Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 660: Don’t be too shameless!

The trial of Wanshifutu Jinchenxi was over, Luo Li let out a sigh of relief, and he began to trial all over the world!

The East China Sea is vast, the South China Sea is turbulent, the West Sea is vast, the North Sea is mysterious...

Nine truths are misty, yellow puffs of smoke, the Dongting is majestic, the flood is turbulent, Pan Yang is beautiful...

Each sea area is composed of thirteen glazed sea killing moves, forming huge sea areas with different powers, but Luo Li just can't integrate these five lakes and four seas into the most terrifying move, five lakes and four seas.

Luo Li muttered silently: "I'm scared on the beach, I'm scared, but I'm alone in the ocean!"

He carefully comprehended the meaning of the law, but Luo Li shook his head, it just didn't work!

There are still two months until the Hunyuan Sect Competition, so I don't know if I can master this method.

After practicing for a long time, Luo Li finished his training and was about to leave the martial arts field. Suddenly Luo Li was stunned. He saw Senior Brother Tiandu wandering around and also came here to practice.

Luo Li immediately remembered what his master had said: "You, Senior Brother Tiandu, are the head of three families. Even if you used the strange power that destroyed the Emperor Luohu in the Chongxuan Sect, you would not be able to defeat them."

Is it really not possible? Could it be that my world-destroying Pangu ax is no match for Senior Brother Tiandu?

Luo Li couldn't help shouting to Senior Brother Tiandu: "Senior Brother, Senior Brother, I'm here!"

Tiandu immediately came over and said: "My junior brother is also practicing hard here? How is it? What are the gains?"

Luo Li looked at Tiandu and couldn't help but be stunned. Then Luo Li used magic to start identification, and said with a wry smile: "Senior Brother Tiandu, are you in the seventh level of the Golden Core?"

Then Luo Li said: "Congratulations, congratulations, you have achieved the six great magical powers!"

Tiandu smiled and said: "Yes, yes, little junior brother Luo Li, you have reached the fourth level of the Golden Core! Congratulations on your achievement of the three great magical powers!"

Luo Li said: "Senior Brother Tiandu, no one asked you if you are a disciple of Tianqing Peak?"

Since ancient times, Tianqing Peak has focused on accumulation, and the advancement of disciples has been extremely slow. The True Monarch Hu Chan's Thousand-Year Golden Pill is an example.

Now the realms of Luo Li and Tiandu have skyrocketed, even surpassing the Zhuanzhou lineage, and they were immediately questioned and ridiculed by countless Hunyuan Sect monks.

Tiandu also sighed and said: "It seems that my junior brother is also having such troubles! Senior brother Qizhu has already reached the ninth level of the Golden Core. For this sect competition, our realm has been improved too fast recently, which makes everyone uncomfortable. !”

Luo Li nodded, he had the idea of ​​inheriting his master's reputation, and it seemed that the other senior brothers also did the same!

True Monarch Huchan is known as the No. 1 Jindan True Monarch in the Chunan region. Now he has become True Monarch Nascent Soul. Qizhutian does not want this reputation to be taken away by others, so they would rather soar to the next level to regain this reputation.

Looking at his senior brother, Luo Li couldn't help but said: "Senior brother, master said that you are the head of three families. Even if I use the power that destroyed the Emperor Luohu in Chongxuan Sect, I can't defeat you. I don't know what kind of magical power my senior brother has. sharp?"

Tiandu looked at Luo Li, smiled and said: "Your divine power is so powerful, even God Emperor Luohu can destroy it three times. Don't say I can't stop it, no one can stop it. I think the same goes for Return to the Void True One." Can't stop it!

However, if I can't stop it, I can endure it. That divine power is the power of a single blow. As long as I can endure it, I can break this method!

I used the three secrets of the Hunyuan Sect, the Dutian Sect, and the Xiantian Yiqi Sect to create a set of magical skills called the Twelve Xiantian Yiqi Dutian Law Body. "

After saying that, Senior Brother Tiandu exploded with a loud sound, blood and flesh splattered all over the ground, and Luo Li jumped in fright.

But the flesh and blood that splashed in all directions quickly turned into spiritual energy, dissipated in the air, and then flashed in the air. Senior Brother Tiandu appeared again, unscathed, just like before.

Luo Li looked at it in surprise and said, "The method of rebirth?"

Senior Brother Tiandu shook his head and said: "It has not yet reached the realm of rebirth, it is just the realm of death. At the critical moment, I will transfer the origin of my heart, soul, and soul into the Innate Qi Dutian Dharmakaya. Plastic flesh fetus can replace the dead and be resurrected!"

Luo Li said: "It's so powerful, so powerful. Since it is called the Twelve Innate One Qi Dutian Law Body, it means that you can die twelve times, which is even more powerful than the nine-death immortality of the God Emperor Rahu!"

Senior Brother Tiandu shook his head and said: "No, no, he is the real state of rebirth, immortal, no matter what the injury, even if the origin is destroyed and everything is turned into ashes, he can still be resurrected.

My magic is not good, I am only in the realm of substitute death, and the origin cannot be damaged. Moreover, although I am known as the Twelve, I can only be resurrected three times with my magic power. "

Hearing this, Luo Li was stunned. It seemed that the master was wrong. He still underestimated his world-destroying Pangu Ax. His great power contained the power of world-destroying. The terrifying thing about this world-destroying power was that it had the effect of destroying the way of heaven. If the senior brother reaches the state of rebirth and can resist, now he is only in the state of substitution. If the ax blows, the origin of the senior brother will be transferred to the innate Qi Dutian Dharmakaya, which is also the death of the body!

This is normal. The master knew about the power of Pangu Ax through other people's oral accounts. He had never seen it with his own eyes. He only saw the power of Pangu Ax and the fierceness of the explosion. He did not know the world-destroying power.

Not just him, almost all the monks in the world think so, because the radiance of the Transcendent Fairy is too strong, covering him completely, even the Return to the Void True One subconsciously ignores himself, but this is better!

Luo Li was still envious and said: "It's so powerful. If I have this spell, I can die twelve times, no, even three times, and I will be invincible. Senior brother, teach me!"

Senior brother Tiandu shook his head again and said: "Junior brother, senior brother can teach you, but you need to pay a price.

Only after my golden elixir, this method was completed and formed an innate magic barrier. The other four Hunyuan methods of our Hunyuan Sect can only be practiced but cannot be used. Without other spells, this spell will be useless immediately.

If you really want to learn it, I can teach it to you, but except for the Forest of Living Beings, all the other four Hunyuan Sect methods are blocked by this method. As long as you use it, this method will be regarded as a wasted practice and will be invalidated immediately! "

Luo Li immediately shook his head and said: "Don't learn, don't learn! Senior brother, you must have paid too much for this death-substitution technique!"

Senior Brother Tiandu shook his head and said: "Not just because of it, whether it was the Dutian Sect in my previous life or the Hunyuan Sect in this life, I specialize in the method of summoning spirits and controlling spirits. Junior Brother, are you interested, let's have a game?"

Luo Li's eyes immediately brightened and he said, "Come on, senior brother, let's have a game!"

Tiandu said: "In the martial arts field, apply for a simulated battle with Tiandu and Luo Li!"

Suddenly, two rays of light fell, and Luo Li and Tiandu arrived in a huge arena. This was just a phantom body, not the real body, but everything was copied without any difference!

The heavenly capital is here, and when it reaches out, a golden light rises, the golden dawn of the eternal pagoda!

When Luo Li arrived, a golden light also rose, the golden dawn of the eternal pagoda!

The two of them looked at each other and smiled. They both used the magical power of the Aperture-Breaking Golden Pill, and they both used the Eternal Buddha Golden Chenxi.

The Golden Dawn of the Eternal Pagoda in Tiandu is exactly the same as the Golden Dawn of the Eternal Pagoda in Luo Li, without any flaws, infinitely perfect. It's just that Luo Li didn't use the Fire Jue Dao Technique, nor did he use the two magical powers of Shape, Shadow and Chongsheng.

Tiandu said: "It seems that from now on, our Tianqing Peak disciples' standard spell will be the Eternal Pagoda Golden Dawn!"

Luo Li looked at Senior Brother Tiandu's Eternal Pagoda Jin Chenxi and couldn't help but said: "Senior Brother, aren't you unable to cast the other four spells of the Hunyuan Sect?"

Senior Brother Tiandu smiled and said: "Thank you Master, the golden elixir breaks through the orifice. This is no longer a spell, but the natal golden elixir magical power. It avoids the magic shield, so I can use it!"

Luo Li said: "Senior brother, what are your other five magical powers?"

Tiandu laughed and said, "You'll know in a moment! Be careful, junior brother, I'm coming!"

After saying that, Tiandu's body swayed, split into two, two into four, and four into eight, and began to divide into one thousand and one terrifying beasts, some of which were beasts, some of which were giants, some of which were monsters, and some of which were ghosts!

This is the forest of living beings, but Luo Li looked over and couldn't tell that it was the forest of living beings!

However, Tiandu once created five living being forest avenues, including the giant turtle path, the ice demon path, the holy roc path, the fighting ghost path, and the mysterious book path. It can be said that he is among the top ten of the Hunyuan Sect in this forest of living beings! It's normal not to see it.

Luo Li smiled and said: "Young men, come out and meet senior brother's men!"

Suddenly there was a loud roar, Dian Wei appeared, Zhang Fei rode his horse, and Lin Yingxiong Dao clones of all sentient beings appeared one after another, twelve generals, one hundred and eight heroes, and eight hundred and eighty-one soldiers!

Each side has a thousand and one men, facing each other!

Tiandu's voice sounded: "Good guy, one hundred and twenty clones of him, that's awesome, little junior brother!"

Luo Li smiled and said: "General, normal!"

Tiandu said: "Be careful, junior brother! I'm going to make a move!"

Above the forest of sentient beings in Tiandu, a ray of light fell, and the thousand and one terrifying giant beasts instantly merged into the light and transformed into one body, becoming a terrifying demon!

Then this terrifying demon god turned into a ray of light again, began to differentiate, and turned into twelve rays of light, scattered around Luo Li. Each ray of light was like a world, some worlds were prosperous, and some worlds were broken and withered. Some worlds are boundless deserts, some are green, some are seas of fire and lava, some are wavy, and some are lifeless. In short, the twelve worlds are all different.

This world evolves rapidly. In less than a breath, it seems that after thousands of years, the world merges into one, and one god and demon is reincarnated from the world. In other words, one world is one god and demon.

Seeing such a change, Luo Li immediately thought of a spell in his mind, the supreme secret method of the Eternal Capital Celestial Sect that is as famous as the living beings of the Hunyuan Sect in the world of gods and demons in the Twelve Capitals!

Then the gods and demons reversed their differentiation once again, transforming from one into a thousand. In an instant, twelve groups of powerful creatures appeared around Luo Li, with each group having exactly one thousand and one people!

Some of them are immortal soldiers and generals, some have the bodies of vajra Buddhas, some are strange demonic insects, some are giant beasts of the ancient world, some are the chief demons of the six realms, some are eight heavenly dragons, some are demons and heretics, some are sinister spirits, resentful and angry ghosts...

A total of twelve thousand and twelve powerful creatures surrounded Luo Li's thousand people!

Luo Li couldn't help but frown, and couldn't help but say: "How is it possible? They are all his clones!"

In the Forest of Living Beings of Hunyuan Sect, he can transform into free clones and have independent personality characteristics. He can exert 100% of his strength, while ordinary clones can only exert 30% of their strength. He needs to transform into clones and constantly move them within their bodies to exert their full strength.

But Luo Li is sure that all of the 102 powerful creatures on the other side are his clones. In other words, they are all powerful warriors like heroes. This is simply a difference of 12,000 against 200. Too much!

Senior Brother Tiandu's voice rang out: "Junior Brother Luo Li, in my past life and this life, I gave up all the methods to practice the art of summoning spirits and controlling spirits. You have one hundred and twenty other transformed true spirits. How can you say that I was also an transformed spirit in my previous life?" God, why can’t I have 120,000 other avatars?”

Luo Li nodded and said: "Senior brother, you are so shameless! How can you beat him when he has transformed into one hundred and twenty-two thousand clones?"

Senior Brother Tiandu laughed and said, "The more shameless one is behind!"

After saying this, Senior Brother Tiandu used his second golden elixir to break the orifice. In an instant, a golden light rose up. It was the golden morning light of Eternal Pagoda. This golden light spread all over the clones of Senior Brother Tiandu!

Seeing this golden light rising, Luo Li was speechless and said: "This is too shameless, shameless!"

In Luo Li's heart, he was even more determined that he must practice all over the world. Wang Yangming, the founder of Zhongxing, relied on this method to break through ten thousand with one person, which was most suitable for group battles. Only with this method can I destroy so many terrifying clones! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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