Walk alone

Volume Three, Chapter 639: The Ancestral Spirits Divide into Spiritual Flesh!

After finishing these words, Luo Li took a ham made from chrysanthemum pig in the Taichu Cave and Qionghua Palace.

Over the years, the chefs at Qionghua Palace have been studying cooking skills. Among them, they use chrysanthemum pigs to make a lot of bacon and ham, which has a better flavor and is very delicious.

Luo Li found that the more imaginary the chrysanthemum pig meat, the more he liked it, so he wanted to give it a try.

The chrysanthemum pig's ham was taken out. When Jiu Chifeng saw it, he seemed to curl his lips and said: "You actually use this ham meat to bribe me! I am a virtual spirit and only eat refined iron ore. You take it out This pork ham, are you kidding me?"

After saying that, Jiu Chifeng's body rose up with thousands of momentum, pressing towards Luo Li, and it was about to become furious!

Luo Li said hurriedly: "Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, Patriarch Chifeng, wait a moment!"

After saying that, Luo Li began to knock the snow salt off the ham, and then began to slice it. This ham was extremely well cured, and part of it could be eaten raw.

For some reason, Jiu Chifeng couldn't help but leave a drop of saliva when he cut the ham into pieces and looked at the pieces of raw ham. He stopped being furious and looked at Luo Li and said:

"It's strange. Why do I feel that this living creature's meat is more delicious than refined iron ore?"

Luo Li didn't say anything. He carefully cut the ham into slices, and then said, "Chifeng Patriarch, have a taste, just one bite, just one bite!"

After speaking, Luo Li threw the piece of meat away. Jiu Chifeng couldn't help but pick up the piece of meat with his mouth, and then swallowed it.

After swallowing it, Jiu Chifeng immediately stood there, motionless, as if he were in the mud.

Luo Li smiled, knowing that he had won, and he continued to cut the meat.

It took a long time for Jiu Chifeng to recover. With a sudden shake of his body, he instantly shrank from the huge bird and turned into a humanoid creature like Luo Li in the blink of an eye.

He said: "This meat is so delicious, so delicious, better than any refined iron ore I have ever eaten!"

This Jiu Chifeng was originally the spiritual pet of the monks of the Hunyuan Sect in the Dimensional Cave Heaven, or was a clone in the Forest of Living Beings so he transformed into a human. Luo Li was not curious.

Luo Li handed over the slices of meat he had cut, and Jiu Chifeng grabbed them and ate them in big gulps.

Luo Li turned around, took out a pile of wood, skewered the remaining ham after cutting it, ignited the wood, and began to roast the ham.

As the flames rose, the ham made a crackling barbecue sound and a strange smell of meat came out. Jiu Chifeng circled the fire and Luo Li, spinning around, leaving large swaths of saliva.

It's not that Jiu Chifeng is too greedy, but this chrysanthemum pork is the most fatal attraction to ethereal beings!

After a long time, Luo Li finished baking and started to cut the dishes. Then he handed it to Jiu Chifeng and Jiu Chifeng went to pick it up. Luo Li took it back fiercely and said:

"Can I practice in Patriarch Chifeng's golden sand spring?"

Jiu Chifeng shouted: "Go, go, you can kill me!

What a promise, if you break it, break it, I really can’t stand it! "

Luo Li smiled and handed the chrysanthemum pork to Jiu Chifeng. Jiu Chifeng ate it with big mouthfuls, like a mad rush. In less than a moment, he had eaten all the pork, and then he sighed and said:

"After living for so long, I just let that moment go and I am truly alive. It's great!"

Then he looked at Luo Li and said, "Do you still have this pork?"

Luo Li said: "Thank you, senior, for helping me, I still have this meat!"

Jiu Chifeng said: "That's great, that's great. You can practice at Liujinshaquan as long as you want!"

Luo Li didn't say anything, and Jiu Chifeng continued: "Whatever you like here, I will give you. My Fengniao descendants, you can take away as much as you want!"

Upon hearing this, Luo Li was extremely happy and said, "Thank you, senior!"

After saying that, Luo Li immediately took out a thousand catties of chrysanthemum pork and said, "This is a small thank you gift from the younger generation of disciples. Thank you very much, senior!"

Jiu Chifeng took the thousand kilograms of chrysanthemum pork with a smile on his face, he was so happy that he forgot everything!

Luo Li took a long breath, went straight to the golden sand spring, jumped into it, and started practicing.

Sure enough, in this spring water, Luo Li could clearly feel the power of Nan Chen's stars, which could accelerate his cultivation infinitely. In this way, Luo Li practiced in this spring water for fifteen days. After fifteen days, Luo Li let out a long chant:

"The dust in the south is shining, and the jade seal reflects the gold!"

He jumped out of the flowing gold sand spring, and a Dharma appeared behind him. This was Luo Li's substitute Dharma. All attacks he received could be transferred to this Dharma to protect him from disasters.

So far, Luo Li has been practicing in the golden pagoda illusion. It took him twenty days to perfect two methods. He still has eleven pagodas to lock the real door with golden light, and twelve pagodas to set the golden wall with the setting sun! But there were only ten days left, and Luo Li was not sure that he could become proficient in these two spells within ten days.

However, this is what True Monarch Huchan said, and Luo Li believed in his master.

He was about to leave Liujinshaquan when he suddenly found a group of people having a dinner in the forest not far away! !

This group of people looked densely packed with figures, totaling two to three hundred people, but under Luo Li's divine eyes, none of them looked human.

Although they are all in human form, none of the auras on them are human. They look vaguely like Jiu Chifeng, they are both human figures transformed by that terrifying ethereal spirit.

That Jiu Chifeng was very powerful, Luo Li estimated that he must at least be in the state of becoming a god, and all of this group of people were similar to that Jiu Chifeng, and all of them were extremely powerful.

Thinking of Jiu Chifeng, Luo Li saw him. Among the group of people, he was standing in front of an oven with a sad face, as if he was grilling meat there. He was very reluctant to watch his movements, but there was no way!

Luo Li saw him, and he immediately saw Luo Li. He was overjoyed and shouted to Luo Li:

"Boy, boy, come here!"

Luo Li walked over quickly, and Jiu Chifeng shouted to those people: "It's him, it's him who gave me this spiritual flesh!"

As soon as he said this, those people looked at Luo Li and rushed over one by one, but they were fighting for each other and it was a mess!

In order to push others away, he rushed to Luo Li's side. In an instant, some people began to transform. One person transformed, and immediately everyone else transformed!

Suddenly Luo Li was stunned. Some of these people turned into mammoth white elephants with a body of a hundred feet, some turned into a golden dragon with a body of a thousand feet, some turned into a nine-winged phoenix, and some turned into a sky-reaching gold. Apes, some turned into ancient trees and golden vines...

There were two to three hundred terrifying beasts all over the sky. Under their pressure, the entire golden pagoda world began to become unstable. They surrounded Luo Li!

Luo Li's Xuan Zhi Xuan Zhong Xuan Shield was activated, coupled with the activation of those Golden Buddha Sects, otherwise Luo Li would have been crushed to death by their pressure!

One of the giant beasts shouted: "He is mine, he is mine! No one is allowed to snatch it from me!"

Some giant beasts shouted: "Boy, take out that spiritual meat quickly. As long as you give me ten pounds of meat, no, one pound of meat, I will protect your safety!"

Some giant beasts shouted: "Boy, I see that your training routine is the way of Tian Qing Peak. I am the ancestral spirit of your senior Tian Qing. Give me your spirit and flesh quickly and I will protect your safety!"

Luo Li was completely confused. What was going on? Each of these virtual spirits had the power to transform into a true god. It was really terrifying.

He looked at Jiu Chifeng and said, "Senior, what's going on!"

Jiu Chifeng said with a sad face: "Oh, I made a careless friend! After I got your spiritual flesh, I couldn't help but ask my friends to taste it, and the news suddenly spread throughout the Golden Pagoda Fantasy Land!

These guys are all the masters of the Golden Pagoda Fantasy Realm. They all came to me to ask for the spiritual meat and ate all my spiritual meat! "

Luo Li was speechless and looked at them. These giant beasts were all extremely terrifying. Luo Li was startled and said, "Are you all like Chi Feng? Can you teleport here from other illusions?"

If so, wouldn't they be able to leave this golden pagoda illusion and come to the human world? Wouldn't it be a catastrophe for the Hunyuan Sect at that time?

One of the Tongtian Golden Apes said: "Of course, you little monks are the real monks of the Hunyuan Sect, and we are the virtual war spirits of the Hunyuan Sect!"

Luo Li was stunned and said, "Are you also from the Hunyuan Sect?"

Nine-winged Phoenix said: "Nonsense, when our ancestors followed our master and became disciples of the Hunyuan Sect, your ancestors didn't even know where they were playing!

If he was not from the Hunyuan Sect, how could he be allowed to survive in this virtual realm?

Our Hunyuan Sect has one thousand, six hundred and eighty-seven golden pagoda mirrors, but they are ruled by our three hundred and fourteen ancestral spirits! "

Luo Li couldn't help but ask: "There are one thousand, six hundred and eighty-seven golden pagoda mirrors? Doesn't it mean that many of them are undeveloped?"

The Golden Dragon laughed loudly and said: "Boy, you are so naive. This is the territory of the Hunyuan Sect. How can there be undeveloped worlds? It's just that those worlds are not suitable for young monks like you to go!"

A giant horse that was thirty feet long said, "Boy, stop talking nonsense. Do you still have that spirit and flesh?"

Luo Li immediately said: "Seniors, my name is not boy, my name is Luo Li!"

Then he continued: "Seniors, you are all seniors of my Hunyuan Sect back then. You have made meritorious service and shed blood for our Hunyuan Sect! Nothing else, this spiritual and physical body is enough!"

After saying that, Luo Li began to take out the chrysanthemum pigs, which amounted to thirty thousand kilograms, equivalent to one hundred chrysanthemum pigs.

Then he said: "I invite you seniors to eat as much as you want. You are welcome. You can eat as much as you want!"

After saying that, Luo Li released all his men in the Forest of Living Beings and began to bake delicious food for these giant beasts.

Many giant beasts looked at Luo Li and couldn't help but nod. They all turned into human forms and waited for the food.

Soon the barbecue was ready, and everyone had a portion. When those giant beasts took a bite, they all praised it and ate it to their heart's content!

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