Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,431 The speed is infinite, the rapids of the Cang Yue Sea are cut!

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Qing Zhumei was split into two, and Luo Li was shocked, and then he was furious!

However, the old immortal and the middleman were very calm. Luo Li knew that Qing Zhumei should be fine, but the other party killed his capable subordinates, and he was still furious!

Luo Li continued to rush towards Yin Long!

Yin Long also aimed at Luo Li, and shook his hand. The white thin line in his hand was shaken out, and turned into thousands of thin lines in the air, forming a large net, covering the sky and the earth, and covering Luo Li!

Each thin line is a fast-moving water flow, turning into a terrible and powerful cutting blade. Wherever it goes, everything is cut and decomposed.

Luo Li punched, the Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo Hand, just to blow up the water net with one punch!

But something unexpected happened to Luo Li. The water net was not shattered before this punch.

Because this is not the law!

This water flow cutting is not any magic, but a form of water, high-speed rapids, is not a magic, and the Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo Hand cannot break it.

The origin of the magic that makes the water flow form a cutting effect is beside Yin Long, no longer within the range of the Yuanshi Hand, so it cannot be broken.

Yin Long's borrowed magic attack unexpectedly broke Luo Li's Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo Hand.

At this time, the thin line has reached Luo Li, surrounding Luo Li, and a slight cut will turn Luo Li into thousands of pieces.

Yin Long was overjoyed and shouted: "Die!"

But right there, suddenly. Luo Li's thousands of pieces turned into endless white clouds, and scattered in all directions with the cutting rapids.

Then in the distance, the white clouds were combined together. Luo Li reappeared!

It was Feng Qingyundan, one of the thirteen immortal arts of Yun'an Sect, which turned the body into illusion, avoiding life and death, and hiding from strong enemies. It is the way to turn life into illusion!

Originally, Luo Li only copied this method and could not use it, but after the fairyland shaping, Luo Li shaped 6,666 fairylands, including the Yunhai fairyland. So all the copied Yun'an spells were turned into regular ones.

At this critical moment, Luo Li used this Feng Qing Yun Dan to avoid the opponent's attack.

Yin Long was stunned, but he shouted: "Let's see how much you can avoid!"

The big net is coming again!

Luo Li frowned, this is not a spell, Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo Hand, can't break it!

And this cutting water flow is so fierce. If the Tai Shang Guiyi Hunyuan Hand hits it hard, it can break this water flow. But I'm afraid my hand can't be saved, what should I do?

The big net was coming, and at this critical moment, a passage suddenly appeared in Luo Li's mind:

"In the vastness of the sky, in the mysterious place, news turns into opportunity. The yin and yang and the five elements create their shapes, and all gods begin to be born in the boundless, when the mysterious scene is not divided..."

"In the void, the sky is dark and far away. In the vastness of the void. The gains and losses of things are mutually generated and restrained. If they float or fall, the five elements are divided and changed. If they are vague, they will be submerged in confusion. The innate gods are floating without any basis. All things are annihilated and destroyed..."

Luo Li laughed immediately!

At this time, the water net had already reached him, and Luo Li said softly: "There is no fixed law, and there is no long momentum!"

A white cloud rose from his body and spread in all directions. It was the red cloud and smoke of Yun'an Sect.

He raised his left hand, and the left and right fists began to open the fingers, thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger, and turned the fist into a palm, and suddenly hit the ground under his feet!

This attack hit the red cloud smoke net. In an instant, the red cloud smoke net was broken and shattered by Luo Li's attack, and the spell was broken.

As the red cloud smoke net was broken, the clouds shattered, and the water vapor that made up the clouds exploded and expanded outward!

The spreading clouds suddenly stuck to the water net that covered it. Although the water net had no spell effect, the clouds were originally made of water, and the two immediately dissolved.

Originally, this water net did not contain spells, but with this dissolution, the spell effect of the red cloud smoke net was immediately transmitted to the rapids, making the rapids without spell effects have spell effects!

This spell effect only lasted for a moment, but in this moment, the place where the clouds spread produced a strange reaction, that is, breaking the law!

All laws are broken, and there is no law.

Then the breaking effect appeared, and the water flow that only had a spell effect for a moment was immediately broken and changed its properties!

At this moment, the water net cut Luo Li, but the property changed, just turned into ordinary water, fell on Luo Li, the water net was broken, breaking the speed of Wuji, and the rapids of Cang Yuehai cut!

Luo Li laughed, and the Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo Hand was another level of comprehension. Even if you don’t have spells, I can add them to you, and then break!

But he was not idle, and instantly rose up, and flew towards Yin Long with the 49 escape technique!

The right fist was a blow!

Seeing Luo Li’s right fist, Yin Long’s face turned pale. He knew the horror of Luo Li’s blow. He gritted his teeth and tore off another piece of reverse scale!

"Burn Wuji, the sea of ​​fire and the sun burn!"

In an instant, the Lilong transformed by Yin Long began to have endless water on his body. These waters automatically separated and turned into two gases. One of the gases was green gas. Legend has it that the sun in the sky is transformed from this green gas!

Then it burned with the green gas and suddenly turned into a flame like the sun.

In an instant, he and Yin Long burned like a raging fire, and he wanted to burn Luo Li to death.

But Luo Li laughed and rushed over. A Yin Long, in the fierce fire, instantly rode on Yin Long's neck. He pulled his right hand, hugged Yin Long's head, twisted it hard, and made a click. Just twist off Yin Long's head!

Yin Longzhi couldn't believe it. Looking at Luo Li whose whole body was covered with flames, he said, "Why, I can't burn you to death!"

Luo Li smiled and replied: "Playing with fire? I am your ancestor!"

At this point Yin Long died.

The burning flame disappeared, and Luo Li carried its body to Qingzhumei!

Qingzhumei's cut body has been joined together. Sure enough, he is not dead, but his body seems to be much smaller, from an adult to a child.

Luo Li threw Yin Long's body to him. Said: "Eat it, restore your energy, master his memory, and see what is in the Dragon Palace that day?"

Qingzhumei nodded immediately, and opened her big mouth, turning into a bloody mouth. I started eating with a bang.

The old immortal and the middleman began to clean up the battlefield, but unfortunately, the bodies of many sea snakes were completely turned into powder by the pressure.

However, the old man handed Luo Li two scales, which were the reverse scales torn off by Yin Long, and said:

"Sect Master, if you find this thing, take a look! It's a pity that I tore that one off in the end. I couldn't find it, only these two."

Luo Li took it and played with it in his hand.

This reverse scale is completely different from the Yin dragon. However, due to the reverse scale, this Yin dragon has a sea snake and begins to evolve like a sea dragon. This thing is a good thing.

Luo Li held it in his left hand and thought about it. According to the insights in the Yuanshi Avenue, start to reverse the Yuanshi Power!

Suddenly the two dragon scales began to wither. It was shattered, but Luo Li smiled and he got the spell hidden in it!

"The power is endless, the Netherworld Sea is overwhelming!"

"Extreme speed, the rapids of the Cang Yue Sea!"

These two spells are cast using the characteristics of the sea. Luo Li had a feeling that it was the same level of magic as the Yun'an Immortal Technique he had mastered.

This time it's not like copying Yun'an's magic, but learning it directly.

This spell is also different from Yun'an's Immortal Technique, and does not require any support from the Immortal Realm. Very clever.

Luo Li stretched out his hand and started to make gestures, trying out these spells. It was very interesting and he mastered them quickly, but he seemed to miss something. He was not as powerful as Yin Long.

Luo Li knew that Yin Long was sending out the true meaning with the help of the sea!

These spells, unlike ordinary spells, are less effective as the realm increases. These spells can be used even by practitioners who ascend to immortality, earthly immortals, and heavenly beings, and their power becomes stronger and stronger!

At this time, Qingzhumei had already refined Yin Long's memory, and came over and said, "Sir, Sect Leader, Yin Long betrayed the Li Kong Sect during the war, destroyed the Li Kong Sect's formation, and finally led to the destruction of the Li Kong Sect.

In fact, it was not the Feiyu Sect that really destroyed the Li Kong Sect, but the Tianlong Palace, in order to seize a treasure of the Li Kong Sect.

At this time, Yin Long made great achievements and was rewarded by the Purple Gold Dragon King of Tianlong Palace.

This "Power is infinite, the Netherworld Sea is overwhelming!" "Speed ​​is infinite, the Cang Yue Sea is torrential!" "Fen Wuji, the sea of ​​flames is burning with the sun!" are the Thirteen Sea Wuji among the eight Heavenly Dragon Techniques of Tianlong Palace! "

When Luo Li heard this, he frowned and said, "So, by destroying Yin Long, we will take over the grudge against Tianlong Palace?"

Qingzhumei said: "You can say that, but there is good news. The Purple Gold Dragon King obtained the secret treasure of the Li Kong Sect and became an immortal. He has been an immortal for seven thousand years.

Immortals cannot return to the ancient world of spiritual land, and in Yin Long's memory, Tianlong Palace is very bureaucratic and handles affairs slowly. The other party will not retaliate against us immediately and give us time to develop!

In addition, there is another point. The Barefoot Immortal sent us here. It is impossible for him not to know these things. I suspect that he has a lot of opinions about Tianlong Palace. One of the purposes of sending us here is to use our hands to fight against the sky. Dragon Palace!

Since he supports us, I think he must secretly create opportunities for us! "

Luo Li nodded and said: "I understand, but we will talk about this later. Now we are taking the next step!

Bloodbath the Yinlong Palace, kill all the gasping people inside to prevent the news from leaking, and collect all the spirit beads for me!

I want to take a look at how many spiritual pearls and spiritual stones there are in Yinlong Palace. If there are a lot of them, then we will sweep across this sea area and seize all the spiritual pearls and spiritual stones from the Canglangmen and the Sword Shark Clan. , buy cheats!

If there are very few, then there is only one way. I really don’t want to, but there is no other way! "

As soon as he said this, the three evil corpses immediately said: "Yes, disciple, I obey!"

They went straight to Yinlong Palace!

Luo Li let out a long breath. From this battle, Luo Li realized a lot. The Yuanshi Avenue is too supreme. No matter what, he must get it! (The novel "Walking Alone" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right "Add Friend", and search the public account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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