Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1328 The Five Elements Great Way Refines the Source!

Luo Li came out of retreat, and in his hand, there was a little true fire, slowly burning.

That true fire, in Luo Li's hand, bloomed its most beautiful flame. Luo Li looked at the true fire and couldn't stop smiling.

This true fire contained terrible power. It seemed that there was a black hole in the heart of the fire, which could devour everything.

In this fire, everything in the world was burned, exploded and destroyed, and the sky and the earth were broken. A small ball of true fire could be refined even if it was returning to the void.

Luo Li suddenly pinched it hard, and the true fire disappeared. Then he opened his palm, and the true fire was gone, but turned into a ball of true water.

The true water seemed to be only five or six drops of spiritual water, gathered together, and suspended in Luo Li's palm.

But if you look closely, it's as if there is a vast ocean in Luo Li's hand, which is boundless and seems to be able to set off thousands of huge waves and sweep across the world.

Luo Li knew that this was not an illusion. As long as he shook, a drop of this real water would fall on the ground and immediately turn into an endless flood, forming a sea, going in all directions, raising huge waves of hundreds of feet, and finally forming a real ocean.

This is the terrible real water, a drop of water contains an ocean!

Luo Li blew gently, and the real water disappeared, and a ball of mud appeared in Luo Li's hand.

This is exactly that grain of real soil!

This real soil keeps changing its form, countless mountains and giant peaks appear in Luo Li's hands, and then the mountain also changes, from dead things to living things.

Transformed into thousands of virtual spirits, or Titan giants, or earth dragons and earth horses, or stone earth spirits, with endless changes.

This real fire, real water. Real soil is Luo Li's future path!

However, this is not enough. Luo Li also needs real gold and real wood to gather the origin of the five elements of the universe. The unity of the five elements is the only way of me. This is Luo Li's way!

These five elements are the power of the origin of the universe, even beyond the laws of heaven. That's not to mention the world catastrophe. The heaven is in chaos, and the power of the origin of the universe is also indestructible.

The powerful cultivator who gets one origin of the universe is already invincible. Great opportunity.

No matter which big world. No living being. Get two origins of the universe, because this means that they will surpass this world, enslave the world. Enter the universe and become immortal.

The Demon Lord, the Taoist Lord, and the Buddha Lord are all like this. They all control several origins of the universe, so they have such great wisdom and power, spanning ancient and modern times, and controlling all worlds!

When Luo Li was in the catastrophe of the Zhongtian Lord World, he broke through himself and got the power of true water and true earth. This is the biggest super opportunity in itself!

In this case, why not expand this opportunity even more?

The mutual generation and mutual restraint of the five elements is the most basic true source of constructing the universe. Why not get real gold and real wood, gather the five elements, and unite the five elements to cast my avenue!

This is Luo Li, who finally got his own avenue after hard thinking and countless cultivation!

This path was not born out of thin air, but was found after countless deductions and countless experiments.

Luo Li came out of retreat, took out his four tenth-level magic weapons, and shouted softly, saying:

"Xiao Jin, Xiao Guang, Xiao Sha, come out!"

Suddenly, the spirits of Luo Li's tenth-level magic weapons appeared one after another.

The spirit of the Hunyuan Golden Whip, the giant dragon, did not listen to Luo Li's call at all, so Luo Li did not call him.

Xiao Guang looked like a little monk and said, "Hello, Master, may Buddha have mercy on me!"

Xiao Jin pouted and said proudly, "Master, I don't know why you called us? I'm sleeping, so sleepy!"

Xiao Sha looked cold and just nodded slightly.

Luo Li looked at them and said, "I have something to ask for!

I want to cultivate the power of real gold, and among my many divine methods, only the Light of God, the Golden Dawn of the Ten Thousand Worlds Buddha, is a gold spell!

Only by cultivating it to the extreme, just like the true meaning of water born in the Five Lakes and Four Seas, and the true meaning of earth born in the Three Mountains and Five Peaks and Ten Directions, can it be possible to cultivate the true meaning of gold!

Then wait until the catastrophe of heaven and earth, the true meaning will evolve, and then you can get a trace of the power of real gold from the origin of the universe!

There is only one way to cultivate the Golden Dawn of the Ten Thousand Worlds Buddha to the extreme, that is, burning in a raging fire, and tempering it a thousand times!

So, everyone, I need your help to help me cultivate the true meaning!"

This Hunyuan Golden Bowl, Hunyuan Golden Lamp, Hunyuan Golden Sword, and Hunyuan Golden Whip all contain a gold character, which just corresponds to the true meaning of gold that Luo Li wants, so Luo Li asks them for help!

Xiaoguang immediately said, "No problem!"

Xiaosha said, "Kill!"

Luo Li hurriedly said, "No hurry, no hurry!"

"This is the great way, don't be reckless, only a little bit of cultivation will make progress, don't cut me down, really kill me!

My God's Life, after I was promoted to Return to the Void, I don't know if it will be effective, I'm really going to die, God's Life is ineffective, I'm really dead!"

This tenth-level magic weapon has endless power, Luo Li is also afraid, dare not use it rashly!

Xiaosha smiled awkwardly and said, "I know, I will be gentle!"

On the Hunyuan Golden Whip, with a bang, the dragon appeared, turned into a strong man, stood aside, and said:

"It seems to be fun, I'll come too!"

Luo Li said, "Okay, then let's start!"

First, the Hunyuan Golden Bowl collected Luo Li's true fire. This true fire, ordinary ninth-level magic weapons, can't be collected at all, but the Hunyuan Golden Bowl can collect some, but it can't be collected for a long time. After a long time, the true fire mutates and is no longer true fire.

Luo Li used the Golden Dawn of the Eternal Buddha, which suddenly rose up with a golden light to protect himself!

Immediately, Xiao Jin began to release the real fire. The real fire burned and began to burn Luo Li's Eternal Pagoda Jin Chenxi.

Although the Golden Chenxi of the Eternal Buddha is Luo Li's strongest defensive spell, when it encounters real fire, it immediately makes a squeaking sound and is burned to pieces, and will be destroyed in less than ten breaths.

Luo Li hurriedly shouted: "Okay, okay!"

Xiao Jin hurriedly put away the real fire, and Xiao Guang immediately released the light of the golden lamp. Luo Li activated the broken Eternal Buddha Golden Dawn to simulate absorbing the light of Xiao Guang's golden lamp.

After being burned by real fire, the Eternal Buddha Golden Dawn becomes soft and no longer so rigid. With this, Luo Li can reorganize the Eternal Buddha Golden Dawn and simulate the invincible defensive light of the Hunyuan Golden Lantern!

After absorbing the golden light, Jin Chenxi's weakness soon disappeared and returned to normal, seemingly a bit tougher than before!

Then the Hunyuan Golden Sword and the Hunyuan Golden Whip took action. They just used a little bit of power to temper Luo Li's Eternal Buddha Golden Chenxi!

"Puff" "Crack!"

Hearing only two sounds, the light of Jin Chenxi was extinguished. Luo Li opened his mouth and almost spit out a mouthful of blood!

The tenth level magic weapon is powerful!

However, Luo Li soon continued to practice!

In this way, Luo Li used his true fire power and three tenth-level magic weapons to start cultivating his Eternal Buddha Golden Dawn.

Although the Golden Dawn of the Eternal Buddha is very strong, it is impossible to resist them. However, under Luo Li's deliberate sacrifice, the Golden Morning of the Eternal Buddha becomes stronger and stronger, the light becomes more and more powerful, and it becomes more powerful. .

The Golden Dawn of the Wanshi Pagoda originally comes from the thirteen Dharma doors of the Golden Pagoda of the Hunyuan Sect, including sand, bone, flesh, skin, shield, treasure, robe, armor, phase, air, door, wall, and palace! Each has its own secret!

During this continuous training, Luo Li understood this more and more deeply!

The light of the golden morning gradually decomposed into thirteen rays, transforming and manifesting the power of sand, bone, flesh, skin, shield, treasure, robe, armor, phase, Qi, door, wall, and palace, and then combined One, and then another split!

Like this, thirty-six consecutive changes!

So far, the golden morning light of the Eternal Buddha has not changed at all. It is just a golden light, neither bright nor visible, but it can withstand the burning of real fire for several hours, and can withstand the tempering and beating of tenth-level magic weapons.

But the true meaning of the golden silk was not born!

Luo Li was practicing again that day. Suddenly, Senior Brother Wang Wu arrived!

He looked at Luo Li and said anxiously:

"Junior Brother Luo Li, there is something you need to do!"

Luo Li was stunned and said, "What's the matter?"

Wang Wu said: "Among the many monks who arrived in our Chunan area, Chilong Zhenyi discovered something strange. It seemed that there were creatures pretending to be monks. They were not human beings, and they might be spies from all races!

But those Wanzu spies seem to be very strong. I'm afraid that Lilong Shinichi will block them and be harmed by them!

Among the other sects, you are the only one in the sect, so please come over and have a look! "

Luo Li immediately put down his training and said, "Okay, I'll go! I'll go meet the powerful men from all races!"

What was supposed to come has come, and the coalition of all races has begun to show signs! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!\u003c/p\u003e

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