Walk alone

Volume Three Chapter 1,403 The Nine Heavens Defeat the Demon Lord!

Hu Chan and others flying in from a distance felt a flash in front of their eyes, everything disappeared, and Luo Li and the Demon Lord's clone could no longer be seen.

Everyone was shocked, but there was nothing they could do!

As soon as this umbrella is opened, the world will suddenly come into being!

This is the world of Tianluo Umbrella!

Under the Tianluo umbrella, there is lawlessness!

This is the supreme and wonderful use of the Tianluo Umbrella of the Shangqing Dynasty and Yuanshi Dynasty. Once this umbrella is opened, within this umbrella, there is no way, no world, no heaven! The person holding the umbrella is the biggest in the world!

But this kind of greatness is not the omnipotent power, but the person who controls this umbrella. Under this umbrella, you can make three wishes. At this point, the world under this umbrella will fulfill the wishes of the person holding the umbrella. .

But this wish cannot be made arbitrarily. This wish will be fulfilled by consuming the spiritual energy absorbed by the Tianluo Umbrella!

Just like now, Luo Li opened the Shangqing Yuanshi Tianluo Umbrella, and did not make any wish for the other party to die directly, but whispered softly:

"My first wish is that there will be no demons in this world! All things related to and connected to demons will be silent, which is equivalent to nothingness!"

Suddenly, under the umbrella of Yuanshi Tianluo, all the demonic energy in the world with a radius of thousands of miles dissipated.

The Great Demon God Malecutan was immediately stunned. He was the clone of the Demon Lord and controlled all the demons in the world. However, there were no demons here. Its foundation was no longer there. The supreme demonic power suddenly became a tree without roots and a tree without a source. Water, no matter how powerful it is, cannot be used!

Luo Li said again: "The second wish is that I wish to fall forever! No matter how great the existence is, one day it will fall, and no matter how powerful the monarch is, there will be a time when he enters the grave!"

With these words, he broke through all the powerful protective powers of the great demon Malekutan. At this moment, it was just an ordinary existence, He Luo Li. There is no difference!

Luo Li said again: "The third wish is that I would like to be given divine power! I would like to have the power to kill the demon lord's clone here!"

As soon as these words came out, an endless stream of light suddenly appeared on the umbrella.

Luo Li suddenly realized a supreme spell.

To be precise, this realization did not come out of thin air. Rather, it was transformed from the dissipated absolute divine power.

This spell is the essence of Tianluo Umbrella, which transforms absolute divine power into Luo Li's heart.

In a daze, it seemed as if Luo Li had been practicing for thousands of years, and countless techniques flowed through his heart, and finally they came together into one spell.

This spell is not inferior to his Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan Spell. It is a self-contained system and extremely powerful.

These three wishes are also taught by the absolute guidance of the great power of the gods. The first wish is to break the infinite power of the demon lord's clone. The second wish is to break the immortality of the demon lord's clone. The third wish is to grant Luo Li powerful power. You can use this to defeat the demon lord's clone and get the maximum benefit.

This is the best interest. It's Luo Li's left fist now!

Luo Li felt this technique, slowly raised his left hand, made a fist, and then struck!

This blow hit Luo Li's hand, and two big characters appeared, Yuanshi!

Under this punch. Everything returns to the beginning, everything returns to its origin, and then a strange power is born from this, the power of the supreme power, beneath this power. Lawlessness, all laws are scattered!

Luo Li immediately knew that the name of this punch was Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo Shou. It matched perfectly with his Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan Shou.

One breaks all laws, the other breaks all bodies!

The reason why although these two techniques are both called Tianluo Shou and Hunyuan Shou, Luo Li can only punch is because, although there are thousands of spells and endless magic weapons in the world, he can truly exert his power to unlimited extents. method, I don’t know why, but fist is the first!

Maybe it's because of boxing rules and rights.

Luo Li just punched out with his left fist, Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo Hand!

On his left hand, endless brilliance condensed, like a scorching sun emitting endless light and heat, a blazing light, then dimmed instantly, exploded again, turned into a beam of light, and blasted towards the opponent.

Then at the same time, the right fist was released, a steady blow, the Taishang Gui Hunyuan Hand!

Although the great demon Malekutan no longer has any demonic energy to use, and countless magic arts cannot be used, all of them are in vain, but she is the great demon god, a clone of the demon lord. Even if she is not a demon, she also has countless Taoist and fairy arts.

She also punched, and in her hand, a section of the hand bone was detached, and the bones were white.

Then the white bones turned into countless white bone energy and shot out, condensing into a white bone tower in the air and suppressing Luo Li. This bone tower hides an extremely sinister and sinister aura.

This is the secret method of the world of the dead, the Bone-Breaking Saint Extinction Tower!

Boom, the two people's spells collided!

Under the hands of Luo Li's Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo, the Bone-breaking Saint Extinction Tower was instantly and silently shattered. Although this method has countless wonderful uses, it is useless under Tianluo!

But Luo Li's right fist had already arrived, Taishang Guiyi's Hunyuan hand, bang, hit him with a punch!

This punch contains the fire of creation and apocalypse, such an earth-shattering blow! Huge energy, a devastating impact, began to explode within her body.

Immediately, endless flames burned on the body of the great demon Malekutan, and the beating made the great demon Malekutan open his mouth and spit out blood!

The great demon Malekutan retreated for dozens of miles. She turned around and ran away, wanting to leave this world of thousands of miles. !

But no matter how she escapes, Luo Li will always move with her. In this world under the canopy of Tianluo Umbrella, she cannot leave!

Luo Li punched again!

The left hand, Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo Hand, roars away, destroying all laws!

With his right hand, Taishang Guiyi's Hunyuan hand punched the sky and shattered all bodies!

The great demon Malekutan yelled and stopped him immediately. A big hand of Buddha's light appeared out of thin air, the Buddha's Vajra handprint, thousands of Taoist diagrams rotating around, Taoist Tai Chi diagrams, boom, boom, boom!

However, under the hands of Luo Li's Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo, these spells collapsed, and under the hands of Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan, the great demon Malekutan roared endlessly.

Boom, boom, boom, snap, snap, snap!

Punch to the flesh!

At first, the great demon Malekutan could still roar, but later, the roar gradually disappeared and turned into a scream!

Such a powerful demon lord's clone, the great demon god who controls billions of worlds, has no way to do anything under this Tianluo umbrella, and is repeatedly hammered by Luo Li!

Boom, boom. boom!

The great demon Malekutan shouted: "I will fight with you!"

Boom, boom, boom!

Luo Li punched a total of thirteen times!

The last punch came out, and with a bang, the Demon Lord cloned himself, and his whole body turned into flames. This flame is a terrible fire that destroys everything. In this flame, the great demon Malekutan suddenly turned into fly ash, refining death!

Even if you are powerful and terrifying, under this heavenly umbrella, thousands of magical powers and endless spells will all fail. The supreme demonic body was immortal and had countless characteristics that were all dissipated. Under the hands of Luo Li's Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo and Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan, he was finally hanged to death!

The great demon Malecutan is dead!

With a bang, everything about her turned into ashes. But there is something left behind, also a bead!

Half of the beads were pitch black and translucent like black crystals, and the other half were pure white and translucent like ice and snow. Put together, it looks like a round gem.

Luo Li stretched out his hand, put away the bead, and compared it with the bead of the demon lord's clone. He found that it was better than the bead of the demon lord's clone that Luo Li got last time. It was several times bigger, that one was only the size of an eyeball, but this one was the size of a fist.

Luo Li didn't know what this thing was used for, but Luo Li knew it. This item is absolutely treasured and priceless!

He took a deep breath and couldn't help laughing, laughing wildly!

Even lying on the floor, laughing like crazy!

This is the demon lord's clone. He was beaten to death by himself. It's unbelievable and unbelievable!

At this point, the greatest disaster in the world of God has been lifted by himself.

After a long time, Luo Li was happy to finish, picked up the Tianluo umbrella, and just closed it!

Suddenly the umbrella was closed, everything returned to normal, and Luo Li appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

Everyone looked at him blankly, and Hu Chan asked: "What about the demon lord's clone?"

Luo Li smiled and said, "I beat you up!"

Everyone didn't believe it, so Hu Chan asked again!

"Really beaten to death?"

Luo Li replied: "Beat him to death!"

After Luo Li said it twice, everyone believed it this time!

Suddenly everyone cheered, extremely happy, cheering crazily!

Luo Li was also extremely happy. At this point, the catastrophe of the Hunyuan Sect has been lifted, no!

The last thing left is to defeat Kunlun!

Then there was a thousand-year sect competition, and the Hunyuan Sect ranked first in the world. He got the Five Elements Sect's most precious treasure, and the first person from the Hunyuan Sect to ascend to the immortal world was born!

Just when Luo Li was extremely happy, suddenly, Luo Li discovered that there was something more in his sea of ​​consciousness. It was a ferocious monster head!

Luo Li was stunned, shook his head and said, "No!"

Luo Li once owned this thing back then. It was a bronze ghost mask. It was the blessing and supreme glory that Luo Li received from killing the clone of the Ghost Saint of Abandoned Heaven!

However, Luo Li can now completely kill the Ghost Saint of Abandoning Heaven. The last time the Ghost Saint's clone was in the True Water Realm, Luo Li killed it with a casual blow.

Therefore, no matter whether the favor of the Ghost Saint Qi Tian, ​​the favor of the Dragon God, or the favor of the Great Brahma God Lord has disappeared, they do not dare to underestimate Luo Li and be on an equal footing with them!

But now, Luo Li has a new favor from heaven and earth. This is not the favor of the little people like Qitian Ghost Saint, but the favor of the demon lord who controls the world!

There is an existence like the great demon Malekutan, who is immortal and has a powerful aura. That aura was absorbed by Luo Li, so he became the demon lord's favor.

This demon lord favors you, which can attract the attention of the demon lord, or the attention of other demon lord clones, and avenge him!

This can be regarded as the final revenge of the great demon Malekutan.

However, there is an advantage to having this demon lord favor him. From now on, all demons and demon lords will see Luo Li in fear, and his strength will be suppressed by 30%. Luo Li can even command low-level demons!

Luo Li suddenly had a headache. He looked around. It seemed that he had to ascend as soon as possible. Otherwise, the Demon Lord had three thousand large clones and 120,000 small clones. If someone came to seek revenge, the Hunyuan Sect would be implicated. Even the entire world of Zhongtian Lord.

For the sake of this land and water, this world, and countless people that I know and don’t know, it seems that I must ascend! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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