Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1398 I am Gugen Aoxueshuang!

Tiger Zen, Fan Wujie, and old Zen Master Jianxin arrived here and joined the battlefield. Luo Li, Xuemei and other five people fought against everyone, and the situation immediately changed. ⌒

Luo Li appeared, and in a flash, he was with his master and Fan Wujie.

Suddenly the three of them met, and the bonus effect of the Hunyuan Sect's magic circle appeared immediately. Moreover, Huchan Brahma Wujie had a tenth-level magic weapon. In a short time, his power surged several times.

Then Luo Li took action, and this time it was even crazier!

Stepping into the blood sea of ​​the Blood Demon Sect's Blood Light Ancestor, the Hunyuan Golden Fighter and the Hunyuan Golden Sword are powerful against the blood red chariot, the tenth-level magic weapon of the Blood Demon Sect's Blood Light Ancestor. On top of the Hunyuan Golden Whip, Lit up endless fire, burning fiercely, just start fighting!

Bang bang bang bang!

Boom, the blood sea finally couldn't stop the endless flames. The Blood Demon Sect's blood light ancestor was shattered bit by bit under Luo Li's wild attack.

The surrounding reinforcements were blocked by Fan Wujie and Hu Chan, and could not be rescued at all. In the end, the Blood River Chariot turned into a faint light and disappeared into the distance instantly. The Blood Demon Sect's Blood Light Ancestor died in battle!

At the beginning, the cooperation of the three people, coupled with the temptation of Xuemei's inner demons, immediately showed their sharpness and became invincible!

The next one is Jidu Dharma King of Kunlun Sect, and the next one is Bai Yezi of Daluo Jinxian Sect.

Suddenly, three more people were lost, leaving only eighteen people. The situation of the battle immediately changed. It can be said that the overall situation has been decided. At this time, Wu Daozi, the supreme leader of the Sensing Sect, suddenly shouted:

"Fellow Taoist Tiger Zen, we have known each other for many years. I am willing to withdraw from this battle. From now on, I will be in seclusion in Taishang Insect Sect for three thousand years. Can you, Taoist friend, leave me a way to survive!"

Following his words, he immediately escaped and disappeared without a trace.

As he spoke, Hu Chan nodded slightly. Luo Li and others did not take action and asked him to leave. Wu Daozi, the supreme induction sect, escaped.

Facing the Supreme Induction Sect Wu Daozi's escape, the Night Demon Sect Hu Bugui also left silently and escaped!

Old Zen Master Jianxin looked at the old man Tianhua of the Demon Hua Sect who was fighting against him. Said: "Tianhua, if you don't leave yet, when will you wait?"

Old Man Tianhua sighed and said, "I, the Demon Hua Sect, have also been in seclusion for three thousand years!"

Two more people also escaped quietly and escaped from this place!

These powerful men are all the masters of the major sects. They have received the Demon Lord's One-step Ascension Pill and have been promoted to the realm of Guiyuan. Their strength is completely different from that of Fan Wujie and Hu Chan who have practiced hard and advanced to the Guiyuan realm.

At this point in the war, they had reaped the benefits, and it was reasonable for them to flee immediately when they saw that the situation was not good.

As they fled, there were only thirteen people left. The Holy Demon Old Man of Qiankun, Kunlun Zhongyuan. Kunlun Tianxingzi, Kunlun Saint Fei Xue, Daluo Jinxian Sect Lu Qing, Chaos Demon Sect leader Hua Qingyun, the seventh in the world Fang Wentian, Supreme Heavenly Dao Sect Zhenwo Taoist. Mr. Wuding of the ethereal sect, the old man of the black crow, the true yang witch, and the leader of the yin and yang sect.

The war situation is crisis, but among everyone. The old man of the Qiankun Holy Demon was not afraid at all and was still smiling.

He looked into the distance and suddenly said:

"It's almost time, Luo Li, do you really think it's us who are chasing you?"

Luo Li was stunned, looked at the old man Qiankun Holy Demon, and said, "What do you mean?"

The old man of the Holy Demon of Qiankun laughed loudly and said: "It's very simple. Lord Demon Lord who has made a plan to destroy you, you are so naive. We are actually just bait!"

In the words of the old man Qiankun Holy Demon, in the distance, there was a rumble, the situation changed dramatically, and endless auspicious light erupted in the sky.

Within that auspicious light, thousands of divine auras were floating around. Luo Li looked there and couldn't help but say: "Ancient God!"

Yes, the ancient gods have arrived!

From the void in the distance, dozens of figures flew in. The person leading the way was an endless light, the reincarnated God Emperor of Light!

Behind him are other ancient gods, the God of Rain, the God of Wind, the God of Thunder...

These ancient gods appeared on the horizon in the distance. The sky was completely rendered by divine power, with endless brilliance and thousands of rays of light. It was extremely terrifying!

At the same time, on the other side, dozens of figures also appeared, and those figures were filled with endless demonic energy and extremely dark.

That's the ancient demon!

Death demon, absolute demon, arrogance, jealousy, rage, lust...

Many ancient demons also appeared in the distance. Endless magic light erupted from their bodies, and the entire sky immediately fell into darkness!

One side is light, the other side is dark!

The old man of the Holy Demon of Qiankun laughed loudly and said: "Luo Li, Luo Li, you can't think of it!

This is our real trump card, the coming of gods and demons!

Luo Li, feel honored, today is your death day! "

When this ancient god and ancient demon appeared, the expressions of everyone in Luo Li suddenly changed, and the situation was suddenly reversed.

Seeing these ancient gods and ancient demons appearing from all directions, Fan Wujie's expression suddenly changed, and he was frightened in his heart!

Hu Chan looked at the many ancient gods and demons arriving and said to Luo Li, "Are you afraid?"

Luo Li laughed loudly and said, "Don't be afraid!"

Then he said again: "Okay, you're welcome. Killing one is killing, and killing two is killing, so let's fight!"

The master and the apprentice burst into laughter!

In their laughter, the aura of the two of them skyrocketed and improved endlessly!

Fan Wujie felt their courage in their smiles, and he let out a sigh of relief and said:

"Okay, okay, Luo Li, Luo Li, I will accompany you today!"

The old Zen Master Xinjian said: "My Buddha is compassionate, today is the time for me to sacrifice myself!"

After saying that, the sword light surged on him.

Xuemei just smiled and looked at Luo Li. As long as Luo Li got there, she would accompany Luo Li there. She was not afraid of hell!

Many ancient demons and ancient gods, as well as the other party, Thirteen Guiyuan, surrounded Luo Li and the others.

Luo Li roared and struck suddenly, breaking the sky with one hand, let's fight!

Immediately the war started, Luo Li and the five people would get together and fight with the many ancient gods and ancient demons in the void.

The war broke out violently, ten times more intense than before!

Bloody world, war between heaven and earth!

The battle was fierce, and suddenly the God of Thunder suddenly struck out. In the roar, the two ancient demons were turned into ashes by him!

For a moment, both the ancient demon and the ancient god were all shocked!

The Emperor of Light shouted: "Thunder God. Are you crazy?"

The God of Thunder laughed loudly and said: "In the final analysis, I am still a person who has tried hard to measure, not the God of Thunder! So, I am here too!"

Appeared in great numbers. Join Luo Li and his team.

At this time, in the distance, endless monsters suddenly flew up. After those monsters flew up, they turned into a cloud of demons, countless in number, sweeping towards the ancient demons in the distance, among the endless monsters. There is a woman standing proudly!

She was none other than He Qiubai, the Venerable Ten Thousand Demons, also known as Bai Youyou. She shouted:

"Senior Brother Luo Li, I, Bai Youyou, am back and I am here to help you!"

The two of them appeared and joined Luo Li's team!

In the Liujin City in the Mobei region, a wandering dance troupe was performing here. Countless spectators cheered and enjoyed watching the dance of these wandering dancers.

Many dancing girls. Skip to the exciting moment, dancing around their leader Su Xianzi.

Today they found that their group leader, Su Xianzi, seemed extremely excited, as if she wanted to dance to the extreme. They could no longer follow Fairy Su's movements.

Fairy Su's movements were like fire, and she suddenly jumped into the air and began to dance wildly in the void!

Countless spectators watching. Suddenly, they were stunned. Some of the madmen who wanted to belittle them sat down and said:

"Friar, monk!"

Su Xianzi danced to the end, bursting out in an instant, the most beautiful dance moves.

From the Liujin Sect of Zuodao Sect, which controls this place from afar, a Yuanying True Monarch carefully sent a message and asked: "Senior, what is your intention in coming here?"

Fairy Su didn't care about him at all. She stopped dancing and said, "It's so happy. I wonder if I can dance to the fullest from this in the future!"

She looked down at her group members, these dancers were all orphans she had adopted along the way, and she said: "My children, take care of yourself, we are at an end!"

The dancers she had taken in suddenly cried: "Captain, Commander, where are you going?"

Fairy Su looked into the distance. In that distant void, countless clouds were flying chaotically. That was where Luo Li and others fought.

She said: "I, Su Caizhen, owe only one person a favor in my life, and today is the time to return the favor!

I really regret it, why should I break through to Guiyuan? If I was not strong enough, I would not go, but now, I may die, but I must go, I must go! "

After saying that, she disappeared!

In the Suiyuan area, Tianya Hai Pavilion, the entire sect was surrounded by endless clouds, and the monks could not leave this cloud.

On the high mountain, there were two female nuns, looking into the distance, they seemed to have decided something, with smiles on their lips.

Xiang Tianzhenyi has inherited Tianya Haige, but this powerful man who was above everyone before is extremely depressed today, no different from the child back then.

He almost cried: "Senior sister, senior sister, do you really want to go? No, if you combine your swords into one, you will never come back!"

But those two female nuns just smiled!

Huo Wumei said: "Master and the others have given everything to us. I wish we can advance to the realm of Guiyuan. We cannot let Master and the others sacrifice in vain!"

Huo Jiaoyang said: "Actually, we are one and the same. What's the difference? Brother Luo Li and Uncle Tiger Master, they are fighting desperately. We couldn't help him before, but now it's time!"

After saying that, the two looked at each other, and in an instant they merged together. There was no more Huo Charming Sisters there, only a divine sword!

The Supreme Divine Sword of Tianya Hai Pavilion, the red lotus fire sword to save evil!

Originally, this sword was only a ninth-level divine sword, but with the fusion of the two women, the divine sword was upgraded and turned into a tenth-level sword!

The divine sword jumped into the air, shattered the endless clouds surrounding Tianya Hai Pavilion with one strike, and then went away into the distance!

In the Fragrant Interpretation Gate, suddenly, countless flowers bloomed, and where the flowers bloomed, thousands of fairies appeared!

Among the fairies, a voice sounded: "Sisters, please lend me your way and let me achieve the way of the Flower Fairy, because I want to help my lover!"

Hearing this, countless flower fairies let out various cheers, and suddenly countless fairies merged into one, and a woman appeared!

It is none other than the real person Rulin of Fenfang Jieyu Sect!

She looked at the battle situation and said: "Luo Li, you can't believe it. I, Rulin, have finally been promoted to the God of Flowers. I'm here to help you today!"

Beyond those nine days, in the endless and distant void, a woman jumped into the air and flew away. Countless golden flowers flashed. She said anxiously:

"Hurry up, hurry up, Luo Li, hold on, I, Jinhua, are back!" (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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