Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 649: Earth Mother Dao Zun slays the demons!

At the command of True Lord Farewell, the Hunyuan Sect monks immediately flew towards the Void Fortress.

As soon as I got close to it, I immediately received several flying talismans for help.

"Help, fellow Taoist of the Hunyuan Sect, help! I am the Bamboo Soul True Monarch of the Hidden God Sect. We are destroying the meteorite community. Who knows that there are demons and heretics hiding in it? We are unprepared and are attacked by them. We are in danger. Help! "

"Fellow Taoist of the Hunyuan Sect, help us. I am the True Lord Bai Yong of the Beimang Sect. We are trapped by demons and heretics and are in great danger. Please help!"

"Help, help, fellow Taoist of Hunyuan Sect, help me, I am the True Monarch of Chongyunling Mok, please save us!"

They were all flying talismans for help from the eleven side sect monks there. They destroyed the meteorite community. Who knew there were demons and heretics hidden inside. They were attacked by them and suffered heavy losses. They relied on this Void Fortress to protect their lives. After receiving the flying talisman from the Hunyuan Sect, So I asked Hunyuan Sect for help.

True Lord Farewell nodded and said: "Okay, destroy the demon heretics and save the fellow monks!

Bing Ling, you belong to the lineage of Tranquility Heaven. Have you cultivated indifference to clarify your ambitions and achieve tranquility in the distance?

True Lord Ice Spirit smiled and said: "I am a disciple of Jingjing Tian, ​​how can I not master this technique!"

After saying that, she slowly closed her eyes, as if she was calculating something.

Luo Li curiously said to Senior Brother Wuren: "Senior Brother, how can indifference be used to clarify one's ambitions, and tranquility lead to long-term goals?"

Brother Wuren replied: "Just like our Tianqingfeng, we use the Bahuangliuhe Only Self Qingtian Technique as the core method. This indifference to clear aspirations and tranquility to reach far is the core method of Tranquil Heaven. With this method It is a great method of calculation. If you are ahead of the enemy, you can peek into the sky and check the enemy's situation below. You can win by three points before fighting!"

Luo Li nodded and said: "I see, I understand. The Zhuanzhou vein is the Chongsheng Heart Art. One heart and one thought, the unity of man and spirit. I wonder what the other remaining veins are?"

Brother Wuren said: "The core technique of the Great Tong lineage is to seek great unity and save minor differences! Their lineage can easily combine with the vitality of heaven and earth, and the great unity of heaven and earth. Other sects can use the vitality of heaven and earth to cast spells and attack them, and their power will be the same. It dropped by three points, while the power of their spells increased by three points!

The core technique of the Xingying lineage is to be alone, with the shape and shadow as companions! Once this spell is cast, it will have the effect of being unable to see each other clearly, and being dependent on each other and never leaving. The enemy attacks them, and multiple shadow clones appear around them, and the enemy cannot tell which one is real.

And their attacks will automatically produce the effect of shadow magic accompanying each other. One blow can be used to create continuous attacks. At the highest level, one method can have seven moves. Only one blow can be used to create six shadow magic combos!

The core technique of the Tianmu lineage is to inherit the sky, washing troops and herding horses! Their lineage, with the help of this method, is as if they are blessed by God. No matter what spiritual pet or spiritual beast is in their hands, it is easy to survive, and any promotion or production is a breeze..."

Brother Wu Ren wanted to continue talking, but Lord Bing Ling said: "We have figured it out. The ninth transformation of Dao Zhenyang, the Earth Mother True Spirit Yuanyan Dao Master, has completely defeated the two major heretics!"

True Lord Farewell said: "Okay, change the formation, I would like to invite the ninth transformation of the True Yang, the Earth Mother True Spirit Yuanyan Taoist Master!"

Following his order, the huge dharma form immediately disintegrated, and then many monks, Wu Wu, regrouped and formed again, preparing to transform into Tao Zun, the ninth transformation of the Tao True Yang, the Earth Mother True Spirit Yuan Yan.

After seven consecutive combinations, an opportunity finally appeared. Under the control of True Lord Farewell, a large formation of twenty-five people transformed into the ninth transformation of the Taoist True Yang, the Earth Mother True Spirit Yuanyan Taoist!

This Taoist Earth Mother is a hundred-foot-long Dharma form, with a majestic and solemn body. It is like a rock and contains endless power of the earth. As long as the Taoist Earth Mother stands on the earth, it can absorb the energy of the earth and be in an invincible position. !

But this is the void of the Nine Heavens, transformed into this Taoist Earth Mother, without the help of the earth at all, and its strength is suddenly reduced by 90%. I don’t know why this Taoist Earth Mother can completely defeat the two major heretics?

Just as Luo Li was thinking about this, dozens of flying shadows rushed over from the distance. These flying shadows were terrifying monsters that looked like mantises. Their whole bodies were black and purple, as if they were absorbing the light from the sky and the earth like a whirlpool. Their bodies are eight feet in size, and each of them has six sharp blade-like mantis arms, which are constantly waving in front of them, forming a series of sword lights. This is the magic blade mantis!

They were in the void, and with a flick of the sharp blade of the mantis arm, it immediately seemed to cut through the space, and then rushed into the cut space, and in an instant, they were thousands of feet away.

When they saw Taoist Master, they rushed over like crazy, wielding their mantis arms and sharp blades and slashed at Taoist Master Yuanyan, the True Spirit of Earth. They struck in the air, and even if they were thousands of feet apart, a series of daggers suddenly appeared on the body of the Dharma Appearance. crack.

This is the terrifying thing about the Demon Blade Mantis. It can attack from a distance of thousands of feet and hurt people invisible!

But the Hunyuan Sect monks immediately discovered that although cracks appeared one after another on the body of Taoist Earth Mother, the damage was extremely weak. The body of Taoist Earth Mother True Spirit Yuanyan was like marble diamond rock, indestructible, and the outer robe was like rolling mud. Layer after layer! The magic blade of the mantis slashed through the air thousands of feet away, but it had no effect at all. !

Taoist Priest Yuanyan, the True Spirit of the Earth, started to fight back, but I didn't see it using any sky-shattering spells. It just flew up and hit Mount Tai, carrying it with a force that surpassed the North Sea, and hit it!

With this collision, within three thousand feet, the magic blade mantis arrived in an instant, like an egg, it sticks to death and dies when it touches it!

In addition, there seems to be a layer of invisible dust around Taoist Master Yuan Yan, who is here, and it is transformed into an endless mire. Any magic blade mantis that enters such a range will immediately be unable to fly. Under the sharp blade, it will cut through the space and move, as if There was a layer of mud blocking the way, and the time and space teleportation became extremely difficult. Then he was hit by Taoist Master Earth Mother True Spirit Yuanyan and was smashed into pieces.

At this time, a group of flying beasts like longhorned beetles were flying from a distance. Each flying beast was seven feet in size and had a golden color all over. This was the Longyan longhorned longhorned beetle.

They slowly opened their mouths, and the endless soil gathered in their mouths, turning into three-foot-sized round meteorites, and then sprayed towards Taoist Earth Mother True Spirit Yuanyan!

In the void, there is no air and nothing to stop it. The meteorite flies out and turns into a shooting star. The more it flies, the more powerful it is, and its power is infinite.

Suddenly, the meteorites turned into a rain of bullets, attacking one by one,

However, they met the Earth Mother True Spirit Yuanyan Taoist. This Earth Mother Taoist is the mother of the earth. The meteorite is also within its control. The meteorite that flies to the Earth Mother Taoist will automatically merge into the Earth Mother. There is no harm on the surface of Dao Zun's body.

The Devil's Blade Mantis does damage, but its power is too small, and the Double-Evolved Heavenly Bull is powerful, but does no harm. So far, these two heretic demons have been defeated by the Earth Mother Taoist Master!

Then Taoist Earth Mother began to show off her power and started fighting. No, to be precise, it was a massacre!

Less than a moment after the fight, the Demonic Blade Mantis and the Longevity Beetle began to flee in all directions, and could no longer form a battle formation to attack.

Seeing the great victory of Hunyuan Sect, bursts of cheers came from the Void Fortress, victory, and salvation

However, the speed of the Earth Mother Taoist Master is its disadvantage. Within ten thousand feet, it can charge in an instant. However, every time it collides, it has to rest for ten breaths. It is completely impossible to pursue and kill over long distances. It cannot catch up with the remnants flying in all directions. Demon Blade Mantis and Longevity Beetle.

True Lord Farewell said: "It seems that these two great heretics of heavenly demons are a group of demons from the outside world who have failed in the struggle. They have nowhere to escape and are hiding here in an attempt to recuperate.

Well, they have broken the formation and are no longer able to resist! Let's lift the spell, clean up the battlefield, and rely on luck to salvage the loot!

However, everyone, be careful, be careful of the backlash of these two demons and heretics before they die, and be careful of other sect monks plotting against you! "

Everyone immediately replied: "Yes, disciple understands!"

Immediately, the Earth Mother Taoist Master was disbanded and transformed into twenty-five Hunyuan Sect monks, fighting each other. Some cleaned the battlefield, some chased the escaped Demon Blade Mantis and the Double-Evolving Beetle, and some went to the meteorite community to find treasures. .

The Armor of the Double-Evolving Beetle can be used to refine weapons, the magic blade of the Demon Blade Mantis can be used to refine swords, and the eggs of the Double-Evolved Beetle can be refined into spiritual pets. In addition, these two heretics swallow the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and are often pregnant in the body. From the spiritual things of heaven and earth, the last group of meteorites may contain various spiritual gold minerals, which are very valuable!

After the Dharma phase was disintegrated, Luo Li looked at the four fields, not knowing what to do.

Senior Brother Wuren suddenly sent a message: "Luo Li, follow me!"

After saying that, Brother Wuren flew towards the meteorite cluster in the distance. Luo Li immediately followed him and flew there with him.

Senior Brother Wuren continued to transmit the message and said:

"Follow me, senior brother has a treasure hunt instrument on him, and there are good things in that group of meteorites!"

Luo Li replied: "Okay, senior brother, lead the way!"

At this time, the gate of the Void Fortress over there opened, and many monks rushed out. Seeing that there was an advantage to be taken, they joined the team and came to beat up the drowned dog!

Under the leadership of Senior Brother Wuren, the two entered the meteorite community. They were surrounded by huge meteorites, each of which was thirty feet in size. They were suspended in the sky, forming a meteorite sea.

In this meteorite, Brother Wuren took Luo Li through the meteorite belts and went straight to the center.

But when they arrived at the center of the meteorite cluster, Brother Wuren was wandering around in the meteorite cluster, seemingly unable to find his direction.

Luo Li asked: "Senior brother, you seem to be unable to find your way?"

Senior Brother Wu Ren scratched his head and said: "This, this, my treasure hunt instrument can only locate the general direction, the specific location is a bit uncertain, but there must be spiritual gold here!"

Luo Li said: "Haha, I just said, it's okay, it's up to your junior brother!"

Then Luo Li shouted: "Xiao Hui, come out!"

Treasure hunting here is Xiao Hui’s home field, and suddenly Xiao Hui appears again!

~One by one~one

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