Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1418 The divine light shines like a red lotus!

Luo Li was very happy, playing with a mustard seed ring in his hand, and headed to the third shop in Fangshi.

Na Jiexiu wanted to do evil, hit the fat sheep, and was about to kill and rob, Luo Li appeared and upheld justice.

The rescued fat sheep was extremely grateful. He gave all the two hundred fairy beads on his body to Luo Li as a thank-you gift, and then left with great gratitude. At least he saved his life.

This storage spirit ring is the storage magic weapon of the robbery cultivator. In the spiritual earth world, not all monks have their own fairyland. Most of them are mainly storage magic weapons.

Counting the two hundred fairy beads from the fat sheep, Luo Li harvested 630 fairy beads this time. Adding the original more than 300 fairy beads, he will soon have a thousand fairy beads.

During Luo Li's inquiry, the robbery cultivator honestly explained everything he knew. Suddenly Luo Li had a thorough understanding of the spiritual earth world, at least in Chu Qin Fang City.

This market is a black market, established for the Chu Qin family, a nearby immortal cultivating family. There are also immortal cultivating families in this spiritual earth world.

However, this Immortal Cultivating Family is different from the Immortal Cultivating Family in the Zhongtian Lord World. There must be an Immortal above the Void Immortal Realm in the family to be considered an Immortal Cultivating Family.

If the immortal in their family dies and no virtual immortal is born in the family within three hundred years, then this family of immortal cultivators can only be regarded as casual cultivators.

The entire spiritual earth world, although the fairy world does not manage it at all, but only formulates some rules of heaven, in line with the laws of heaven and natural survival, and there are also regulations that the immortals do not allow the lower world to interfere with the operation of the spiritual earth world, but the entire world is in the fairy world within control.

There is order in chaos, and chaos is allowed in order!

The ancestors of the Chu and Qin families ascended to the immortal world 30,000 years ago. Now in the immortal world, they have been promoted to the realm of flying immortals. In addition to him, there are seven immortals in the Chu and Qin family. It can be said that the family is prosperous.

The shop Luo Li went to was where Qi Laoxiu, the ancestor of Chu and Qin, established his foothold in this immortal world after his ascension. It can be said that the first store opened has a high reputation. For at least 30,000 years, there has been no case of fraud or abduction.

And in this shop, as long as you have the fairy beads, you can do anything except hire murderers. Dare to sell anything.

This shop is a four-story stone building that looks very quaint, compared to other shops in the market. Not gorgeous enough.

The name of the store is Chu Qin Old Store. After entering, Luo Li nodded slightly.

A space formation was used in the shop, and the originally wide space became ten times larger after entering!

The bright hall can accommodate hundreds of people, and it looks magnificent at first glance.

In the hall, there are rows of counters made of Purple Cloud Lingshan. In front of each counter, there is a beautiful woman wearing uniform clothes. All this gives people an absolutely atmospheric shock.

Before the customer came to the counter, the beautiful attendant began to explain. The goods on the counter were even more complete, ranging from the lowest-grade raw materials to the most commonly used magical weapons and elixirs.

Luo Li smiled slightly, it seemed that he had found the right place.

at this time. A maid came up and greeted Luo Li diligently. Makes you feel at home.

She said with a smile on her face: "What does this guest want to see? Do you want me to help introduce it! The goods of Chu Qin's old store will definitely make all customers return satisfied!"

"I want to sell some goods!" Luo Li said calmly.

On Luo Li. There is an indescribable aura, a majesty that has been cultivated in the world of Zhongtian Lord for so many years.

The maid was slightly startled when she heard this, but after carefully observing Luo Li's momentum, she was immediately taken by Luo Li, and the smile on her face became more genuine.

She said: "Sir, please go this way!"

She quickly moved Luo Li to a corner, where there was an old master, Mr. Palm Eye, identifying the goods.

Luo Li took out the broken cloud chair and handed it to Mr. Palm Eye.

The old man took it, looked at it, and said:

"The Flying Cloud Chair is a medium-level immortal weapon. It was made by a major sect in the immortal world. However, it was attacked by a golden eagle with lightning and was damaged by 60%. It is only worth 1,230 immortal beads."

Luo Li nodded and began to take out other goods, which were all his harvest in the wild forest.

"The whole body is green, with seventeen leaves. The lower part absorbs spiritual fluid, and the upper part absorbs the three rays of the sun, moon and stars. These are blue and white leaves, three in total, worth one hundred fairy beads."

"This is the six-knot flower, intact, worth sixty immortal pearls. This is the root of peony root, worth one hundred and thirty immortal pearls... Hey, chalcedony grass..."

"This is the ape claw of the Dou Zhan Spirit Ape. Unfortunately, it is damaged and is only worth one hundred immortal beads. This is the bear paw of the Vajra Explosive Bear. Good material, good material. This is the eighty immortal bead...

"Heizhi, Kousha, Zhuling, and Anzhu are not valuable and can only be sold by the pound. This pile is thirteen fairy beads..."

Luo Li waited silently. After a while, all the things were sold out. The old man said:

"Forty-six pieces of medicinal materials, seventy-eight pieces of wild beast materials, all these goods, a total of 4,959 immortal beads.

Including the broken Feitian Cloud Chair, there are a total of 6,189 fairy beads. The guest has come up with so many materials at one time, so let me give you a preferential price, 6,200 fairy beads! "

Luo Li nodded and said, "Thank you very much!"

Counting the spirit beads he originally used, Luo Li had nearly 7,200 spirit beads in his hand.

Then Luo Li looked at the old man and said, "Well, I heard that Chu Qin's old store has all kinds of goods. I want to get an identity plate. Is it possible?"

When the old man heard this, he frowned and said, "I'm just Mr. Palm Eye. You go talk to the shopkeeper about this!"

After speaking, he led Luo Li to the VIP room.

The furnishings of the VIP room are different from those of the lobby. Although the area is not large, there are some antique tables, chairs and furniture everywhere. It gives you a feeling of elegance, comfort and comfort.

In the center of this VIP room, there is also a copper incense burner. A bunch of fairy incense is burning slowly in the burner, filling the room with a light spiritual fragrance.

When Luo Li came here, a big fat shopkeeper greeted him with a smile!

"I'm Qin Zhaoyi, the shopkeeper of Qin Chu's old shop, I don't know what to call my brother!"

"Luo Li, I have met fellow Taoist."

This big fat man's cultivation level is not low, he is already in the late stage of Hedao.

"Welcome, welcome. Brother Luo Li, this is your first time here!"

Qin Zhaoyi led Luo Li to sit down, and then someone immediately brought fairy tea!

"Brother, try it. This is a specialty produced by Zi Mo Tian in the Immortal Realm. Ling Cha Zi Mo Yun Hao, an immortal product from the Immortal Realm, is rarely available in the lower world. I can taste it first."

Luo Li looked at the fragrant tea in front of him, picked it up and took a sip. This spiritual tea was really good. Immediately the fragrance of tea entered my mouth and my whole body trembled, it was so comfortable!

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "Good tea, really good tea."

Qin Zhaoyi smiled and said: "Luo Li. Brother, do you want to get an identity plate?

This is not simple! "

Luo Li said: "Please give me some advice from the shopkeeper!"

In this spiritual earth world, there are also some monks who need to change their identity nameplates for one reason or another.

Qin Zhaoyi said: "Every monk in our immortal world must have an identity plate.

The reason why. The ancient realm of the spiritual land here sounds nice, it is a backup cradle for immortals, but it is actually the garbage dump of the immortal world. "

Luo Li was stunned. Said: "Garbage dump?"

Qin Zhaoyi said bitterly: "Yes, those immortals throw all their unwanted things here. They say they will give us immortal fate, which sounds nice. In fact, they are just throwing garbage!

The so-called reshaping of the world once in ten thousand years is clearly called to prevent the power of our cultivating family from controlling the spiritual world. In fact, it's all nonsense.

They immortals threw too much rubbish into the rubbish heap, and some of it was poisonous. It will destroy this garbage pile, so you have to clean it again and start over.

I remember that 123,000 years ago, Yan Zhutian threw the captured remains of the demon world to us. As a result, there were still Yuan demons among them, forming a demon tide. I don’t know how many monks died. Finally, within ten years, this The prehistoric world of spiritual earth was shaken and reshaped three times in a row before the Yuan Demon was destroyed. "

Speaking of this, Qin Zhaoyi took a sip of tea and said:

"Sorry, I got off topic!

The real purpose of the identity plate is to save lives when the world is reshaped!

There is only one thing that will not be reshaped in this reshaping of the spiritual world, and that is the lives of our human race.

Regardless of adults, children, or those hybrid beasts, every time the world is reshaped, the immortals will rescue us and send us back when the spiritual world is stable!

But no matter how powerful the immortals are, they still don't have time to look for human beings one by one to save their lives. Therefore, this identity plate is the key. This is our personal coordinates. The immortals rely on this to lock us and take us away from the spiritual world.

All major fairy cities have to check this identity plate, because they are afraid that the monks will easily abandon the identity plate, and it will be difficult to save lives! "

Luo Li nodded and said: "I understand, please tell me how many fairy beads are enough to get an identity plate?"

Qin Zhaoyi talked for a long time just to raise the price. He continued:

"As long as you enter the major fairy cities, you can get a fake identity plate for a thousand spirit beads for a very cheap price!

But if you really encounter the reshaping of heaven and earth, brother, you will have no place to cry, and you will definitely die!

However, we also have real identity plates for sale here. According to the rules, when the outer sect of the Lingtu Ancient Realm recruits disciples, they need to apply for a new identity plate.

This is your only chance to get a new real identity tag! "

Luo Li was stunned and said: "Is the sect in the Great Desolate Realm of Lingtu one of those eight hundred middle sects and three thousand lower sects?"

Qin Zhaoyi laughed and said, "Brother, stop dreaming!

Those sects are all big sects in the immortal world, with countless small worlds spread throughout the lower courtyard and thousands of disciples. How could someone sell their identity plate in order to light up the spirit beads!

The sects I am talking about are all sects in our spiritual world. They are called lower realm sects and are incomparable with those big sects in the immortal world.

But that's it, this identity plate is just an identity plate. You are not qualified to go to these lower realm sects to be an outer disciple. After one year, you will be expelled from the sect, but your identity will not change.

You must know that these lower realm sects have at least one Xuanxian, or three virtual immortals, supporting the scene in the fairy world! If you are lower than this standard, you will become a wild cultivator, and you will not be able to enjoy many benefits of the immortal world.

Let me see, there are still outside stewards of that sect. If they want to make extra money, they can apply for identity plates. "

After saying that, Qin Zhaoyi stretched out his hand, and a water mirror appeared for a closer look.

In the water mirror, he was suddenly startled and said:

"No, what is this for? Is Honglian Sect Wang Yaowu crazy?"

Then he looked at Luo Li and said, "What a coincidence, Wang Yaowu, the outer gate steward of the Red Lotus Sect, released thirty outer gate nameplates in one breath.

The price is very cheap. I can apply for one with six thousand spirit beads. Brother, would you like to apply for one? "

Luo Li thought for a while and said, "Do it!"

Although the fake ones are cheap, in case of a catastrophe, it’s better to get a real one!

Qin Zhaoyi said: "Okay, I'll handle it right away!

Alas, I didn’t expect that the Red Lotus Sect would be in such a state of decline. The rules of the sect were lax, and the outer sect manager would be so bold as to sell thirty nameplates in one breath!

You must know the poem title of this Red Lotus Sect: After the calamity fire hole burned, the divine light was as bright as a red lotus. It turns out that he is also one of the major sects in the immortal world, and one of the 108 sects in the immortal world.

Later, the Xuanyuan Sword Sect left the fairy world and ascended to the high-latitude universe!

They competed with the Creation Sect for control of the Immortal Realm, but failed and began to collapse. From the Immortal Realm to the Upper Gate, they fell to the Middle Gate, the Lower Gate, and finally fell to the Lower Realm Sect.

It is said that there is only one ancestor of the immortal Red Lotus, who is struggling to support him in the immortal world! Xuanxian and Xuxian both have no descendants. I think the status of this lower realm sect is also in danger!

It’s done. From today on, you are an outer disciple of the Red Lotus Sect. Of course, you only have a name, but no reality!

According to the rules, the sect will be expelled after one year. Don’t worry, there is no luck to interfere with this one. It is not as evil as those big sects in the fairy world in Feisheng City! "

After speaking, Qin Zhaoyi handed Luo Li an identity plate. (To be continued)


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