Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,469 Promotion to the Mahayana Wutian Dao!

The Sky Immortal looked at Likong Island for a while, then suddenly flashed and disappeared.

Wind and rain were about to appear, but Luo Li was not alarmed at all. It was going to rain, so come on, the soldiers would stop it, and the water would cover it with the earth!

But before that, I must seize every opportunity and practice hard. As long as I advance to the Mahayana, I will not be afraid of anyone below the Void Immortal!

Luo Li immediately issued an order for all Hunyuan Sect disciples to practice with all their strength and seek breakthroughs.

With the birth of the power of Hunyuan, the Hunyuan Sect underwent a transformation. It suddenly had its own magic core and became a veritable sect of cultivating immortals.

Luo Li began to retreat and practice his own Hunyuan Avenue, Yuanshi Avenue, and Taishang Avenue.

Sure enough, just as Luo Li thought, seven days later, a cloud-breaking boat came to Likong Island, and monks appeared in the market of Hunyuan Sect.

This monk is a disciple of Feiyu Sect.

Feiyu Sect, the poem number in the sect: The new voice is the first to appear, and the broken feathers are flying freely with a few flakes of frost.

It turns out that the Li Kong Sect here was destroyed by the Feiyu Sect. Although Tianlong Palace was behind it, the banner was the Feiyu Sect.

After arriving, they acted like a secret visit and questioned the fishermen affiliated with the Hunyuan Sect, and then some fishermen loudly reported that the Hunyuan Sect was a remnant of the Li Kong Sect.

Immediately, the Feiyu Sect monk used this as an excuse to question the Hunyuan Sect with great fanfare, asking the Hunyuan Sect to respond whether he was a remnant of the Li Kong Sect.

The Feiyu Sect monk who had only returned to the virtual realm was arrogantly questioning the Hunyuan Sect. There was endless arrogance in his words, and it was obvious at a glance that he wanted to provoke the Hunyuan Sect monks and cause trouble.

Luo Li sneered. In fact, this was just pretentious, and everyone knew it. The Hunyuan Sect is the Red Lotus Sect, what does it have to do with the Li Kong Sect?

But that monk is just talking nonsense, if Hunyuan Sect and Li Kong Sect have nothing to do with each other. Then leave Likong Island immediately, otherwise you will become the enemy of Feiyu Sect. This is a clear sign of coming to find trouble.

Luo Li immediately knew what they wanted, which was the seabed fairy stone veins.

This immortal stone vein was the wealth left by the Barefoot Immortal when he used his power to reshape the world. The immortal noticed Likong Island and went back to check. He saw this immortal stone vein and was immediately attracted to it. They began to send people to plunder and plunder.

Since you are here, then come, Luo Li sent the old immortal to entertain the other party, and made peace with the other party without quarreling with each other, while Luo Li continued to practice.

The breakthrough is just in these few days!

Finally, the Feiyu Sect monk left, leaving behind an ultimatum and returned to the sect.

Immediately Feiyu Sect was in high spirits. To mobilize men and horses, we must besiege Hunyuan Sect.

But unexpectedly, less than the next day. The Feiyu Sect was completely silent, there was no more noise, it was silent.

When the news came, it turned out that the King Kong Sect and the Jiuyuan Sect suddenly issued an order prohibiting the Feiyu Sect from causing more troubles.

Needless to say, this was the order given by Chen Rumeng and Wanli Changkong. I don’t know why, after they returned. Just never came back.

It seems that there is a problem with their fight for the body. The spirit that seizes the body loses its memory. In the end, Chen Rumeng and Wanli Changkong's original memories were revived. They were the masters of a sect, and they were not willing to join the Hunyuan Sect, that weak sect.

But Luo Li didn't care. He had no idea about them. It doesn't matter whether you come or not.

Now Luo Li only has one thought, which is to practice, seize the time, and hit the Mahayana realm.

As long as he enters the Mahayana realm, in this prehistoric realm of spiritual land, Luo Li has his own strength and controls his own destiny.

After the Feiyu Sect was suppressed, there was no news, but the matter was not over.

On the South China Sea, on the island abandoned by the Canglang Sect, there were monks gathering.

If they can't do it openly, they will do it secretly, and this time they will directly destroy the Hunyuan Sect.

They didn't know that after the return of the Hunyuan Sect, the middleman continued to make arrangements. He laid a dragnet across the entire South China Sea. These monks gathered on the original island of the Canglang Sect, and the middleman discovered it.

However, even if Hunyuan Sect found out, they didn't care.

This time, not only Feiyu Sect mobilized with all their strength, but also twelve Mahayana true saints, including two mid-level Mahayana true saints.

There are also Mahayana true saints from other forces who have arrived here, and a total of twenty-one Mahayana true saints have gathered.

In their view, the Hunyuan Sect is like a projectile and can be destroyed in an instant, because the Hunyuan Sect does not even have a Mahayana true saint, and the number of disciples in the sect is less than a hundred. To send out so many of their monks is to kill a chicken with a sledgehammer.

The main reason why so many monks were gathered was to prevent interference from the Diamond Sect and Jiuyuan Sect.

When these monks gathered together, they were extremely arrogant and their intentions were obvious.

Immediately, there was a reaction here in Hunyuan Sect. Many fishermen learned the news and quietly left Hunyuan Sect.

It turns out that many merchants in Hunyuan Sect's market also left secretly and left here.

The King Kong Sect and Jiuyuan Sect have messengers here, asking the Hunyuan Sect to leave Likong Island and go to the mainland. They will give the Hunyuan Sect a territory and protection.

Luo Li knew all this, but he didn't care at all, he just practiced.

Because Luo Li knew that his real enemy was not the monks on Canglang Island, but the Heavenly Dragon Palace, the Divine Dragon Sect, and the earthly immortals who guarded this ancient world of spiritual land.

So Luo Li just practices, seizes all the time, and practices hard!

Gradually, the power of Hunyuan obtained by Luo Li gradually stabilized, became regular, and injected into the world.

Every day of practice, Luo Li could feel the endless power of Hunyuan pouring into his body bit by bit in the distant void.

Every day, Luo Li is getting stronger!

This Hunyuan Avenue is the avenue of the Hunyuan Sword Sect. Based on their foundation, Luo Li has made this avenue reach an unprecedented height, keeping pace with the Yuanshi Avenue and Taishang Avenue.

It turns out that the power of Hunyuan in the world immediately obeyed Luo Li's orders and was injected into Luo Li's body for Luo Li's use.

Luo Li absorbs the power of the three avenues here and turns these powers into his own.

Finally, on this day, the quantitative accumulation reached its limit, immediately triggering a qualitative change.

Luo Li's eyes suddenly glowed with light, and his body became clearer and clearer, as if he had taken off his heavy bonds, and his spiritual power was rising like a tide.

Endless spiritual energy surrounded him like a pagoda. If you look carefully, it was all condensed by dense mist.

With an instant movement, the top of Luo Li's head shone brightly. In mid-air, light rained down from above, like a fountain. As he breathed in and out, he suddenly felt cool and cool all over his body, like drinking nectar.

Breathing in and out, continuously, calming down, feeling that my cultivation has been perfected, and then I wake up. When I wake up, I feel that my power is endlessly released.

It's like a self, rising into the sky, with both heaven and earth in my heart!

The surrounding heaven and earth, seas and islands, surrounding areas and land, mountains and rivers, mountains and ridges, are like waves rising and falling, flying straight behind you and receding, everything is in your heart!

Thousands of miles around, everything is in my heart, everything is under my own thought!

When I look at it, my skin is white and tender, shining like crystal, and my eyes are quiet and deep. I am like the jade that has taken off the stone body, deep and pure. When people look at it, they can say: "A gentleman is like jade!"

A powerful and terrifying aura appeared on Luo Li's body. For a moment, Luo Li felt again, as if he had returned to the world of Zhongtian Lord. The feeling of being able to control the heaven and earth and rule the world appeared again!

Luo Li was promoted to the Mahayana realm!

Luo Li looked in all directions. At this point, there was no way out!

There is no need to pursue the power of various laws of heaven as before.

At this moment, no more!

Because the so-called way of heaven has become a part of Luo Li's instinct and his inherent strength, so there is no need to care about them anymore, as long as he drives them, that is enough!

The road to cultivating immortality and returning to the realm of virtual reality is to understand the great road, touch the great road, and feel the great road.

It's like, I look at this world and know what this world is like.

In the realm of Guiyuan, on the basis of understanding the Dao, one develops one's own understanding of the Dao and gives birth to one's own Dao.

I knew what the world looked like, and I began to build my own world!

The realm of Hedao is to control the Dao, change the Dao, release the Dao that one understands, and integrate it into the Dao.

My world has already taken shape. It should change the world outside and make the world outside become my world!

In the Mahayana realm, there is no more path!

My world is my world, no need to care about the past world.

Luo Li took a deep breath and advanced to the Mahayana realm!

He looked into the distance, sneered, and jumped into the air!

Head straight to the Canglang Sect's island.

Now that you are here, don’t leave, let me give you a ride!

The next step is the earth immortal who guards the spiritual earth world. Don't think that because you are an earth immortal, I have no way to deal with you. I have already thought of a way. The next one is you!

In fact, it is very simple to deal with you. How did the Barefoot Immortal get killed? Let’s do it all over again. Let the spiritual world be turned upside down and reshaped again, so that you can disappear with him.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------(To be continued)



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