his face, he couldn’t see Yu Su’s joy clearly, the faint voice was like thunder and soon came in the sky, hearing Yu Su’s words, the generals below changed color and were afraid, he looked at Yu Su in the sky and immediately ordered, “Release!” ”

With an order, ten thousand arrows fired in unison, and thousands of arrows shot into the sky towards the void where Yu Su was, “Childish.” ”

Yu Su glanced at the oncoming sword rain lightly, and there was not the slightest fluctuation in his eyes, “Qingyun is dangerous!” ”

In Zhang Manyue’s exclamation, Yusu, who was holding Qingyun, gradually pressed down the long sword in his hand and buzzed!

The void was suddenly filled with an ethereal sound of swords, and for a while, the sound of bowstrings, arrows, drums… All kinds of noisy sounds on the battlefield disappeared, as if only this ethereal sword roar remained in heaven and earth,

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