Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,425 The Yin-Yang Crazy Guest, the Lord of Time and Space!

With such a surge of immortal energy, Luo Li's Taichu Cave Heaven began to absorb it crazily, and evolution began!

The Taichu Cave Heaven began to change continuously, gradually evolving from the Dimensional Cave Heaven to the prototype of the Immortal Realm.

A piece of heaven and earth appeared silently. First there was chaos, then the sky and the earth were opened, then light appeared, and then the earth emerged, full of vitality, and all races prospered!

A voice rang in Luo Li's ears: "The prototype of the Immortal Realm has been completed. This is the prototype of the Immortal Realm, the Ten Thousand Living Spiritual Realm. The prototype of the Immortal Realm ranks 1625th..."

Originally, the input of immortal energy should have stopped at this point, but the input of immortal energy continued.

As the immortal energy continues to be input, the world changes, the sky and the earth overturn, the sun and stars set, the end of the world appears, the world collapses, and returns to chaos.

Then came evolution again, Pangu opened the sky, and the world was born. This world was completely different from the previous world. It was a world of fire, with endless fire, burning, and countless fire spirits growing and growing.

"The prototype of the Immortal Realm is completed. This is the Fiery Flame Realm, the prototype of the Immortal Realm. The prototype of the Immortal Realm ranks 637th..."

But the immortal energy continued to be input, and one day, the flames went out, the world became dim, and gradually it became dead silence, the end of the world, and chaos.

Then Chaos opened the world again, this time it was another world!

"Complete the prototype of the Immortal Realm. This is the Nine Yang Holy World, the prototype of the Immortal Realm. The prototype of the Immortal Realm ranks seventh..."

"The prototype of the Immortal Realm is completed. This is the Nine Yin Xuanjie, the prototype of the Immortal Realm. The prototype of the Immortal Realm ranks eighth..."

"The prototype of the Immortal Realm is completed. This is the Yunhai Qi Realm, the prototype of the Immortal Realm. The prototype of the Immortal Realm ranks 3127th..."

In this way, repeated over and over again, worlds are born one after another...

It was also the turn of the immortal realm prototype of the Yun'an Sect monk that Luo Li met!

In the end, he ranked first from the prototype of Immortal Realm. Ranked 6666th in the prototype of the Immortal Realm, Luo Li's prototype of the Immortal Realm has undergone changes from beginning to end. In the end, it was just a brilliance, as if something was gestating inside, and there was no change at all.

At this time, the fairy light suddenly changed. Finally a voice came:

"Oh my God, what the hell is going on?"

"How is it possible? I've only been away for a short while and my system is in chaos. I've lost so much immortal energy. What happened!"

There was endless fear in the voice, and the fairy light suddenly stopped transmitting. Luo Li took a long breath and silently felt that his Taichu Cave Heaven had suddenly recovered!

Before Luo Li could feel the specific changes in the Taichu Cave Heaven, the fairy light fell again, but there was no fairy power transmitted, but the voice just now, said timidly:

"I have met Mr. Xiaoyao Hou Luoli. I am the Xuanxian Qingsongzi who manages the creation of the immortal realm in the ancient world of spiritual land.

I was not here just now, and I didn’t know that the Lord was reincarnated and returned to the fairy world. An error occurred in the reconstruction of the fairyland, please forgive me! "

This Xuanxian Qingsongzi is the immortal official who manages the creation of the fairyland in the ancient world of spiritual land. Generally, the reconstruction of the fairyland relies on the system to automatically reshape it. He just left for something and found that the system collapsed when he returned. Something big has happened.

Xuanxian Qingsongzi checked it and found that due to the conflict of authority of Luo Li Xiaoyao Hou, the immortal domain reconstruction system collapsed. He saw that Luo Li was only a small monk in the ancient world of spiritual land, but he had such a title of Immortal Qin. His first thought was that of powerful reincarnation.

In fact, this is normal. In order to achieve the position of Da Luo Hunyuan Golden Immortal, many powerful people have to reincarnate, practice again, and work hard.

However, this was something that happened during Xuanxian Qingsongzi's tenure. If he reported it, it would be a dereliction of duty and he might be sent to the Immortal Killing Platform. So after being extremely frightened, he immediately contacted Luo Li.

Luo Li heard the fear contained in the other party's words, and his heart immediately moved, and he said solemnly:

"I don't know what happened! I don't want anything to happen either!"

Luo Li has been the founder of the Hunyuan Sect all his life. He is the best in the world, and his every move has supreme majesty. Although the Xuanxian Qingsongzi is a Xuanxian, after his ascension, he has always been an official in the immortal world. Above him, there are countless earthly and heavenly immortals. Live a life of submissiveness and live by looking at people's faces.

Although his realm was infinitely higher than Luo Li's, being hit by Luo Li's momentum immediately confirmed what he was thinking.

This is the reincarnation of Almighty. Although something went wrong, he doesn't want others to know!

He hurriedly said: "I know, sir, you are reincarnated, and I don't want to be discovered by others!

Okay, sir, please rest assured. I will hide your identity as a seventh-level Xiaoyao Hou. When you return to the immortal world and return to earthly immortal cultivation, you will naturally get your title back.

I will find a way to make up for the massive amount of immortal energy consumed in the reconstruction of this prototype of the immortal world. I also ask you, sir, to keep it a secret for me and treat it as if this never happened! "

Luo Li made a false statement, and the green pine nuts immediately supplemented Luo Li's words, completing the flaw.

Luo Li smiled and said: "Okay, okay, okay! Xuanxian Qingsongzi, I remember it!

I owe you a favor! If one day in the future I return to the Immortal Realm and regain the title of Immortal Qin, you can come to me! "

As soon as he said this, Qingsongzi was extremely happy. With this reincarnation and a powerful word, he might get countless benefits in the future.

He couldn't help but said: "Thank you, sir. By the way, sir, can you reveal your past title of Immortal Lord?"

Luo Li immediately straightened his face and said, "No, everything in the past has passed without a trace, and I am Luo Li!

Remember, I am Hunyuanzong Luoli! "

As soon as he said this, Qingsongzi thought again:

"Ah, I understand. Sir, you were harmed by your enemies. Your enemies are still chasing you, so you can't say that you..."

Luo Li immediately said: "Shut up, don't talk too much, if you touch the secret of heaven, you will turn into powder in an instant!"

Qingsongzi immediately said: "I understand, I understand, sir, don't worry, you won't tell me if you kill me..."

Having said this, Qingsongzi gritted his teeth. In the first half of his life, he relied on the protection of his family's fathers. He practiced hard in the ancient world of the spiritual land and ignored worldly affairs. He practiced hard for seven thousand years and finally ascended to immortality.

After ascending to the Immortal Realm, something big happened to the family. They encountered a catastrophe and were suddenly ruined. They no longer had the protection of their parents, and they had no combat experience in the ancient world of spiritual land. In the fairy world, I don't understand the world, and I am suddenly desolate.

In the end, it all relied on his father's friends to commemorate their friendship and find him a small position in the Immortal Qin Alliance.

In the second half of his life, he was in the officialdom of the Xian Qin Alliance. After being oppressed and struggling hard, he was finally promoted to Xuanxian and took charge of the shaping affairs of the sect's disciples in the lower realm of the spiritual land and the wilderness.

In the world of spiritual earth, this position looks like an immortal official, with great power. In the immortal world, the ancient world of spiritual earth is like a garbage dump, and no one cares about the small officials in charge of the garbage dump.

Remember the past every time. Qingsongzi is unwilling to give up. When his family was prosperous, there was a lot of traffic. Now it is dilapidated and ignored, leaving countless regrets.

Today, when something like this happened, Qing Songzi gritted his teeth. said:

"Sir, if you were harmed by your enemies and reincarnated, you would definitely have regrets!

Sir, I have here the cultivation method of the Immortal Realm and Immortal Body. At this time, our Qing clan, the only remaining asset, is willing to dedicate it to Your Excellency! "

Immortal body? Luo Li was stunned. In fact, someone has mentioned before that when he ascended, the Heavenly Master Zhang seduced Luo Li and the others with his empty immortal body of the ninety-nine immortal bodies in the immortal world and the cultivation method of the fearless golden body.

It seems that this immortal body is very important in the immortal world!

Luo Li said: "Are they those ninety-nine immortal bodies in the immortal world?"

in words. Deliberately with a hint of contempt!

Qingsongzi gritted his teeth and said: "Sir, those are the immortal bodies that are popular in the immortal world now. What I sacrifice is the supreme immortal body of the Immortal Qin in the ancient era of the immortal world. This is the secret of our Qing clan. It’s just because of this that it has declined, please accept it!”

Luo Li said: "Okay, I really forgot a lot of things this time!"

Immediately, a series of spiritual consciousness fell in the immortal light, which were illustrations, all of them were cultivation methods, a total of twelve sets!

Qingsongzi said: "Sir, four of these are methods for cultivating the ancient Immortal Qin Immortal Body, and eight sets are methods for cultivating the Ninety-nine Immortal Body!

However, this is a secret that is not passed down by our Qing clan. Please don’t spread it to others. You can practice it yourself, or your sect disciples can practice it! "

Luo Li said: "Okay, I, Luo Li, swear here that these twelve sets of immortal body methods will never be taught to outsiders, and will only be practiced by Hunyuan Sect disciples!"

Qingsongzi suddenly let out a sigh of relief and said: "Thank you, sir. When you ascend to immortality, I am willing to serve you, in front of and behind the carriage, to serve you!"

Luo Li nodded and said: "Xuanxian Qingsongzi, I will remember your favor, but before that, don't contact me or even think about me. My enemies are very scary. If they know about it, Don't tell me that you are a little fairy, even the heavenly and earthly immortals are just ashes!

Remember, remember! Don't harm me! "

Luo Li threatened him not to contact him if he could. If he contacted him too much, he would be dead if his secret was revealed!

Qingsongzi immediately said: "Yes, yes, yes!"

Immediately the fairy light disappeared and contact was lost!

Luo Li let out a long breath and wiped his head with sweat!

But this time it seems that I have gained a lot. The prototype of the Immortal Realm has been reshaped six thousand six hundred and sixty-six times, and I have gone through it completely. I don’t know what it will look like.

Then I got twelve more ways to shape the immortal body, which was a real bargain!

Luo Li slowly inspected the Taichu Cave Heaven, the prototype of his Immortal Realm.

Looking at the past, Taichu Cave Heaven has finally transformed into a huge world. Just like the prototype of the immortal realm of the Yun'an Sect monk last time, Taichu Cave Heaven has transformed into a huge world!

This world is different from the Dimensional Cave Heaven. Apart from its storage function, it will no longer be controlled by Luo Li and will develop in its own way.

It’s just that the world is too big!

It's thousands of miles away, even boundless, and Luo Li doesn't even know where the edge is...

In this world, there are continents, oceans, mountains, rivers, seas of fire, and the sun...

The characteristics of the six thousand six hundred and sixty-six immortal realms are all reflected here!

Luo Li's eyes lit up. If this is the case, then the Yunhai World should also be there. Does the Yun'an Sect's immortal skills no longer need to be in the village and can be used directly?

Then he looked at the second harvest and saw twelve immortal body cultivation methods, transformed into twelve pictures in his sea of ​​consciousness!

Eight of them are gold:

Purple gold glass, wind body and cloud body, earth spirit body, Tao bone corpse saint, empty immortal body, ice pure and jade pure, Nine Yang body, Wuwu immortal body!

This should be the method of cultivation in the Ninety-nine Immortal Body!

There are four more that are purple and gold:

The crazy guest of Yin and Yang, the master of time and space, the refiner of the five elements, the King Kong of God!

This should be the method of cultivating the immortal body in the ancient Immortal Qin era! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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