Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1436: Once you enter the spiritual building, you will be poor for three generations

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Luo Li nodded and began to think.

This is different from the world of Zhongtian Lord, where I am invincible. This is the wild world of spiritual land. I have just started, and I still need to deal with it carefully.

After thinking about it, Luo Li looked at Zhang Yufu and said: "You have done a good job in this matter. I will reward you with thirty fairy beads. This news is very important. You continue to go back and monitor that person. You don't have to do anything. Just As if nothing happened.”

Zhang Yufu gritted his teeth and said: "Lord Sect Master, my two boys are both in the house. How can the eggs be completed under the whole family? I understand this truth!

Back then, I also traveled across the world. I had a sworn brother who was making a living in the territory of Hunjie Sect. I could go there, inquire about information, and find out their details! "

Luo Li said: "Okay, I will let Lao Immortal go with you. If the matter is successful, I will reward you with another hundred fairy beads!

If the Hunjie Sect invades my Likong Island, don't worry, I asked them to come and not leave, and I will destroy their sect! "

Zhang Yufu immediately saluted and said, "Yes, Lord, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task!"

At this point, Zhang Yufu and Lao Busheng went to Hunjie Gate.

The Hunjie Gate is located 26,000 miles west of here. If the old fisherman went there alone, he would not be able to come back in half a year, so he sent Lao Immortal to go there.

The two set off, Luo Li summoned Qingzhumei and the intermediary to discuss the matter!

Qingzhumei said: "Sect Master, as for the Hunjie Sect, whether we are fighting or fleeing, I think we should first stabilize the spy and not use weapons!

metropolitan. The most important thing for our sect now is your promotion!

As long as you advance to the realm of Hedao, the three of us will immediately follow you to advance to the realm of Hedao. "

The intermediary said: "I found that the indigenous monks in the immortal world here are very weak and lack natural fighting spirit. As long as we advance to the realm of Hedao, we will be in the early stage of Mahayana. We dare to fight!"

Luo Li nodded and said: "In fact, I could have been promoted to the Hedao realm a long time ago, but I was not promoted!

Because I am strengthening the foundation, if this is the case, then I can advance to the next level in half a month! "

Qingzhumei said: "Then congratulations to the sect master, that spy, we used the extremely unstable Ice Jade Epiphyllum as bait to stabilize him. By then, we will all be promoted to the realm of Hedao. Even if they don't come, we will destroy him. They’re full!”

The intermediary said: "Sir, my lord, in the "Taihua Infinite Heart Technique" that I practice, there is a set of immortal formations. I can set them up in these days. When they come, they will attack. Let them die without a place to bury!"

Luo Li nodded and said: "Besides, no matter how strong the Hunjie Sect is, I think the most important thing we should do now is to build a dojo!"

Hearing this, Qingzhumei and Qingzhumei were overjoyed and said, "Yes, it's time to build a dojo!"

The so-called dojo only requires three spiritual buildings. There is a source of energy, a spirit gate, and a main building, which is the dojo!

The dojo is different from the spiritual building, as long as the dojo is built. The dojo can be included in the prototype of the Immortal Realm. In this way, even if the battle is earth-shattering and the Likong Island is destroyed, it is nothing.

When the battle is over, you can release the dojo and everything will be restored.

In addition, if you can't defeat the opponent, you can leave this dojo and establish another stronghold, which will not affect anything at all.

Luo Li said: "A dojo requires three spiritual buildings, the Qi source, the spiritual gate, and the main building.

We now have two spiritual buildings here, as well as a Qi source. We still need one more spiritual building, plus the spiritual gate and the main building. Let me think of a way!

There should be no problem! If it doesn't work, go to the fairy world to buy it. We will destroy Yinlong Palace and still have a capital of two hundred fairy stones. "

Everyone immediately started to take action, and Luo Li came to the Yuxiao Palace again and began to look for the secret book to build the Spiritual Building Dojo.

Luo Li was stunned when he found this secret book. There were too many. There were tens of millions of books on how to build spiritual buildings, endless. It can be said that spiritual buildings are the foundation of the fairy world.

There is endless knowledge in this spiritual building. All living things, heaven, earth, mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars, tangible and intangible, harmful and harmless, can all be turned into spiritual buildings!

As long as it is turned into a spiritual building, it can become a part of the immortal world, a basic point, providing endless resources for the immortals.

When an immortal arrives in another world, the first thing he does is to look for materials that can be used to construct spiritual structures, and then builds them there to plunder resources from other worlds to replenish his own immortal world.

In this Jade Sky Palace, the method of constructing a spiritual building is sold, but it is not cheap. A method of constructing a spiritual building requires fifty immortal stones, and a dojo requires five hundred spiritual stones. It can only be learned and cannot be taught to others.

Luo Li shook his head and went to other places to find the method of constructing a spiritual building. However, no matter where the chamber of commerce was, it was not taught.

Other chambers of commerce only purchase spiritual building materials and sell spiritual buildings, and no one teaches the method of constructing spiritual buildings.

Luo Li shook his head. It seemed that the Jade Sky Palace was indeed a good place. Fortunately, the Barefoot Immortal had pointed it out, otherwise he would never have found the Jade Firmament Palace among the thousands of immortal chambers of commerce.

Returning again, Luo Li began to buy the method of constructing spiritual buildings. First, he bought the method of constructing spiritual buildings of Ice Jade Epiphyllum.

Who knew that this ice jade epiphyllum could be used as a material to construct four kinds of spiritual buildings, each of which could produce different specialties.

Luo Li shook his head, he could only choose among them!

“The Ice Jade Epiphyllum Tea Forest uses ice jade Epiphyllum as the material and uses special methods to build spiritual buildings.

This spiritual building can bring all the properties of the Ice Jade Epiphyllum to its limit, thereby obtaining Ice Jade Epiphyllum tea. This tea also has all the properties of the Ice Jade Epiphyllum. It is delicious and suitable for use by all immortals! "

"The Ice Essence Flower Garden is a spiritual structure created by the Ice Fairy World. It uses ice jade epiphyllum as the material and uses special methods to construct the spiritual structure.

This spiritual building can maximize the ice essence properties of the ice jade epiphyllum, thereby obtaining ice crystal scented tea. This tea is the coldest, suitable for drinking by immortals with cold attributes! "

"The jade-washing box is a spiritual structure created by the Heavenly Jade Immortal Realm. It uses ice jade epiphyllum as the material and uses special methods to construct the spiritual structure.

This spiritual building can maximize the true jade characteristics of the Ice Jade Epiphyllum to obtain the jade-cleansing liquid. This spiritual liquid is the most essence and suitable for all immortals to use! "

"Ephemeral Epiphyllum Purple, a spiritual structure created by the Haotian Immortal Realm. It uses ice jade epiphyllum as the material and uses special methods to construct the spiritual structure.

This spiritual building can combine the characteristics of the ice jade epiphyllum. Use it to the limit to get Crimson Purple Spirit Tea. This tea is most suitable for drought and heat, and is suitable for immortals with earth and fire attributes to drink! "

Luo Li was a little confused when he saw these four spiritual building methods. A fifty immortal stone was not cheap, but his own ice jade epiphyllum had been planted and was multiplying well. It should be possible to cultivate four different spiritual buildings, right?

If it’s expensive, be more expensive. Once you invest, you’ll gain forever!

Luo Li gritted his teeth and purchased all four spiritual building methods.

The Lingyin Bamboo was easy, it was just a spiritual building method, the Lingyin Bamboo Forest, Luo Li also bought it.

After the purchase was completed, Luo Li was not in a hurry to buy the method to build a dojo. Instead, go back and create spiritual buildings!

So far, I have spent two hundred and fifty immortal stones, including the one hundred immortal stones I spent before. There are still 1,650 immortal stones left here.

Seeing Luo Li buying the spiritual building construction method, the old man just smiled. He looked at Luo Li and said:

“Boy, seeing you buy this spiritual building method, I know that you must have made a profit!

A word for you. Once you enter Lingzhu, you will be poor for three generations! "

Luo Li scratched his head, left there, and went back to study the method of spiritual building.

The method of constructing this spiritual building is not that simple, and there are also complex construction diagrams. The so-called spiritual building is to build a small dimensional space. This space is only used to cultivate a kind of plant or a purpose.

The method of constructing a spiritual building is extremely complex and requires endless three-dimensional immortal pattern talismans.

But fortunately, there is a trick, that is to buy a Yellow Turban Rikishi, and then show the magic diagram yourself, and the Yellow Turban Rikishi will build it, and that’s it!

The Yellow Turban Hercules is a kind of talisman that can be found everywhere in shops in the fairy world. The price is also very cheap. You only need 5,000 fairy beads to buy one. Luo Li bought five and started experimenting.

Luo Li decided to build the Ice Jade Epiphyllum Tea Forest first. Luo Li chose a fairy field, which must be more than one-third of an acre.

Fortunately, there was a fairy field on Likong Island that was large enough. Luo Li harvested all the crops on the fairy field, and then began to cast spells.

Secretly operating the method of constructing the spiritual building, Luo Li silently recited a mantra:

"The qi of heaven and earth transforms all laws, the universe rotates on its own, the three pure powers of Shu and Kun are governed by Taiyi, the sky and the earth are the springs and dragon gods, the sky is thirty-six, the earth is thirty-six, there is a majestic order, don't mess with the scriptures, I am God, why not?

Emperor Hao, Yuan Qing Emperor, Dayan Shou Emperor, Ben Guang White Emperor, and Qin Yuan Black Emperor, issued the order today. The three realms are listening. As the above wishes are fulfilled, the whole world will not fall. Urgency is like a law..."

As Luo Li recited the incantation, Luo Li pointed his finger, and a Yellow Turban Hercules Talisman flew up, and immediately transformed into a Yellow Turban Hercules, shouting at Luo Li:

"Receive the decree!"

The yellow scarf warrior began to rush into the spiritual field, and began to build it according to the method of building a spiritual building in Luo Li's spell!

At the same time, the spiritual eye and endless spiritual energy rushed out and poured into this fairyland! The sky above Xiantian was covered by clouds and fog, making it difficult to see what was inside!

Boom, boom, boom!

About half an hour later, Luo Li suddenly felt that the matter was completed, and he cast another spell:

"The energy is coming back, the clouds are falling, the mountains and rivers are blending together, the fire is turning on and off, the truth is evolving, everything is tangible, the void is self-aware, urgent like laws and regulations, the ice jade epiphyllum tea forest has not appeared yet, wait until when! Now! "

Following Luo Li's spell, the clouds and mist disappeared. Looking at the three-acre fairyland, it disappeared. There was only a palm-sized cyan gold seal there!

Luo Li went over to pick it up. The golden seal script was about three inches long and two inches wide. It was shining with gold. There was a pattern on the front. It looked like a tea forest, but there was nothing inside. The tea trees could not be seen clearly.

On the back, there are six golden seal characters: Ice Jade Epiphyllum Tea Forest!

Look carefully, there are small prints:

As long as six ice jade epiphyllum plants are put into this tea forest, a tea forest elf can be born to take care of the tea trees. A tea forest elf can produce one or two ice jade epiphyllum teas in three months. The more ice jade epiphyllums, the higher the yield! "(The novel "Walking Alone" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign "Add Friend" in the upper right corner, and search the public Please click "ddxiaoshuo" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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