Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1353 The natural five elements of heaven and earth!

Speaking of Ruotong, Luo Li let out a long sigh. If it was Senior Sister Ruotong, then everything would be worth it. If it was someone else, he would really be unwilling to give up the title of the first ascender to someone else.

Jin Sheng said: "Ruotong is really not easy. In fact, at the beginning, we have given up on her several times, thinking that she is just like this and there is no way to move forward.

But who knows, the ten seeds we expected died, and some betrayed, and in the end, only she was left, passing through every dangerous pass and finally becoming a great man!"

Mu Shen also said: "Yes, the most difficult time, even the heart of Nirvana could not solve her crisis. We thought she had no way out, but in the end, the great mansion was smooth and she was promoted to Nascent Soul!

And those disciples we are optimistic about, Bai Youyou betrayed the sect, Li Douliang became the Supreme God of Shenwei Sect, Lu Qing disappeared completely, Yan Xinyu was unknown and completely disappeared among the crowd, Xie Gong died on the battlefield, Gong Sun Lanshan's impact returned, and the retreat has been seven hundred years old. It can be said that it has been exhausted! Only this is the way to achieve the avenue. There is no investment in our years! " Our dedication to cultivate, we will get the road! "Luo Li suddenly said," There are two apprentices in my! " He looked at each other, and Luo left his mouth and said, "The five elements of the Five Elements Huaging True." Suddenly, Luoli put away the other five elements of the true meaning of the other five elements, leaving only a true fire of heaven and earth. Then Hu Chan shouted: "The water is ruthless and has no fixed form."

Immediately, endless water vapor appeared. Water flooded the world!

Then the Wood God shouted: "All things have mercy on the wood thorns."

Then the Golden Saint shouted: "The latent dragon should not use the golden essence."

Finally, the Earth Emperor shouted: "All things return to the origin of the earth Kunlun."

As the five of them cast spells loudly. In an instant, five rays of light rose from the five people, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, all five elements. In an instant, the five rays of light merged into one. The five people disappeared. It was just a change!

There were no more Luo Li and the other five people here, but only a ball of light, and then the light changed. Transformed into a Dharma image!

This Dharma image was plain and ordinary, without the strength and power of other Taoist and demon formations. It looked like an old man, ordinary, ordinary, without any outstanding features, but looking at it, it had endless pressure and power.

This person Luo Li and the others were very familiar with. It was the first Dharma image in the ancestral hall, Hunyuanzi!

After transforming into this Dharma image, it was in endless operation, sometimes full of demonic energy, sometimes with endless fairy light, sometimes with chaos and emptiness, sometimes with infinite Dao, sometimes with nothingness, sometimes with time and space reversal...

After three days and three nights, this Dharma image returned to its original form with a bang, and a strange and powerful true essence appeared on it!

This true essence was extremely powerful. After it appeared, the entire world in the Chaos Dao chess trembled. This power contained endless space power. It felt as if there were countless spaces in it, shattered, and born...

This power did not belong to this world, and it far exceeded the scope that this world could accommodate!

But the source of this power was still the seventh law of Hunyuan Sect, Hunyuan Qi, but this Hunyuan Qi had been evolved and strengthened, far exceeding the power of this world!

Suddenly, Luo Li and the other five people knew that as long as this true energy was injected into Ruotong's body!

This Hunyuan Qi will assimilate and replace the Hunyuan Qi that Ruotong has cultivated herself. When Ruotong's body is full of this true Qi, she can cut off all the shackles of heaven and earth on the disciples of Hunyuan Sect. The endless heavenly thunder can be cut directly, break through the thunder and fly to the fairyland!

Suddenly, everyone was ecstatic, and Mu Shen and others shouted happily: "Success, success!"

But Luo Li frowned, and suddenly, he ended the Daomo formation.

Suddenly, the Daomo disintegrated, and everyone scattered. Everyone looked at Luo Li, and they knew that Luo Li must have something.

Luo Li tried it, and suddenly in his hand, the true fire appeared, and then fire gave birth to earth, earth gave birth to gold, and the five elements gave birth to each other.

Seeing that the five elements' true meaning appeared in Luo Li's hand, everyone was stunned. Luo Li had all the five elements' true meaning that they had been seeking.

Luo Li controlled the five elements' true meaning, which meant the end of the war. There was no time to tell everyone, so no one knew.

Luo Li conducted another experiment, this time it was mutual restraint, metal restrains wood, wood restrains earth, earth restrains water...

The five elements are completely mutually restrained.

Then Luo Li let out a long sigh and said: "Dear ancestors, masters, I'm afraid our ascension has failed!"

Hu Chan frowned and asked: "Why?"

Luo Li said: "I comprehended the law of the five elements in the Yuxu world, but I don't know the true meaning of the five elements, that is, they cannot be mutually generated or restrained!"

After saying this, the God of Wood widened his eyes and said: "How is it possible!"

Jin Sheng also shouted: "How is it possible! The five elements can't be mutually generated or restrained, it doesn't make sense!"

Luo Li said: "The five elements can complement each other, but the true meaning, I don't know why, it just doesn't work. There seems to be a strange shield that prevents the true meaning of the five elements from mutually reinforcing each other!"

Everyone still didn't believe it, Luo Li said: "Let's leave Dao chess. In this chess, although the world can be isolated, the shield is also isolated. In the real world, it just doesn't work!"

Mu Shen suddenly seemed to collapse and said: "Can't it work in the real world? Then we just can't assemble the Dao Demon Formation. Then all our years of work have been in vain!"

"How is it possible, how is it possible!"

Luo Li said: "Masters, let's go out and give it a try!"

Immediately, the five people left the Tao chess formation and came outside. Luo Li summoned the true meaning of the five elements. Suddenly the three great ancestors discovered that for some reason, the true meaning of the five elements could not complete the mutual generation and restraint of the five elements!

They were all stunned this time, as they seemed to have aged for countless years!

Luo Li said hurriedly: "However, I seem to have discovered the origin of this shield!"

As soon as these words were said, the three of them suddenly had hope in their eyes, and they looked at Luo Li.

Luo Li said: "After this battle, I saw Ruoshui Zhenyi of the Five Elements Sect. There was a kind of power in him, if it was there or not, it was very similar to this shielding power!"

As soon as these words were said, the three great patriarchs immediately looked at me and me, muttering:

"Five Elements Sect, Five Elements Sect!"

Then Patriarch Jinsheng said: "I'll come as soon as I go!"

After saying that, he disappeared immediately, seemingly looking for someone to discuss.

Luo Li and others were waiting here. In the blink of an eye, two days and two nights later, Patriarch Jin Sheng returned, his face as iron as stone.

He said: "Come on, enter Tao Chess!"

Immediately everyone returned to Tao chess.

Patriarch Jin Sheng said bitterly:

“Oh God, God, why, why!

Thirty-nine thousand years ago, the auroras in the North Pole sky lasted for thirty years, causing chaos in the world. Later, a major earthquake occurred, which lasted for ten years. At that time, countless monks went to explore and search for the cause, but they could not find it.

There is a legend that the ancestor of the Five Elements Sect at that time found a treasure there and brought it back to the Five Elements Sect. The Five Elements Sect, which was originally just a side sect, rose up one after another and was promoted to the main sect.

Now it is certain that that treasure is the reason that hinders our Hunyuan Sect’s ascension!

Because at that time, it was the time when Patriarch Wang Yangming fought with all parties and was promoted to the best in the world. He was searching for the way to ascend and finally determined the method of breaking the void with the true meaning of the Five Elements!

The Patriarch has determined the method of ascension here, and the heaven and earth on the other side are the treasures that hinder the true meaning of the Five Elements from mutually generating and restraining each other, and cut off my Hunyuan Sect's path to ascension! "

As soon as he said this, everyone was dumbfounded!

Mu Shen said: "How is that possible!"

Jin Sheng nodded and said: "It was his old man who confirmed it, that's it!"

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "Oh my god, why!"

Hu Chan said: "It's very simple. Heaven and earth are ruthless, and heaven and earth have no heart.

Heaven and earth are just a natural system, without any feelings or emotions, without good or evil, without joy or anger!

Stimulate it and it will respond to you, hurt it and it will destroy you, help it and it will reward you, everything is natural! "

Luo Li sighed and said: "I know that although our Hunyuan Sect has not done anything harmful to the world! But because of our Hunyuan, power is released from the small world and injected into the big world!

For heaven and earth, we are their powerful source, just like the spiritual stones we monks use for practice, we will never let go! "

Mu Shen said coldly: "You have to let go even if you don't let go, Five Elements Sect, Five Elements Sect!

Since that thing is in their hands, it will be a bloody battle to destroy the whole family. We must also seize that thing and we must ascend! "(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!


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