Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,323: A dream to open up new territories!

In the Central Plains region, on the edge of the outer sea, countless whirlpools can be seen swirling on the sea in the distance.

The vortex swirled, setting off endless waves, forming bursts of water mist. From a distance, it looked like a sea of ​​fog!

This is the original Xianqin Tiancha Passage, from which one can go from the Central Plains region to the Southern Chu region. It is the legacy left by the Xianqin Empire.

Although there were catastrophes in the Central Plains, landslides and ground cracks, fires boiled, meteorites fell, and one out of ten people died, these were countless times weaker than the catastrophes in the Chunan region.

In this catastrophe, the Immortal Qin Heavenly Chasm in the southern Chu region collapsed, causing the equivalent Immortal Qin Heavenly Chasm in the Central Plains region to also be destroyed.

In the blink of an eye, four years have passed since the catastrophe. After the Chunan region returned to normal, the Immortal Qin Heavenly Chasm, which had been completely shattered, gradually recovered automatically. At the same time, the Central Plains region also began to gradually recover.

According to the calculations of the Stealing Luck Guantian Sect, the Chunan area has returned to normal, and there are countless treasures waiting to be developed!

So outside the whirlpool, above the sea, above the void, there are thousands of monks, waiting here silently!

Some of these monks ride on giant boats and drift on the sea, some control birds and soar in the sky, and some ride on flying cars and float in the sky.

There were people gathering in groups, laughing and being extremely happy. These were the disciples of the Immortal Cultivation Family!

Some are hundreds of people like one person, motionless, like puppets. These are Tao soldiers trained within the sect, with strict discipline.

There are still people. Groups of small and large, groups of seven and eight, many casual cultivators and friends gathered together, and there were also many solo knight-errants, preparing alone!

However, the best seats near the whirlpool were occupied by groups of monks with bright clothes and splendid robes.

These monks. Other monks. When you see them, stay away from them because they are monks from powerful sects in the Central Plains region.

Not the door-to-door, but also the side door. Strong. Those ordinary monks. You can only stay away from it!

Among the crowd, the most prominent ones were the Nascent Soul Lords.

One of them is not wearing a hair crown. But his hair was in a tight bun and was combed meticulously, his robes were wrinkle-free, and he held a scroll in his hand. His eyes are majestic and his behavior is serious and rigid.

This person was none other than True Lord Wu Yanzong Dangyue. He looked at his companions and said slowly:

"Senior Brother Luo Hai, it seems that this time, only you and I will go on an expedition!"

The True Monarch of Luo Hai wears a coat of dust on his head and a robe of stars washed by the glowing moon. He has a thin beard and a long beard. He has a handsome appearance and is surrounded by mist and mist.

He sighed and said:

“I don’t know what’s going on over there, it might be extremely dangerous!

Neither the Returning Ancestors nor those old God Transformation guys will go there rashly. Only you and I, the Nascent Soul who have no foundation within the sect are shocked, will be sent to act like this! "

Lord Dangyue smiled and said, "That's alright. Otherwise, when can you and I represent the Buyan Sect and the Great Luo Jinxian Sect!"

Next to him, there is a tall and noble old Taoist, wearing a loose ocher Taoist robe, holding a jade board, and a long beard under his chin fluttering in the wind. He has a Taoist fairy-like appearance. This person is the representative of Kunlun, the True Monarch of Qingyue!

After hearing this, he opened his mouth and said:

"Actually, it's not necessarily dangerous. Maybe the world over there has stabilized. Although countless people died in this catastrophe, with the falling of meteorites from that world, there are also countless good things!"

True Lord Luo Hai shook his head and said: "The catastrophe is too terrible! My uncle Heng that day, the True Master of Transformation God, died in such a sudden, I am scared just thinking about it!

In addition, it is said that the soul lamp of Kunlun Taiyi, the noble sect, has been extinguished. He is said to be eternal, so isn't he also dead? "

Before Kunlun Qingyue Zhenjun could reply, a Huaxin woman next to her, with a beautiful face and a little red lips, her hair in a high bun, wearing a wide-sleeved foxtail coat, long silk, and a Yao silk sash tied around her waist, took over the conversation and said:

"Senior Brother Luo Hai, that's not necessarily the case. According to the calculations of our Zongguan Tianchedi Cave You**, this catastrophe will be the most severe in the Chunan area!

However, with the appearance of the Immortal Qin Heavenly Chasm, normality should return there. In this catastrophe, many sects in the Chunan region may not be able to escape. The Chunan region is a virgin land with countless treasures and countless opportunities!

In the past, we mined at will, and even established our own sects. Maybe we can be promoted to left-right sects in the future!

Although our trip is very dangerous, it is possible to earn countless wealth through this!'

Following her words, everyone looked towards the chasm passage, with endless expectations and greed in their eyes. Maybe their future lies behind it!

Finally, the passage gradually became stable. With a bang, the vortex was fixed, the clouds and fog in the sky disappeared, and the obstacles that were originally inaccessible also disappeared.

Everyone looked at each other. When things came to a close, it was the extremely worried Zhenjun Luo Hai who stood up first and said:

"Finding wealth in danger! I'll come first!"

He stretched out his hand, released a flying boat, entered it, and then piloted the flying boat to fly to the chasm passage.

If you want to cross this natural chasm passage, you must use treasures such as flying boats. You cannot cross it naked. This type of flying boat is called a cross-border flying boat!

Entering within a hundred miles of the Tianqian Passage, the flying boat immediately loses control. It is controlled by the Tianqian Passage and then teleported to another area.

Everyone looked at Zhenjun Luo Hai's flying boat with great anticipation!

The flying boat gradually entered the whirlpool, and then disappeared without a trace!

True Lord Kunlun Qingyue couldn't help but said: "You can pass, Chu Nan, I'm coming too!"

Immediately, Kunlun Qingyue Zhenjun also entered in a flying boat, and everyone else followed, and then the casual cultivators outside rushed over in a swarm!

According to the news they received, the catastrophe in the Chunan region was the most serious. The sky and the earth were shattered. All the sects there should be destroyed. The world should evolve. There should be countless treasures there. A beautiful new world, where you can occupy the chassis at will. Here we come!

True Monarch Na Luo Hai was extremely excited. Finally, the front was no longer teleported. The space flashed and his flying boat landed on the sea. He knew that he had arrived in the Chunan area.

Taking a deep breath, others couldn't help but say: "What a rich spiritual energy! It's developed, it's developed!"

Looking around, he was filled with endless joy, the beautiful new world, here I come!

Just when he was happy, he heard someone shouting in his ear:

"Hey, that monk, you are from that sect, come here and register!"

Zhenjun Luo Hai was stunned, how could there be anyone alive? Didn't it mean that there was a catastrophe in the Chunan area and everyone died?

Looking over, I saw dozens of flying boats across the sky in the distance, and hundreds of monks queuing up somewhere. I wonder what they are waiting for?

Among them, the person calling out to True Lord Luo Hai was a true Lord of God Transformation, who was chatting with several people!

Seeing Luo Hai, he shouted casually. Luo Hai looked over, saw the other person's clothes, felt the other person's cultivation, and immediately acted honestly!

But he whispered:

"Hunyuan Sect? Luofu Sword Sect? Galaxy Star Sword Sect? Heart Zen Sword Sect? Evil Demon Sect? Light Demon Sect..."

"That, that, should be the legendary Shenwei Sect!"

He couldn't help but said loudly: "You are not dead?"

One of the God-Transforming True Lords shouted: "Why die? This is an extraordinary period, a catastrophe for heaven and earth!

In order to prevent the undercover infiltration of thousands of people from outside the domain, every monk who enters the Chunan region must register!

You, come here, that sect, tell me clearly what you are doing here! "

Zhenjun Luo Hai was immediately dumbfounded. With these people coming to his door, how could he benefit from it? What kind of prosperity could he get? It was just a dream! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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