Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 597: Things in this world are unimaginable! (Third update, please vote for me!)

Looking at the clear sky, three lights, bright time and iron, it slowly exudes a strange -!

It was a kind of indescribable brilliance, falling slowly like breathing, the crystal cold light danced lightly, extremely colorful, and shed thousands of rays of brilliance!

It was so beautiful, it was a beauty that seduced the heart and soul. Luo Li stared at it, unable to take his eyes away!

Those two rat hairs had been damaged unconsciously in the light of the time iron, but even without the rat hairs, Luo Li could still see the time iron!

Luo Li took a deep breath, it was so beautiful, but this beauty was too much, too beautiful, which was not a good thing. He felt a danger hidden in it!

Luo Li wanted to move his eyes away and stop looking, but he found that he could not move his eyes. He wanted to close his eyes, but he found that even if he closed them, the time iron was still in his eyes.

Luo Li let out a sigh of relief. Something happened!

At this time, Xiao Hui said: "Master, this is the time iron you mentioned, but it is too dangerous. It exists in time and travels in time. It belongs to the past and the future, but it does not belong to the present!

Master, please never let go of my rat fur. Without the protection of my rat fur, anyone who sees it with the naked eye will immediately be seduced and positioned by it. They will sink into the long river of time and lose touch with reality. Anyone who has not mastered the way of time and heaven. The living beings are separated from reality and integrated into the way of time and heaven, which will eventually cause the body to collapse and both body and soul to be destroyed! "

Luo Li couldn't help but cursed: "You bastard, you are protected by rat hair, you are so protective, it will be broken a long time ago!"

Xiao Hui looked again and immediately discovered that the mouse hair blocking Luo Li's eyes had long been shattered and dissipated under the light of the Time Iron. Luo Li was now looking directly at the Time Iron with his naked eyes!

Xiao Hui was dumbfounded and said: "It's over, Master, you're dead! Even if you return to the void, you don't have a treasure to resist the invasion of the heavenly law of time. Those who don't understand the heavenly law of time will definitely die if they see this time iron with their naked eyes!"

Luo Li was furious. This guy was really a cheat. He cursed, "You cheat! You killed me!"

Xiao Hui was also dumbfounded and said: "It's over, it's over. I'm dead. The master is dead, and I'm going to die too. It's over, it's over!"

He spun around anxiously, but he spun around a few times and said, "It's strange, Master, why aren't you dead yet?"

Luo Li almost spit out a mouthful of blood. He raised his leg and kicked Xiao Hui away, far away from the dangerous place!

Then Luo Li said: "You bastard, curse me to death!"

With a kick, Luo Li realized that he was really fine and not dead. He looked carefully and suddenly discovered that in his golden elixir, the thread of true fire was slowly igniting to resist the time emitted by the time iron. God's way!

Under this true fire, Luo Li withstood the invasion of the law of time and did not enter the long river of time. However, he was locked in the valley and could only make small movements, but could not leave here.

Luo Li's life is not in danger now, but the danger has not been eliminated. There is only a trace of the true fire in Luo Li's body, but the time and heaven that the time iron gathers are infinite. One day, the true fire will be exhausted and extinguished, which will be the time of Luo Li's death!

Luo Li was dumbfounded, what should I do? He began to look for a way out of trouble, but couldn't find it at all. He wanted to use the magical power to reward good and punish evil, but who knew that the magical power was activated but there was no response!

Although Luo Li's body is here, he is trapped in the long river of time and is in a strange state. The mighty power of heaven and earth that the magical power activates is forced away by the long river of time, and Luo Li cannot feel the magical effects of the magical power.

The same is true for all spells. At this moment, any spells are invalid!

Xiao Hui said: "What can we do? What can we do?"

Luo Li began to think of ways, one after another, but they were all meaningless. He was in a desperate situation and had nothing to think about!

Luo Li gritted his teeth. He looked up at the time iron and carefully observed the shape of the law of time. Since he was in a desperate situation and had no other choice, he should observe more about what the law of time looked like to gain insights. understand!

Look at the countless thin lines all over the void. Those thin lines represent the trajectory of time. The past, present, and future are changing every moment!

Luo Li nodded slowly, his heart clear and vaguely enlightened!

Although Luo Li's Sea of ​​Divine Consciousness possesses twelve fragments of the laws of heaven, life, death, light, darkness, lightness, weight, movement, stillness, dryness, glory, division, and union!

But these are just fragments of the law, equivalent to a point in the countless thin lines of time and heaven that Luo Li sees now. Having this opportunity to observe the laws of time is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Even if he dies in the morning, Luo Li feels it is worth it!

Xiao Hui was running around anxiously, but there was nothing he could do. Suddenly two voices came from the distance.

"Senior, I found it, I found it, that kid is here!"

Then two monks appeared in this valley!

Luo Li was stunned when he heard this. It didn't sound like a good thing. Suddenly he had an idea and came up with a way to get out of trouble!

Luo Li immediately stood up, imitating the appearance he had when he met Zhongxuan Zong Qingshi Zhenyi, looking at the valley like a master, in a trance! !

At this time, True Lord Qinghu came here and saw Luo Li at a glance. True Lord Qinghu laughed, stretched out his hand, and instantly a barrier rose up, covering the entire valley, avoiding the detection of Chongxuanzong's guarding land, and then he looked He shouted to Luo Li:

"Boy, Luo Li, it's time to repay your blood debt with blood. Pay for the lives of the disciples of my Shenwei Sect who died at your hands!"

"Luo Li, do you still remember Senior Brother Wuyin? Today I came to avenge them!

Our Shenwei Sect must avenge us! "

Luo Li turned to look at the two of them, smiled coldly, and said, "Young boy with a yellow mouth, it's so ridiculous that a small fly can shake a big tree!"

That arrogance was evident, and he did not regard these two people as opponents at all!

Immediately Master Xichao became furious and was about to take action, shouting:

"Arrogant, boy, give my senior brother his life!"

But Master Qinghu gave a gentle pull, and Master Xichao was immediately pulled behind him, and his shot was interrupted!

Master Xichao was stunned, looked at Master Qinghu, and said, "Senior?"

True Lord Qinghu said: "Wait a minute, there is a problem!"

He looked at Luo Li hesitantly, his eyes constantly changing, and said: "There is a problem there, be careful, don't take action easily, this guy seems to have set up some magic circle, my spatial induction tells me that time and space are chaotic there!"

Master Xichao was immediately shocked. The reason why he invited True Lord Qinghu to deal with Luo Li was because True Lord Qinghu was good at space magic and had been exposed to the laws of space and heaven. He could set up space barriers to avoid the land mountain gods of Chongxuan Sect, so he had to deal with it. The Hunyuan Sect monks are the best at it.

True Lord Qinghu looked at Luo Li, and Luo Li looked at him, not weak at all!

True Monarch Qing Hu, whose name is Qing Hu, has a suspicious character, but he looked at it, smiled, and said: "Pretend to be a ghost!"

Luo Li's current state is difficult to find in heaven and earth. True Lord Qinghu can't see anything unusual at all, thinking that Luo Li is being mysterious and deceiving himself!

In an instant, he took action, and the barrier he laid flashed, and then a ray of light fell from the barrier, turned into endless light, and squeezed towards Luo Li!

This is the method of controlling the air that True Lord Qinghu is best at. Thousands of empty seas turn into mortal matter, and the entire space is transformed into a cage to squeeze and kill the opponent. As long as you enter his barrier, you cannot escape. This method has infinite With great power, True Lord Qinghu killed countless powerful people with this method.

In an instant, the light gathered towards Luo Li, and Luo Li shouted:

"Three mountains, five mountains and ten directions of heaven!"

With this shout, True Lord Qinghu was even more sure that Luo Li was bluffing and playing tricks, but there was no mystery. He, a little Jindan True Lord, exploded with all his strength, and no matter what method he used, he was still crushed!

In an instant, the brilliance gathered on Luo Li. Facing True Lord Qinghu, Luo Li raised his right index finger, made a spell gesture, and shouted: "Destroy!"

In fact, Luo Li just made a gesture. Now he is under the time and heaven shroud of the Time Iron and cannot use any magic power. However, this shroud is equivalent to a protective shield, protecting Luo Li!

At this time, True Lord Qinghu's attack reached this point, and it was also the most terrifying space spell. In an instant, thousands of empties and seas transformed into mortal dust hit Luo Li!

To be precise, it hit the Time and Heavenly Law of Time Iron, and a strange phenomenon immediately occurred. The Time and Heavenly Law of Time Iron spread outward along Luo Li's body, along with the thousands of empty seas that were hit. The mortal magic is transmitted to True Lord Qinghu!

Immediately, True Lord Qinghu saw the existence of the Time Iron, saw the countless rays of light, and mastered the way of space and heaven. He was stunned, stared at it, and immediately became addicted to it!

"It's so beautiful, so beautiful, so pretty!"

But True Lord Qinghu is not as secretive as Luo Li. Although he is a True Lord Nascent Soul, he simply cannot resist the law of time!

In an instant, a strange change occurred in True Lord Qinghu's body. He suddenly withered and aged and turned into dust. With a bang, his whole body, together with all the magic weapons on his body and the Nascent Soul in his body, turned into flying ash and dissipated between heaven and earth!

Master Xichao on the side was immediately stunned!

He saw Luo Li raise his hand and say "Destroy", and then True Lord Qinghu collapsed and turned into ashes!

This was completely beyond his imagination. An extremely powerful Nascent Soul Master was reduced to ashes. Master Xichao felt a chill down below and urinated all of a sudden!

As soon as he peed, he woke up immediately, turned around and ran, using his hands as his feet, rolling and crawling, and escaped hundreds of meters away in the blink of an eye.

After running out of Baizhang, Master Xichao returned to normal. He cried loudly and shouted:

"Luo Li, wait!

Our Shenwei Sect must avenge us! "

If you lose, you won't lose. Even if you are scared to death, you still won't admit defeat!

It's a pity that Luo Li couldn't hear these words. The Green Fox True Lord flew into ashes. In an instant, the law of time weakened. Luo Li turned around and ran wildly. At a glance, he moved his body in an instant, flew out of the valley, and then used Forty-Nine Escape Methods, run as far as you want!

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