Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,429 Nine-fold Colorful Floating Dragon Cover!

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Hearing the old man say this, Luo Li breathed a sigh of relief.

The old man said again: "These two holy books, the Yuanshi Great Dao is 50,000 immortal stones, and the Taishang Supreme is 50,000 immortal stones!

You are introduced by Chijiao, so I will give you a 98% discount!

A total of 98,000 immortal stones!"

Hearing this, Luo Li almost fainted.

He said: "How much?"

The old man said: "98,000 immortal stones!"

Luo Li gritted his teeth and said: "Immortal, give me some time to collect some immortal stones!"

Then he put down the spirit lamp and left.

This is nearly 100,000 immortal stones, which is 1 billion immortal beads, too scary!

In fact, Luo Li really has a way to collect these immortal stones, but the price is too expensive, and he is a little reluctant.

Putting down the spirit lamp, Luo Li's consciousness returned to his body. He looked around and saw that the Likong ruins had already built some prototypes.

Many figures were busy here, but Luo Li was stunned when he saw more than a hundred skeletons and dozens of zombies, working hard to carry stones, build walls and lay stone floors.

Luo Li was stunned and asked, "What are these?"

The old immortal replied, "Master, these are the skeletons and bones we found when we were cleaning the ruins. We turned them into zombies to work for us. Look, the hall will be repaired soon!"

These Tianshajueshi are best at driving groups of zombies and constructing buildings. This is their specialty.

But Luo Li said with a gloomy face: "No need, do we have a way to go out to sea?"

The old immortal replied: "There is a way. I extracted the bones of the three sea snakes and refined their souls to make a bone dragon boat!"

Luo Li said: "Okay, let's go, set off, the target is Yinlong Palace!"

The three evil corpses stood up and said: "Yes, Sect Master!"

Qing Zhumei couldn't help asking: "Sect Master, what are we going to do?"

Luo Li said fiercely: "Kill people, break into the palace, rob! I'm short of immortal stones, I'm short of immortal stones!

One hundred thousand immortal stones, I hope they can have a lot of immortal stones!"

This is all forced by immortal stones!

When they heard about killing and robbing, the three evil corpses said happily: "Yes, Sect Master!"

The four people quickly came to the sea surface, and the middleman cast a spell, and suddenly a bone boat rose in the sea, a sea boat made of bones.

Luo Li boarded, this sea boat is not a sea boat, but a raft, and there is sea water seeping into the bottom of the boat, so it finally did not sink to the bottom.

Qing Zhumei said, "Unless, Yinlong Palace!"

The bone boat started to set off and headed straight into the sea.

The bone boat started to stir up waves. Luo Li closed his eyes and stood still, recalling the contents of the two holy books he had just seen.

"In the vastness of the sky, the mysterious place, the news turned into a machine, the yin and yang and the five elements created their forms, and the gods began to be born in the boundless, when the mysterious scene was not divided..."

"In the void, the sky is dark and far away. In the vast void, the materialization of gains and losses is mutually generated and restrained. If it is floating or not, the five elements are divided and changed. If it is vague, it will be submerged in confusion. The innate gods are floating without any basis. All things are annihilated..."

Even if it is only a hundred words, it makes Luo Li feel the supreme method. The true energy in his body keeps condensing and rolling, and the endless flames are circulating endlessly!

The old immortal, the middleman, Qing Zhumei and the other three were not on the boat. They all entered the water.

The old immortal was in the water, constantly slapping the water surface. As he slapped, it seemed as if a strange melody spread in the water. In this sea, powerful sea fish and sea beasts kept appearing, as if they were attracted by him.

When those sea fish and sea beasts arrived, the old immortal had a third eye on his head, and he glared at them, and the sea fish and sea beasts immediately obeyed and followed his orders.

The old immortal began to select, leaving some strong and capable sea fish and sea beasts behind, and handing over some incapable ones to Qing Zhumei.

And Qing Zhumei suddenly changed in the water, transforming into a demon corpse suitable for fighting in the water. He kept swimming in the sea water and ate these incapable sea fish and sea beasts one by one.

There were also some sea fish and sea beasts that were not obedient after being glared at by the old immortal, and Qing Zhumei immediately rushed over and ate them.

But he would not eat them all, and would spit out the skeletons of sea fish and sea beasts from time to time.

Qing Zhumei handed these skeletons to the middleman, and the middleman began to use their bone spurs to transform into strange flying spears!

The three of them were preparing for battle, and soon there were more than a hundred sea fish and sea beasts around Lao Bushi, following Luo Li and others!

The Lord of Yinlong Palace was a sea dragon in the Hedao realm, and had turned into a Lilong, which was very powerful. Moreover, although the three strongest sea snakes under his command had been killed, there were still hundreds of sea snake descendants, so they had to prepare early.

Not only them, Luo Li was also preparing!

Just by reciting and understanding the scriptures, Luo Li felt that the power of his hands was slowly increasing, as if infinite power was injected into Luo Li's body from the distant unknown void.

Luo Li was even more determined and must buy the two holy books at all costs!

Seven hundred miles soon arrived, and the bone boat had not yet reached the Yinlong Palace, and a group of sea snakes had appeared on the sea!

There were hundreds of sea snakes, each of which was extremely strong. The largest one was a hundred feet long. On its head, there was a humanoid warrior, who was the Lord of Yinlong Palace, Yin Long, who had transformed into a human!

They were the local snakes here. Luo Li came straight towards them and immediately discovered that Yin Long knew about the failure of his three subordinates and personally led all the sea snakes to fight.

Yin Long from afar shouted: "What's your origin? Why did you invade my home? Sign up quickly!"

Luo Li shouted: "One breath generates all kinds of magic, Hunyuan breaks the universe! Hunyuan Sect Luo Li is here!

You, Yinlong Palace, were the protectors of the Li Kong Sect back then, but you turned your back on the battle and fled. This is unfaithful. I opened a sect on Li Kong Island, and you went to war without declaring it and attacked our Hunyuan Sect. This is unjust!

You are unfaithful and unjust people, so I have come to destroy you! "

Put on the righteous hat!

Yin Long cursed: "You are so arrogant. I really don't know how high the sky is. I will kill you and make your skulls into drinking utensils, so that you will never be reincarnated!"

Luo Li whispered: "You three are responsible for those sea snakes. This Yin Long belongs to me!"

The two sides are approaching quickly!

The man in the middle was the first to exert his strength. He raised his hand and made a bow-drawing motion, and shouted: "The middle way, looking left and right, it's a dilemma, it's difficult to be a human being!"

In an instant, hundreds of spiritual lights shot out from his hand. It was the fish bone arrow he had made just now, which turned into and shot towards the opponent!

This fish bone arrow flies quickly and can change direction in the air, which is very weird!

Immediately, some sea snakes were hit by arrows. As soon as the arrows were hit, the bone arrows immediately turned into dead fishes, penetrated into the body of the sea snakes, and began to bite. Immediately, the sea snakes began to roll and scream crazily.

When Yin Long stretched out his hand, a sea halberd appeared in his hand. He shook violently and shouted: "Spiritual Lightning Breaking Strike!"

A static wave was emitted from his body, which spread instantly. All the crazy sea snakes, and in this static wave, all the bone arrows were shattered, and they returned to normal.

Luo Li saw this scene and shouted: "What a spiritual lightning, take a punch from me!"

Suddenly Luo Li jumped up and rushed towards Yin Long, punching him with his left hand. (My novel "Walking Alone" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100 raffle gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right "Add Friend", and search the public Number "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up! )r1152


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